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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Well, until Weideman and Oliver prove themselves at the AFL level, I think Watts is still ahead of them. To rate them as part of the top 22 without having yet done a thing with the club is a bit rich.
  2. Ok, sorry DC, I forgot there are some older members on these boards... Johnny Farnham; ringing any bells yet?
  3. Hey Rob, I'm a singer (of sorts) and no-one knows me. Also, is BG Farnhams old guitarist Brett Garsed? If so, what does rjay mean by "no longer with us"?
  4. Rookie list Morabito... if for no other reason than to [censored] off Freo. If he can keep his body together he would be a worthwhile player; let's not forget that Gawn has been through just as much in terms of injury and certainly looks to have turned the corner to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if he's soon knocking on the door of AA selection.
  5. Judging by Knightmare's review, the midfield may well become Oliver's Army; let's hope they're here to stay.
  6. It wasn't really a snide comment... it was more about his kicking skills and was a failed attempt at a humorous response to an earlier post.
  7. Yes, but he's gone to Essendon, so he should be twice the size by season's start.
  8. Hopefully the similarities begin and end with the hair colour.
  9. ProDee... you're talking about a period of just 92 years (1923 to 2015)... just how many thousands of years had those glaciers survived up to your first sited report of 1923? You don't think that melting ice affects the warmer currents (cooling them down) and that in turn can create colder than normal weather in parts that are usually affected by warm currents? You think that a glacier losing up to one third of its ice in the space of 18 years after surviving for thousands of years, is normal? Ok.
  10. Why? He gets to hide in the wardrobe with a camera.
  11. Like you, I am not qualified judge such things based on data we know nothing about (no doubt one can find enough data to argue either side of the case if one looks hard enough), but unlike you, I am not obsessed with trying to prove my point one way or the other, especially on a General forum on a footy oriented website. And like you, I am good at missing questions (I think you may have overlooked a couple of mine regarding links?).
  12. ^^^ Manufacturing purses from sows' ears comes to mind Pro Dee. I'm really not sure what worries you more... having to prove your point or having to protect your hip pocket.
  13. ProDee... can you please provide some links for these odd little bits of info you keep throwing on here... I have tried using image search and nothing comes up... or do you doctor your own images?
  14. Probably best to provide the link to the appropriate page so that people can get a more complete/balanced view: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise
  15. The problem here is that the title of your topic seems to be inferring that the issue is with Martin Flanagan, when in actual fact the issue is the rejection of your emailed response; hardly Flanagan's fault. Have you tried contacting The Age (by phone) to see if they are aware of the problem (or even post on their Facebook page)?
  16. I would say "drugs" are definitely your specialty.
  17. Stretch is looking a lot bigger now... https://www.instagram.com/p/-Qrv6MKxiT/
  18. http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/39417-logo-done-tick-next-theme-song/?p=1186445
  19. Yes I know it's not MFC (or even AFL for that matter) related, but this man was an unbelievable athlete and I thought this sad news was worthy of first posting here where it would be seen rather than hidden away in the Other Sports forum to where it will undoubtedly be moved at some point: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=11547393&ref=NZH_FBpage
  20. I hereby grant you absolution... all of your sins and transgressions are forgiven!
  21. I'd like to see them doing it Spanish Inquisition style... bring in the comfy chair!!
  22. And just how does any of that justify your calling him a "moron"??? I would have thought an apology may have been in order.
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