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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. Ok I know im 2 days early but im away for the weekend without much technology so there are a few things I want to know from the family day. 1) Did Mark Neeld speak & how did he sound and is he a friendly person to chat to? 2) Was Jim there 3) How was the day and was there a good turnout 4) Who else spoke?
  2. Finally the footys back and the main things im looking for tonight is: 1) A decent looking game plan and what see what Neeld has come up with 2) To win both games 3) Grimes to get through and no major injuries to anyone else 4) Clark to do well up foward 5) For us to man up our opposition. It frustrated the hell out of me last year when I looked down the field and see the opposition players loose downfield and they got easy goals.
  3. JB and Bill were just having a joke with the number 3 because they said that garry Lyon said after he retired he wanted the new captains to wear the number 3 in honour of his great captaincy. It was just Jb and Billy mucking around and trying to put Garry in it. Laughed when asked how would the tossing of the coin be decided Jack said they might have to do rock paper scissors before the game. But dood to hear the 2 captains got together over the weekend and mapped some stuff out.
  4. Well im stoked. I knew Jack T would make a great captain. He is great on the field, an outstanding speaker and he went to the club last year and said I want to re-sign for 3 more years. I feel a bit sorry for Green being out of the group all together but last year he couldnt deal with it and had a shocker and the year before he was outstanding. There is no pressure on him now as captain. Moloney surprised me but Im sure Mark spoke to him and Beamer will do what he does best. Just go in hard for the footy. I guess there are some surprises but we arent around the club so we dont know how these players are. Im glad we have someone like Neeld at our helm. He has the guts to make the tough call. On alighter note anyone read Max Gawns tweet. For those @gawndog37 fans that are shattered with the news of captaincy! No need to worry i just got appointed skipper of my mums dream team. Ha HA love his humour. Shattered he wont be playing in 2012,
  5. I do enjoy listening to Mark speak. He also has a sense of humour. Interesting to hear him say he has a few different things that he has told Jack Watts he wants him to do and said when he presented to the board put up his game plan and had the players in the positions where he wants them. I wonder if anyone will have a new spot. Laughed when he said why does everyone ask me about Jack Watts, and said poor Jack he cops it from everywhere but pointed out he wants him to have a consistent season and if he plays 60 games at the end of the saeson then that shows he was picked for 20 matches during the season and thats good for him. But basically said he will hear the others coaches opinions and read this excel spreadsheet but he will have the final say on the captaincy.
  6. Im glad Mark Neeld has come in and basically said this is my team and a fresh start. As they said on radio if it is green still then why wait until feb. Green couldnt dealwith the captaincy and still perform well. Lets face it we havent had a lot players standing out for the captaincy. We did have one but past people ditched him a season or 2 to early. Yes im talking about McDonald. Grimes would be the obvious choice if he had managed to actually play for the last few seasons. Trengove would be my choice. He is a great speaker, comes across as educated and friendly and is a good player. Dont worry about his age. He can cope with it. Our club has enough staff and mentors to help him. I also think Mark would help him a lot to. Frawley wouldnt be a bad option either and Moloney would be another obvious standout. I hope its out of these 3 although Jones could handle it as well. Anyway I guess whoever it is has impressed the coach and cant wait for the announcement.
  7. Was it Strauss that had that nasty leg break last year in the laste part of the season Anyway if it is how is he going and what stage is he up to in his rehab?
  8. I liked last years better. But its good this one has a theme to it. It would be great to get 40,000 members. Not fussed mark Neeld isnt in it. It isnt his job to be in the christmas video. I remember reading in that herald sun article last week he said who will play santa because im not doing it. Bails was at the club for a couple of years. Mark has only been ther a few months. Im sure he will be in next years. But very creative.
  9. Good news Jim is out of hospital and I hope he is at home taking it easy.
  10. He just keeps on amazing me. Whenever I dont hear anything about Jim I think he is going ok, so when I picked up the paper the other day and read how they were basically having a farewell bbq I was devastated. But we know he will never give up and the doctors wont either. Its nice that Sam has orgainsed his closest mates there to be with him when he wakes up. I see Garry and A McDonald are some of his mates that are at the hospital. Nayway good news about the op. Keep going Jimmy.
  11. I think Mitch Clark has quickly learnt what a great person Jim is and how highly regarded he is around not only melbourne but the city of melbourne. Im sure he will wear the number with pride. It also seems Calrk has been told by neeld he will be a permanent foward. At least that will give Jurrah and WAtts some help. Just hope we arent ot Clark conscious, Glad to see Jim down there. Good news that one of the tumours has shrunk by 1/2 but now the poor guy has to have another op on the brain. How much more can the brain take. It sounds like the doctors said nothing more we can d, Luckily they found somehting though. I remember at the start of last year Jim said he just wanted to get to christmas. Well it looks like he will see another one. Keep going Jim!
  12. I read on twitter that Jim was going to present Mitch Clark with his jumper. Do we always present the jumpers this early? Anyway obviously wearing number 11.
  13. No Newton? Maybe he has got the message finally. I wouldnt be surprised if we take Aussie as a rookie. But I guess its up to Mark.
  14. Dum question and ignore my ignorance but why havent geelong taken him under father son. They do it for every other player.
  15. The thing is though GWS have every right to go after Pendlebury. He is out of contract. Im not sure why Ed had a crack at us. We were never going to stop Tom Scully from leaving. The only thing we did wrong was believe anything he said. But if GWS are paying Scully 2 mill in his 1st year then that absurb amount after that then Pendlebury should get at least double. Imagine how much cash they will throw at him. Hard to resist. But in 3 years time when these 1st round draft picks are out of contract they will expect more pay and GWS may not have the room because of the players now on big money. Thats when the rest of the teams can poach them.
  16. The thing is we all knew Tom was going. But the way the AFL have set this up has made players lie. We all laugh at the NRL system because they have players sign mid season to play with a new team the following year and they still play the season out with there current team mates but at least they can be honest with everyone so we dont have this circus and speculation. Look how stupid Phil Davis looked when he had a press conference saying he is leaving adelaide and going to GWS. Then the GWS came out and said who is Phil we have never spoken to him. The AFL presumed GWS would do the same as the GC and target more experiemced players not go after the young ones. I wish someone could get Tom contract to find out when he really signed. Id expect the only one they would have is the one he signed when he finally revealed he was going. Dont get me wrong, im not defending Tom because I do not believe him when he said I made my mind up on the sunday. He knew ages ago and with his father being signed up a year ago well his dad would want to recruit some good players with his salary. But the scully name has dropped in reputation now and I just want to see Moloney or Tapscott sit him on his backside next year.
  17. He isnt bagging anyone. he is just saying what all people are thinking. There were situations in games last year where watts did lazy things. Im a watts fans and know he will make it but he isnt a new recruit anymore. He is there to get them to perform not molly coddle them. Jack and the others know they have to perform this year. reading the age article I just like how Neelds message to Sylvia was short and sharp. Im glad he told him he had no interest dealing with players who drink the night before a training sessions and said you arent playing round 1 then said to the rest of the group I dont know you so show us your actions and put your head down and i dont want to hear promises. I reckon Colin walked out of that meeting thinking I better not stuff uo again. I like it how he has come out and named names. Of course Davey and Morton need to have a better year. The whole team knows how bad 2011 was. Guess what peoples we have a tough coach now.
  18. Hang on yes I reckon he lied about when he knew he was going but I wanted him to come out and say what was happening behind the scenes. It obviously bothered him. There was obviously unplesantries going on when green and others went to the board. Schwab was going to get the flick but instead got an extension. Obiously Garry got in there and just had everyone say there issues out in the open. I just want us to be stable off the field and hope 2012 delivers on the field.
  19. The NRL are so paranoid about GWS coming into there town. Thats why Phil Gould went back to penrith to help them. NRL is different because the clubs dont need the big membership numbers and crowds to help teams financially. Some of the grounds are still surburban looking that dont hold much. They get excited if they get 30,000. Nrl fans watch there teams more on the box, hence why there ratings are higher than ours. I remember Russell Crowe going on the NRL footy show and getting all excited because they just signed there 1000 member. In a way I want GWS to fail so we can laugh at the AFL and tell them you stuffed up and also because of a certain player but on the other hand if some juniors had a crack at auskick and numbers grew then that would be nice. PS I know the thread is closed but Greg Denham just said on SEN pettard should have been mark of the year. He was nice to us! Also Kevin went on this site and read out some posts that had been written about Greg. He dint say to much.
  20. You dont think other clubs say things about former coaches. Of course Mark will be a tougher coach. I have nothing against Dean but he never had aplan B and the players didnt even know what the gamle plan was. KB stood up for us with Aussie and told Greg you cant get a player back if his heart isnt in it We all know that if we saw Aussie know he would be overweight and not fit. We cant keep chasing im. Obviously Greg Denham liked him and he valued him as a player more than what us supporters did. Anyway the guy is still a [censored].
  21. I remember last year him saying he wanted to get to christmas. Well Jim you are on your way to another christmas. Im just amazed by his toughness and its interesting to hear him say before his illness he and Sam used to fight a lot. I know couples fight but Jim has always come across as a peaceful calm man who would to me would never get angry at anything. Anyway hopefully this new drug just helps him a bit. The muesli I think is targeted for people that are going through cancer or what a healthy alternative. I wouldnt buy it but I reckon if I had cancer id give anything a go.
  22. Interesting to see that Mark said he will announce the leadship group and captain in march. Said the reality is he doeant know them yet. Interesting to see if he will sit down with Green when he gets back from the international series and keep him as captain or see how they go during pre season and make him prove why he should be captain. I like it.
  23. Why is Newton still trawling around overseas. I would have thought it would have been wise to be at the first training session with the new coaches. Unless he got special permission. Which knowing him he probably did.
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