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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. Neil Craig is the coach to lead us through this mess..... Our premiership coach will come after him.... But he needs more time, than half a year..... Give him two years, to sort out this club.... Then move him to footy manager..... then put roos or who ever in....
  2. Hahaha.... Is this serious? Wow.... Who was even asking Primus.... Surely there are a couple more hack coaches, that can say they don't want the melbourne job....lol.... Where's Dean Bailey at?
  3. Has bomber Thompson ruled him self out? He has to be the best coach around.... Its a long shot, but worth asking....
  4. the problem with reversing our colours is....... that was an old Fitzroy jumper....
  5. Wow! Never thought I'd see the day, when I'd be more intrested in the unknown new board members, than next weeks match....jeez...
  6. It's Aish for me.... His side step is Cotchin like ... Definitely Aish!
  7. Craig looks great! Has he been working out?
  8. Nice... Hopefully this documentary doesn't gloss over the fact, that aussie rules is an indigenous sport. That has been play here for over a thousand years.... Marnrook is the greatest game and thanks to Tom, it will continue to be played here.... Thanks Tom!!
  9. what ever works i say...lol...
  10. Well spoken.... Same old stuff we've heard from him before.... He's shattered that he's gone.... But looks refreshed in away.... Personally I'd like him to stay, but his record is to much to justify.... Good luck Neeldy...
  11. Why not let the media choose our next coach.... They seem to be running every other part of our club...
  12. I doubt that he could say anything that could hurt this club anymore than its already hurt..... Just aim for the bruises Mark....lol
  13. James Aish should be one.... Then trade the other....
  14. Definitely mids.... James Aish is a must!! He has the class and style of Ablett and Cotchin... We'd be mad to pass on him.... Aish is silk....
  15. by the time we see any success, regardless of whether we get assistance.... All this begging is going to be long forgotten, by us and other club supporters....
  16. i agree.... But we have reasonable midfielders.... We just have to wait for them to mature..... Wouldn't hurt to pinch a gun in the mean time though....
  17. Our playing list is just a holding station for other clubs to draft from.... It has been since we started our rebuild.... By the time we see any form of success, more than half our list will be gone.... Get use to it....
  18. Trengove's intercept and shot at goal in the first quarter, was all class..... Put a stronger midfield around him and he'd rip games open with his composure and class....
  19. Geez.... I know they put up a fight in the first.... But the easy goals and basic skill errors are just embarassing and hard to watch.... There must be some inquiry into the umpiring!!!! Think im done with footy.... Bye
  20. If i had a coach demote me... Cut my pay... Then cut me from the list.... Then I think I'd prefer the coach before him too.... Geez.... Nothing to see here....
  21. hahaha.... I didn't say they got the selections correct.... But you might have missed that.... Jimmy Stynes was apart of the current board.... Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean its not true.... But separate jim and the board if you like.....
  22. The current board have delivered draft picks and have cleared our massive debt, this should not be forgotten..... in the process though, they have turned our club into a charity case, on and off the field.... It's time for change.... It's time for this club to stop begging.... We need action.... We need a board thats is going to pick this club up of its knees.... Im gonna say thanks to this board for clearing our debt.... The cool looking emblem and the great looking jersey's.... You got the branding right.....
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