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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Hogan's been getting a lot of praise for his last quarter effort (and rightly so), but let's not lose sight of the fact that two of those three goals were set up by Watts.
  2. For all we know he may have asked to be dropped from the leadership group so he could concentrate on his game. As for missing round one, he was injured, missed game time as a result and it may be that he is simply not ready to come in yet, but has been named as an emergency in case there is a late withdrawal where a 75% Dunn is the best option.
  3. I really don't like the way the umpires are now ruling on the deliberate out of bounds. A Carlton player just got pinged after the ball was followed to the boundary by a Richmond player who intentionally made no effort to get the ball when he quite obviously could have. The umpire asked the boundary ump if the Richmond player had touched the ball, and when the answer was "no", called deliberate. Surely the fact that the ball was ushered out by the Richmond player (who could have taken control of the ball) should mean it was the Richmnd player who deliberately let the ball go out of bounds and who should have therefore been penalised.
  4. If he was nothing, you wouldn't have even bothered to comment, surely.
  5. Yes it was EH... GCS = Gold Coast Suns ;-)
  6. Like DemonDave, it's Stevie J that worries me more than the Mummy. I'm feeling a bit like I did going in to round 1 against GCS last year, albeit this time a little more confident of a win. Many are saying Hogan will get the goals...I'm more of the thought that Garlett and Watts will be our main scorers. I can see us winning by about 17 points.
  7. Nah, when we're in Melbourne we always walk from the city to Goschs...it's quite a pleasant stroll along the Yarra.
  8. Thanks very much for that...I didn't even think to look under training times (thick as two short planks am I)
  9. Thanks for asking...he's started running (but the shock of that gave him a touch of bursitis) and he had his first kick last Thursday...so coming along very nicely. He should be able to resume full training late April or early May.
  10. Saty, do you have any idea what time the Casey match at Goschs will kick off? I did a quick search of the MelbourneFC site and couldn't find anything.
  11. Fantastico!! Thanks for that info... do you happen to know what the kick off time might be? (I should probably look it up myself I suppose)
  12. Who needs teams? The less information I have, the better I usually go... don't like to overthink things ;-)
  13. Unfortunately we are without car (flying down), so Casey may be a bridge too far. Will put it to the boy depending on what public transport options are like.
  14. Damn! We can't make it down from Sydney until Thursday afternoon and my son was hoping we could catch a training session :-(
  15. Is there likely to be training on Good Friday? Has that been the case in the past?
  16. No one seems to have noticed Jesse's tapping of his fingers on the desktop? It was clearly morse code, and to these old ears when decoded it was "I'm gone" repeated over and over. Also, if you play the club song backwards at 53.8rpm, "Jesse's off to Freo" can be heard over the general static.
  17. Reactivated and tips locked in...hoping for a top 8 finish this year.
  18. I thought it was a winger standing on his head.
  19. Essentially it's flagrant disregard for her employers...the fans are the ones who provide her with her income.
  20. I'm pretty sure you'll like it a lot... very Stones like in its musical format. Great rock with some nice real RnB (as opposed to what passes as supposed RnB these days).
  21. It's having a go at the whiners who always complain about these commentators hating the MFC and never having a good thing to say about the MFC (as recently as last Sunday's game). Here they are making very reasonable assessments of where the club is heading, so that, in my opinion, must grate on some of those who love to hate the likes of Derm, King and Dunstall (who I have often heard praising the MFC, while others seem to experience selective deafness) etc. The post is not directed at any individuals... just the victim attitude that so many MFC supporters seem to have developed.
  22. This must come as a major disappointment for those who have been crying out about half of those cited above hating the Dees and never having a good thing to say about the club.
  23. So that's 791 more members required to surpass our round 1 membership record of 32, 451.
  24. I don't mind what the Ox said re Jesse's kicking... it may have given him the incentive to fix the problem quickly and that may well have been the Ox's intention.
  25. He was tested after the Saints game and found to have traces of Meldrumium in his system?
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