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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. I mentioned this in another thread. As soon as we were looking for a coach I wnated the club to get Neeld. I know we have got the man to get uso out of this hole. The good thing about Neeld in this clip is he doesnt sugar coat anything and there is no crap from him. He just gets straight to the point and sets out what he wants to achieve. I find him refreahing and honest and in the next few years he will get us back on track.
  2. I know this is a bit off topic but did anyone see Mark Neelds address to the team on his first day of taking over when he spoke to them at aami park. Ch7 showed it and I saw it on the replay when I got home. I thought it was fantastic to see and he basically said he will have new structures and he will annoy the team with them and said everyones part of this structure and has a role to play and if you dont play it then you wont play. Said if we dont win 1 on 1 footy then we wont get very far and will find ourselves in a hole. Said the players can trust him and he doesnt care about the past because he doesnt know any of the players. ANyway just watching it I thought he is the right person to lead this club.
  3. How did Pettard go? He is one player I wnat to see come back.
  4. Was that the most emotional Neeld has got in the box. I was at the game so havent seen the tv replay but on the screen they kept showing him just blowing his stack. Feel sorry for the person on the end of that phone line. When Bartram kicked that great goals Neeld was down on the bench and got excited and pumped the fist. Maube he is seeing his players slowly get this game plan.
  5. providing Frawley and Calrk come up and Magners ankle is ok here are the first 2 changes im suggesting. In Frawley Clark Out Joel Macdonald Dunn I know people have said Dunn did a good job on Fiisher, well not in the 1st quarter he didnt. Dunnis a foward. he had a great kick on him but he needs to do more. Id like to see Pettard in as well and I hate to say it but maybe we have to drop Watts
  6. My frustrations tonight was around the packs stkilda had players supporting each other and got the ball out where we didnt seem to have a lot of support int he 2nd half. The saints players were just there to tackle us. Moloney missing that easy shot for goal in the 3rd quarter was frustrating and at the strat of the last quarter he got selfish and thought he could take on 3 saints and got caught holding the ball. The last quarter. Its 2012. How can a team not score in the last quarter. We played so well for the first 3. We proved we can kick goals without Clark although he may have been handy tonight. McDonald was great. When I saw him go to riewoldt I thought oh no he will kill him, but he managed to cpmpete with him and even win the ball himself. Much better than last week. I just hope we come out witht he same intensity next week and every other week.
  7. According to mmm James will be a late change tonight. Huge loss I reckon as he is the stable one down back. So who should we bring in. Pettard, Tappscott and Fitzpatrick are our emergencies. Maybe Pettard can come in and Watts can play back. This will put pressure on Rivers now and Joel macdonald will really have to stand up.
  8. Getting back to the main topic Mark Neeld will be on Tuesday on the run home according to a tweet.
  9. I wondered if Col would still miss a week. Im glad they did it. neeld isnt being the school bully. He is being a coach who wont take any crap from anyone. I didnt actually realise Sylvia was available this week. But it would be good to have him back and the extra week just freshens him up a bit. I would be very surprised if Sylvia stuffed up again.
  10. Hayes Goddard Del santo Riewoldt Kosi Montagua Milne Fisher Unfortunatley our midfiled seems to be the problem and the saints have a great one. But these are the main players that must be shut down.
  11. Jones is a frustrating one. Love his attack on the ball and will just go in hard but his kicking is attrocious. 44% efficiency yesterday by footy. Moloney was 53% by foot. Have to do better. Howes 2 marks were exciting. he will take mark of the year one day. It would just be great to see him kick some more goals I thought Rivers was good and Davey was showing some positive signs. I would hate to play in our backline. The amount of times it comes in there. My frustrations were the easy goals Watts and Clark missed in the 1st quarter, DAlhaus was basically allowed to do whatever he wanted. Frawley couldnt get that ball through for a point that cost us a goal and how we just couldnt get the extra goal to get in front. The really good thing was getting a back of the jumper sponser. Now we have got our sponsers and ur jumper doesnt look bare.
  12. Jones is a frustrating one. Love his attack on the ball and will just go in hard but his kicking is attrocious. 44% efficiency yesterday by footy. Moloney was 53% by foot. Have to do better. Howes 2 marks were exciting. he will take mark of the year one day. It would just be great to see him kick some more goals I thought Rivers was good and Davey was showing some positive signs. I would hate to play in our backline. The amount of times it comes in there. My frustrations were the easy goals Watts and Clark missed in the 1st quarter, DAlhaus was basically allowed to do whatever he wanted. Frawley couldnt get that ball through for a point that cost us a goal and how we just couldnt get the extra goal to get in front.
  13. Well done on those involved. I enjoyed the tribute before hand and well done to the bulldogs cheersquad on there banner. Nice tribute to Jim. I thought Robbo did a great job as mc and we probably dont need Nick McCallum anymore. David Bridie did a beautiful rendition of Danny Boy and Darryl was good as well. Well done to that 16yr old boy from Reach who spoke about Jim. Garry spoke well as always and the videos were really nice. The guard of honour was a nice touch and it was great to see some familiar faces on the there. It was great to see all of Jim's family there and it was fantatsic that Sam and the 2 kids tossed the coin. Shame it couldnt come off at match time but it was a great send off to Jim.
  14. I can see where Neeld is coming from. If we did everything properly then the scoreboard wouldnt matter because we would probably be in front. Tonight I saw how this game plan would work. There was a time there where the bulldogs just couldnt clear it out. The only problem was we couldnt get the ball back and take advantage. It was just frustrating we couldnt take advantage in the first quarter with momentum by kicking some goals we should have kicked.
  15. Tom couch must come in. Mitch Clark tweeted he is fine so he wont miss. I like to see Pettard back but if Sylvia is fit then definitely bring him back. Morton should be dropped for that ridicolous handball he couldnt do in the last quarter.
  16. Personally it doesnt bother me. But can I just ask how the muslims coped before the AFL came up with this. I mean it's not like they are a new breed of people who just dropped onto our planet. I hope that the AFL pay and the clubs dont have to fork out the money for this. I just think that would be unfair. I did like the cartoon in wither the age or the herald sun where they had a melbourne fan at the front of the queue waiting to go in.
  17. Dont you remember we didnt trade Brock. He wanted to leave because he thought it was to far to drive to Casey and this would affect his body. Porr guy. I liked him at melbourne because he was tough but I wouldnt want him back. He is to slow and definitely wouldnt be in Neeld's plans. Once we get Viney in our midfield will be ok.
  18. My neice is just over a week old. My brother signed her up as a member but tonight he said to me what the hell have I done to her. I said hopefully by the time she is aware of the footy we will be over our rebuilding and will actually start to win. I agree though. We dont have a superstar and dont know why when other clubs can get draft picks and theres turns out well.
  19. Well the good news is the dogs only kicked 5 goals for the game and got thrashed. Next week we could have a chance. They dont have hall or hudson anymore. The bad news is there midfield is still alright with Boyd cooney and co. So Royal better do his homework. I dont think there backline is to tall either. We need to exploit them. Lake has also been reported. Another week where a new coach will get there 1st win. Oh geez please let it be us.
  20. Mark Neeld is a tough person who will stick to his guns. This is a guy who delayed having life saving brain surgery so he could coach in the 2010 grand final replay. He is a very strong person and he will work through this. In 2 years we will be singing his praises. Well I hope so anyway.
  21. Yeah what was with that. he did it at 1/4 time as well. It looked like he had his arm around a mate and saying how ya going there. Anyway the worst thng is Neeld said in the presser that Moloney is still a few weeks away. How bad is this groin? We need Sylvia back as well but that wont be for a few weeks either.
  22. Today I sat there at the game and for the 1st time I actually thought our midfield looks so slow and did think why is Royal coach. People are right when they said he stuffed up the backline that Wellman improved dramatically and when we got rawlings whose idea was it to move him to midfield. We should have cleaned out everyone and started frash or moved him to a admin job like they did with Josh. We need someone younger and fresher but im not sure who. Maybe another robert harvey to help coach the midfield.
  23. Im not fully blaming mark neeld. The other new coaches at least have inherited some some experienced players and a superstar at there clubs. Lets face it we dont have a superstar player yet and has mark said in his presser a new coach has come in for a reason and you get 3 yeasr to show how you have developed the younger players. This is his only 3rd game. If nothing has improved next year then questions can be asked. he has to get this game plan through to the players. he has inherited a club that has not developed . the last 3 years. When we sacked Dean I wanted neeld as coach because I knew he would be hard on them and he has come from a superstar club that won a flag and also worked under Mick. My thing is I wish he would play Howe as a foward more and give Mitch a hand who just gets double teamed. And after today when he said the team moral is fine its the supporters he is worried about I thought dont worry about us, that's not your job, focus on getting the boys up and winning. I have faith in him and im not going to judge him after 3 games. This wouldnt be a picnic for him either.
  24. Well thats one good piece of news. It would be nice to finish it off with a win. I think the club needs a bit of a morale lift.
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