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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Where are you Munga?... can't be Australia if you're off to the pub at that hour of the morning.
  2. Well, I guess that logo above would be great for marketing to the kids... stickers for schoolbooks, kids t-shirts, jumpers, beanies etc... but the new logo the club has come up with is ideal for general branding and marketing of the club.
  3. All that needs to be done (and this could be optional) is insert Melbourne (chanted) in the gap at the end of each pair - that would work without compromising the lyrical/musical integrity of the song: It's a grand old flag it's a high flying flag, It's the emblem for me and for you, (Mel - bourne) It's the emblem of the team we love, The team of the red and the blue, (Mel - bourne) etc etc
  4. Never heard of wireless or bluetooth keyboards?
  5. On that point you'll get no argument from me Rob... however, I would say he offers a lot more than we see when it comes to mentoring and guiding off the field of play.
  6. Leadership is not restricted to onfield performance.
  7. That was around the time of my first foray into the wonders of live concerts... I went to a Go!! Show at the Myer Music Bow(el)l that featured the likes of The Bee Gees (Specks and Specks period), Olivia Newtown John, The Loved Ones, MPD. The Wild Cherries etc... good times
  8. OD, are you on the double malt this early in the day? I mean, you can't even use the typo excuse as the X and K are nowhere near each other on the keyboard ;-)
  9. Hence my "get out clause" of "but that's just me, I fear". However, if you elongate that WB logo El Greco style, hold it at arms length and half close your eyes...
  10. I liked what the previous logo stood for, but as was mentioned before, it was not really a logo as a logo should be easily/instantly recognisable... it looked more like a shield(?). I like the new one, but if I was to have one complaint it is that the shape reminds me a little too much of the Warner Bros logo (but that's just me, I fear).
  11. I loved some of those tweeted responses to the coffee cup... luke warm in 5 minutes and cold at the 10 minute mark.
  12. As far as I am concerned that is NOT Fleetwood Mac... the moment Peter Green walked out of the door was the moment Fleetwood Mac ceased to exist.
  13. Finally some good news... the meniscal repair surgery happened today and Liam is now resting, albeit with a fairly painful knee (hitting the Panadein Forte). The good news is that the surgeon took a look at the ACL and MCL while he was in there and all is looking good... this means that Liam should be able to resume full training in 5 - 6 months, so with a little luck and a lot of effort, he may be right to start playing for about half of season 2016! At the moment his joy is countering any physical pain he may be feeling. For any Sydney based D'Landers who may read this, please feel free to come and have a celebratory drink with me at the Gasoline Pony in Marrickville this Saturday afternoon between 3 and 6pm when my band Los Romeos Oxidados is playing... https://www.facebook.com/events/1644998282429081/
  14. Maybe we all need to revisit the opening post in this thread to refresh our memories: http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/39405-training-monday-9th-november-2015/?p=1184906
  15. I appreciate all training reports regardless of who has written them and how comprehensive they are in their content or how professionally (or not) they have been written... the fact that anyone goes to the trouble to first of all attend training and then to write a report (even if it's just a few lines) for our benefit is appreciated.
  16. If I'd inhaled, I fear I would have drowned in my own vomit!
  17. I was given a free ticket to see The Commodores (with Lionel Richie)... and went
  18. Thanks Chook, I'll look into that... although we are happy with the physio he has and once our private cover bucket is replenished as of 01/01/16 it will only cost $8.50 a session which I can claim via the football insurance. It's the fact that Medicare won't allow claims on the Medicare gap portion that really hurts as the surgeon, surgeon's assistant and anesthetist cost the big bucks. Anyway, as long as my son can get back playing then all else pales into insignificance... first world problems, I think its called :-)
  19. In all fairness, Saty never wore the lycra... that was someone else who would turn up on a cycle.
  20. My boy Liam finally goes in for surgery next Wednesday. It was decided that he have a follow up MRI and X-ray which revealed that the ACL appeared to be healing well of its own accord and that the bone chip was sitting perfectly and should be able to reattach (however that works). However, it is still necessary to have an arthroscopy to repair the meniscus which is what will happen next week. The upside of this is that he should be able to start doing some light running within six weeks and that he should be able to play some footy next season as opposed to missing the entire season. From a personal position, I'm a bit [censored] off with the way insurance works. Apparently Medicare does not allow payout of the Medicare Gap which just happens to be the most expensive part of the whole process (unless we want to go onto a waiting list for public hospital admission which would mean a wait of 8 to 12 months). We will be covered for the physio, but as the first thing I did on being made redundant was to pay up my private health cover for the next year, that is a relatively minor portion of my expenses. I cannot understand why Medicare do this as the only beneficiary is the insurance company... does anyone here know the story or know of any way around it? No-one I talk to at the Medicare offices seems to be able to explain it to me and on visiting the Medicare website, there doesn't appear to be any phone number I can call. Extremely frustrating!
  21. A couple more from that era...
  22. I get the feeling that Wrecker possibly has some kind of vested interest in the fossil fuel area.... otherwise, what could possibly explain his continued and relentless assault on the possibility that global warming may actually be very real?
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