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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. I dont think it was us that stuffed up that trade. I hitnk Sewell was happy to come it was Ferguson that refused to leave. More fool him. That was a stupid decision.
  2. Whoever it is then they are brave. I reckon our team has got to be so frustrating to coach. But I think it would be good to get an experienced coach. But they are taking on an exciting list.
  3. Yeah they said on mmm a few weeks ago that GWS could have someone right out of left field that no one has even thought about and when its revealed it will be suprising. I cant see Sam Mitchell going because he has 3 young children under 2. I reckon he & his wife would want the family support around them and he wouldnt want to leave hawthorn. Plus he is contracted next year. They just had Paul Conners on SEN with Harf and he said it wasnt all about the money, then harf said in all fairness if GWS only offered him abround 400,000 then he wouldnt have taken it. Conners said probably not but Ward was also excited about the people he would be playing with. Ward is doing a presser with GWS on wednesday where other team mates will be there. Apparently he told Paul last week he thought his mind was made up.
  4. Matthew Warnock has told melbourne he wants to be traded. I dont blame him. He is obviously frustrated with his lack of opportunity in senior level this season. He has only played 4 games. But I think our backline is something we have got right and is pretty settled. Anyway best of luck whereever he ends up. Cant we send him to GWS as our only player they can have instead of scully.
  5. Do you reckon melbourne will just put out a statement like this if Scully goes. I rerckon GWS will have a presser this week with Ward & Scully sitting there in there new polos. Well if you want to give Scully the captaincy then go ahead but everyone knows he isnt ready for it.
  6. Well it doesnt fill me with much hope when his uncle told me tonight he and his mum have been looking at houses around sydney. But hey maybe he realised its not the place to live and he just wanted to check it out. Anyway on another note did anyone see the doggies fans booing Ward today in the dogs, freo game. Anyway just get the announcement over and done with.
  7. Thats awesome. They just mentioned it on SEN and mentioned how sydney and essendon were sniffing around. Glad to see you re-sign Col.
  8. A few things about this article. Firstly this happend 5 years ago. Why is it just coming to our attention now. Is this guy still suffering damage. Remember those days when we were allowed to train on the G. Seriously who hasnt been hit in the head by a footy. Does this mean in another 5 years more people will be suing us because of last weeks kick to kick after the siren. Because there were footys flying everywhere and I saw 1 guy get smacked by the footy right on top of his head. Also 180,000 are you serious. Unless you have a serious brain injury or damage then you dont deserve it. Also sue the player not the club. Another thing pay attention to the surroundings around you and if you wernt wearing a hard hat then that is your fault. Gosh we are turning into america. Suing everyone for everything.
  9. Tom Scully general soreness. Whatever. We should make him play and if he hurts himself further its not our problem. Let GWS and there brilliant medical team deal with him. I guess that will have people talking. Anyway glad to see Fitzpatrick debut.
  10. I always knew dean Wallis had no brains. What an idiot. Did he learn nothing from the Heath Shaw incident. I hope he gets sacked or suspended for a very long time. He should just get suspended for being so stupid. So he has aid he put the bet on behalf of a friend. That just makes it even funnier. So funny its essendon.
  11. Well on monday we may find out because they said on ch10 sport last night that GWS may announce some players on monday who they have signed up that arent part of finals action. At least we will be put out of our misery. If Scully does go then I just want to know when he made his mind up.
  12. So when do you think we will get a scully announcement. Next week or after casey finishes there season because i think they dont have mad monday until casey finishes there season. I think Tom will be relieved at 5pm on sunday. Anyway if he goes then I think Blease can slot into his spot beautifully. His pace was amazing last week. Ive resigned to the fact he is going but if he does re-sign with us then I thnk that will shock the football world more. It would be nice to see him re-sign and prove some people wrong. Cant wait to hear his reasons for leaving if this is the case though.
  13. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/122088/default.aspx Interesting article on the AFL website. Todd says he will review things after the season. I know we only beat GC but maybe he sees some things working and now he has been there for a few weeks he has settled into it. Todd obviously doesnt hold back on anything and it seems like last week there were some truths spoken about the richmond loss. As they said on radio today, Todd was the toughest player when he ran out on the field and he would expect nothing less than his players. He isnt afraid to make the big calls either. Anyway what would you think about Todd being coach. Im just not sure how he will go coaching his son.
  14. I like the 4 page liftout out spread in todays age. The CEO of energy watch wearing a dees scarf looks good. Anyway im glad he has the faith in our club to sponser us for that much.
  15. When this was announced 2 years ago people knew it wouldnt work but then they managed to win a premiership and not much was said. Now its getting closer and now its being talked about. The thing is Mick isnt a coaching director. Its not what he ever wanted to be. Sernior coaching is what he is good at. Also can you imagine Eddie coming to you saying that you will coach for the next 2 years then Nathan will take over. How does that sound. Of course Mick says yes. Can you imagine Mick saying no to that to Eddies face. Also its funny how we havent heard Nthan come out and actually say he wants Mick there next year.
  16. That is an awesome deal. Also they did the ad very quickly. Glad to see Jack front the ad. Well done to those involved. Does that mean we can afford to pay 100% of the salary cap now and us memebrs wont be asked for donations anymore?
  17. Yeah it probably was a bit harsh to put Bartram in with Scully and Morton. I know he has a crack but after 5 or so seasons you would have thought his kicking would have improved. It would be nice for Todd to coach a win. It will be interesting to see the crowd numbers though
  18. Bad news. Some person at the club thought it would be a brilliant idea to sign him for 3 years. Im blaming Schwab as CEO I remember reading that West is out of contract and it said in the same article that Royal was signed for 3. So after this season we have him for another 2 years. If Richmond need that as motivation then thats pretty sad. I dont agree with him saying we were certanties to win but saying your confident, well there is nothing wrong with that. I mean he isnt going to say no on our form im not to confident.
  19. So our last home game is this week. It would be nice to see a win and I think we will. I hope anyway. But it could also be the last time we see Scully, Morton and maybe Bartram in a demons jumper. Anyway I think its great that you will be allowed on the ground for a kick afterwards.
  20. I did sit there yesterday and think if we had fev we would at leat have a target. But no he isnt worth the risk. What happens in a game where we are getting thrashed next season. Fev just sooks and gives up. I know Fev is a great kick for goal but just remember bad Fev to. We dont need his bad influence.
  21. Yeah I reckon he is the one to go after. I reckon we need someone like him. We dont have to go out and get a senior coach. Malthouse will be at the pies next year, Clarko will stay at the hawks and I dont think Rocket will help us. I like him but I think we need someone who is an assistant at the moment. It has worked with Chris Scott at Geelong, although he does have a talented list to work with. But mark has had years of experience under Malthouse and even Bucks. He would have learned so much at collingwood and knows how to structure a premiership team. Anyway im sure there are others that will come from left field.
  22. Dont laugh peoples but we have 3 winnable games and sydney play the saints at home, geelong at skilled and brisbane at home. Sydney are on 38 points and we are on 30. I expect stkilda to beat them and geelong. It would just be funny if we slipped in. I reckon we would be one of the worst 8th placed teams to play finals. We dont deserve to be there and I wouldnt want to play Carlton or WC but its just a possibility.
  23. We missed 4 easy goals. Mortons in the 1st quarter when he dribbled it on the ground, Sylvia just should have kicked it to Dunn who was on his own right in fron but instead he was selfish and missed form the boundary, Howe missed a sitter even though he was our best and Bartram in that final quarter would have bought it back to 26 points. I thought our 3rd quarter was really good. But in the final quarter we just couldnt get the goals. Howe was awesome. His hands are brilliant and he took some great marks. I htought MacDonald had a great game to. I like him in the backline. Anyway it was a beautiful day at the footy weather wise. Also thanks to the woman at the gate for our great seats. We rocked up at 1 and bought Level 1 GA and for the same price got offered reserved seats on the wing. We were in row J right online with the centre square. Just a shame we couldnt win.
  24. I guess it puts it into perspective when Jim is dealing with this and people are on here whinging about having to go to etihad. All the best Jim I trust the doctors know the next best step to take. You keep fighting. We want you around for quite awhile yet.
  25. I get why level 3 is closed because it will save the club money but I refuse to buy a reserved seat. Im not paying an extra 12 or $17 whatever it is on top of my entrance fee. Its not only me thats going its my family as well. I sat on level 1 last year on the wings and didnt really like it. Give me level 3 anyday. At least you can see everything. The thing is I dont mind playing a home game at etihad well I do put at least put it against another melbourne club so level 3 will be opened. The fact is its all about coughing up more bucks for a reserved seat. In the email they are trying to make it sound exciting buy saying the trumpeter will be playing. Yippeee! This will get more people coming. Not!
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