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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. I remember last year him saying he wanted to get to christmas. Well Jim you are on your way to another christmas. Im just amazed by his toughness and its interesting to hear him say before his illness he and Sam used to fight a lot. I know couples fight but Jim has always come across as a peaceful calm man who would to me would never get angry at anything. Anyway hopefully this new drug just helps him a bit. The muesli I think is targeted for people that are going through cancer or what a healthy alternative. I wouldnt buy it but I reckon if I had cancer id give anything a go.
  2. Interesting to see that Mark said he will announce the leadship group and captain in march. Said the reality is he doeant know them yet. Interesting to see if he will sit down with Green when he gets back from the international series and keep him as captain or see how they go during pre season and make him prove why he should be captain. I like it.
  3. Why is Newton still trawling around overseas. I would have thought it would have been wise to be at the first training session with the new coaches. Unless he got special permission. Which knowing him he probably did.
  4. I woudl ahve asked why is there a guy still hanging around our club who has only played 28 games in 7 years.
  5. I went and it was great to see Jimmy there even though he didnt look the best. Also a nice tribute to Sean Wight at half time. I will tell you what though I think one James Frawley hasnt been doing to much over the last few weeks. He was sucking the breaths in big time off the ball. Hunched over trying to catch is breath. Brad Green was still the same in some ways. Missed easy shots but you cant blame him entirely. Ireland were fantastic. There skill with the ball, and there pace and even there marks were great. It would be awesome to watch a game over in Ireland.
  6. Remember Steve Johnson kept getting in trouble and geelong finally had enough and suspended him for the first 6 weeks. He turned his career and life around. He is now a 3 time premiership player and a norm smith medalist and about to be a dad. Im glad he has been suspended for round 1. This isnt his first incident and from the news report he broke team rules and failed to notify the club of the incident. This is why footy players keep getting in trouble because clubs dont come down on them hard enough. So I congratulate Mark and the club for making htis decision. The thing is Colin now has to sit through this weekend knowing on monday morning he has to walk into the club and face the team and his new coach. The guy is 25 not 16. He would have known the repuccussions and new the media would find out.
  7. Ok just had a quick scan. Firstly why oh why are the AFL sending us back down to geelong. I thought they may had some sympathy for us after what happened last year. Well that will be a 1st for Mark, going down to geelong. Again we have to play essendon in an away game. They got the home game last year. Its our turn. but im glad its at the G and not docklands. Why do we have to play GWS at Manuka. Thats stupid. ANother home game at etihad stadium against an interstate club and we have to play nth there again. But im happy we play the saints at the G. Havent done that in awhile and an interstate game last round. Im expecting finals so I hope its friday or sat then. Anyway at least we have a lot of games at the G. had against an interstate club.
  8. Well I hope we play GWS at the G. I wont boo Scully for the reason he took the money. I dont be grudge him for that, but I may boo because I still reckon he lied about when he made his mind up. Anyway by round 12 or 13 Scully's knee would have probably flared up again. God I hope Geelong thrash GWS by more than what they thrashed us by or we will look stupid. Scully for a 2nd year can be part of another thrashing. Anyway looking foward to the rest of the draw and how it pans out.
  9. Well I guess because Green is a current captain and he has the soccer background and is probbaly the oldest player so it was obvious to make him captain. It makes me laugh big Maxy let it slip. Thats the problem with AFL people, no one is prepared to embrace things. Years ago this series was a big deal and I know since they stopped making it every year its not a big a build up but I am one of those people going, mainly because club members got 40% off so it only costs me $9, and im looking foward to seeing Trengove, Frawley and green play. I was looking foward to Sylvia to. Look at the NRL. They play State of Origin which is massive, and now they are overseas playing a 4 nations tournament. They love it and embrace it. We are to scared of a player getting hurt. A player can get hurt walking out there front door. If they get hurt they get hurt. If one of our players gets seriously injured or worse does a knee then yeah it would be horrible, but I bet Trengove and Frawley are excited about playing and being around other senior players. Maybe they can get some tips off some of the geelong players and watch how they go about things.
  10. Well actually he wasnt really allowed to be drunk when he had to front up to an international rules training sessions today. Yes I know this year it hasnt been as big as other years and some dont take it seriously but he still had a committment and he coulfnt fuflfil it. Wont Greg Denham have a field day with this on SEN during the week. Just more ammo for him to have another crack at us.
  11. Please does anyone seriously believe his mate was dropping him home after staying the night. What 26 year old male stays at a mates place then lets him drive his car and gets dropped home so early on a sunday morning. If Colin stayed the night then why didnt he drive his own car home. My guess is because he knew he couldnt. He and his mate obviously panicked when they hit the pole. Mind you Ive never known someone just to hit a pole when they are driving sensibily. But what Colin didnt realise was there were CCTV cameras around which got him straight away and easy for the cops to identify. If this was a carlton or a collingwood player we would be on here saying what an idiot he is. Anyway im sure Mark will be having to chat to him if he already hasnt. 5 weeks in as coach and his first player issue. At least it wasnt next weekend and he did this the day before pre season training.
  12. If he had to many to drink then fine he did the sensible thing and got who ever he was with to drive his car. But the fact the car hit a pole and they just drove off is stupid and idiotic. I wonder if it was another MFC player or another player driving. Its lucky they hit a pole and nothing else. The fact is though he had training today for the international rules. I know some people hog wash it but the fact is Rodney Eade was expecting him at training today. Its still a team and he should respect that. Its stupid to get home at 6:45 in the morning on the day of a training session. Its fair to say his lack of brains let him down sometimes. Ih he didnt have training today then it wouldnt bother me as much but he has a committment and should honour it,. Show some respect to Eade and Co.
  13. Well im renewing mine this week. I reckon we will beat the record again. The new changes should build up membership. We will get a brand new member next year because I will have have my first neice or nephew next year. Actually its due date is round 1 melbourne v brisbane. Ive already told my brother and Sister in Law when its born im signing it up.
  14. Thinking about what Mark Neeld said on SEN this morning when he said he put our foward line up on the magnet board he said it looks pretty good but he needs to make it work on match days. Id say and this isnt in any order of set up but Id have Watts, Jurrah, Clark, Howe Pettard and Green with hopefully a fit Aussie down there and Jamar rotating through. Also have DAvey floating thorugh as well. Ive probably left out someone but that would be a handy foward line.
  15. There was also another story in inside footy a while back when he said to the players before our Best and Fairest night that if they see some attrictive young girls in the room ask them there surname because if its Neeld and you go near them our career will be very short here at melbourne. I also like his tweeting back to the players when they have tweeted about what they have eaten overseas in particular Chip, Mark just send a subtle tweet back saying remember pre season training is starting. I just hope Aussie is paying attention.
  16. Mark Neeld was on SEN this morning telling the story how they got Clarke. Said 3 of them, im assuming him Schwab and RAwlings went to brisbane airport with no other clothes and the 3 of them stayed in a dingy hotel at $90 a night and mark wouldnt sleep under the doona fearing he would catch something and the air conditioner was hanging out on the wall. Jade had been at the races so he wasnt in great nick, then the next day they went to the marriot I htink and met Clarke and pretended they had stayed there. made a pitch to Clarke and spent about 12 hours there then realised they smelt a bit so they went to David Jones to buy some new clothes then met up with Calrke again then Clarke rang up later that night and said all the hassling paid off I will come. Funny story. ANyway when asked that it was a bit harsh that he made the players go back next monday during melbourne cup week Mark replied well if our premiership cabinet was full of trophies then I may not have done that but seeing as its been awhile we nedd to get back into it. He is just so professional and has a sense of humour as well. Im looking foward to see what he does with the team.
  17. Why didnt Greg name the other club as well in his article? Have the guts Greg instead of just picking on us.
  18. Will KB call Greg Denham out on this next week. He will say we approached Jeff and whe won't back down. The thing is someone must have asked him because Jeff just wouldn't sit there and think I might make up a story about melbourne approaching me. Maybe someone did and doesnt have the guts to own up.
  19. Im glad we are playing them in round 1 when we will get a good crowd because its the first game and everyone will want to see our new game style and new players. Its better to play them at the G in round 1 then round 18 in case we arent going so well. I wonder when we will play GWS? It better be at the G.
  20. Well I hope for Aussies sake he turns up in good condition. It may be a shock to the players because this is a guy that has worked with a team that made 3 grand finals and has been involved in the finals campaign for number of years. Just get them working hard.
  21. My question is why and whose bright idea was it to approach Jeff. Of course Jeff wouldnt do it. He isnt a melbourne person. Its like Frank Costa being president of another club or Eddie. Jeff was on SEN this morning talking about it. But if I was Jeff Id reject it to. At the time of Baileys sacking it was well reported in the news that Cameron was going to get the sack, instead he got another year and Dean got sacked. KB told Greg to get off melbourne supporters backs and leave the club alone. All we can do is next year is to get into the finals and shut people up.
  22. Let me ask you this. Does a player who over 7 years has only played 28 games deserve to still be at this club. Id say no
  23. Im glad there are others out there that feel the same way about Newton. If he survives I want answers. Yes I know he is a rookie but he is still clogging that spot for someone who in the future we could use. We have enough backup ruckman now and we dont need another foward. Seriously who can believe he is still with us after 7 years. As I said last year. I never thought Id see the day that James McDonald would get shafted from the club before Juice. If Newton survives yet again then I reckon he has other issues that the club are helping him through. If he was around long enough to be a 10 year life member then that would be the biggest joke. Mark wake up he wont help us. Get a young kid in on the rookie list.
  24. We arent in a rabble I think Port are a team that are in a rabble. But some of the things Greg said are right. At the moment we dont stand for much. We arent a big melbourne club, no one fears playing us, we dont have the big crowds , our supporters dont turn up if we are losing and at the moment we dont have any superstar players that people rate. I think we have some great players but no on else looks at our list and says there is superstar. Clark well I think it was a great move and the jury will be out on the decision and what we are paying him but I reckon he will deliver for us. As someone said on SEN we needed a tall foward not a mid fielder. Greg has to realise that we are over Scully going and some of us know that Jack Viney will slot in and do the job the year after. The only way to shut people up is to actually win and get into the finals on a consistent basis. Not come out and win by 10 goals then the next week lose by 80 points. We need consistent wins. Im confident 2012 will deliver that.
  25. It's nice to see an 18 page thread that is positive unlike the last one. Just a question and forgive me if it's on one of these pages. I'm not reading all of them. Did I hear right that Schwab, Neeld and Beamer went to Clark and spoke to him on why he should come to Melbourne. I just thought it was interesting that Beamer went and not our captain. I know Beamer barracked for the club as a kid and loves it and gives the new ones a book on the history of the club but I just thought it was interesting our captain didn't go.
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