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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. Don McLardy - President. GO Mark Neeld – Senior Coach. STAY Tim Harrington – General Manager - List Management. GO Todd Viney - General Manager - Player Development & Strategy. STAY Neil Craig - Director Of Sports Performance. STAY Josh Mahoney – Football Manager. GO Jade Rawlings – Backline Coach. GO Brian Royal - Midfield Coach. GO Leigh Brown – Forward Line Coach. STAY David Misson – Elite Performance Manager. STAY
  2. We've needed the big broom for a while now.... It's time to get tough MFC..... If Watts, Frawley, Sylvia or whoever wants out.... Then tell them to pack there bags.... It's time! If we have players that don't want to be there, they should [censored] off!!
  3. there's no such thing as reverse racism? Racism is racism? rasicist come from all directions and it's down right embarassing! Racism is a primitive view... And should be dropped back in the past were it comes from....
  4. Im happy to keep Neeld.... I won't miss him if he's sacked..... I just don't see the point if its like for like..... Unless someone like Paul roos or bomber Thompson or john worsfold is his replacement, than theres no point.... We could be in a coach sacking loop like this for years.....
  5. I agree.... Just like other clubs..... Our culture is driven but our supporters..... Our culture sucks...... We are a joke!Some here think how many rebuilds/five year plans can one club have...... Hows about we actually see out a five year plan, for the full five years....
  6. Richard Douglas is what we need from the crows..... He just keeps getting better....
  7. agree..... Who would want to stay? Think we are all looking for away out.... Watts is gone, you can put money on it! To many of our own jump on his back, when things aren't going our way..... I wouldn't stay....
  8. sacking Neeld now would just add more years of waiting...... Bailey was never going to be able to get this club going in 3/4 years..... We pulled the plug to early..... If we do it again.... You might never see success.... Neeld has had one and a bit years.... This club was collapsing before he joined.... We should of expected that it would take time to get it right..... When voss made that claim.... He was looking at a club that just recruited the two best kids in the land, a high flying Liam Jurrah at his peak..... And a club that seemed tobe running well under the leadership of Stynes..... At the time we all thought we'd be the next superpower.... We have been smash from pillar to post by the media...... The media have been relentless in there endeavour to squash this club..... In my opion.... We should stay the course..... We should see out Neelds contract.... And if at the end of that.... There is no more improvement..... Then we sack him..... The rest of his contract gives us time to grow and for the players to mature.... Which will help the next coach a better chance at success.... If we need the next coach....
  9. since when did peter Jackson turn into god? I'd prefer that the coaching choices are going to be made by someone thats going to stick around.....
  10. if that happens.... You can kiss Dawes good bye too.... He'll get an injury til the end of his contract or til he's traded out.... Then he'll miraculously recover when at his new club....
  11. Now for the third quarter fade out......lol.... Maybe i should stop watching....
  12. Yeah smash them! Yeah! Get into them! Wow a real bit of feeling from the boys.....
  13. Wow..... This is a great effort from the boys..... Good first half.... KB won't be happy.....lol.....
  14. Got to say.... Our forward formations is starting to look better..... Seems harder for the tigers to clear the ball.... It won't last.... But when it does..... It will be hard to play against....
  15. MFC shouldn't donate any effort for men's netball....because MFC is a footy club.... If netball wants a men's team than netball should do something about it not MFC..... Personally I like the idea that marnrooke is for everybody.... Oops Aussie rules....
  16. a hand full is better than nothing....
  17. It's great to see MFC on the front foot in this area..... Hopefully one day all teams can field a team in a national women's footy league..... As ive mentioned before..... I like to see a women's match take place as the opener for all AFL matches..... This is the first step..... And I for one am glad MFC are involved..... Good work dees!
  18. Tatu


    Without opening another thread..... Dunn did a good job on Judd today.... He seems a fitter and more rounded player.... Garland has done a great job the last couple of weeks, hopefully he continues his improvement..... I remember him hold buddy to 2 goal, in his100 goal year.... He's got in him to be far better.... Hopefully he doesn't go backwards after his injury today.... Now all we need is a midfield and for all our player to remain fit.....lol
  19. Kent kicks his first goal...... [censored] get around him!
  20. We're just about the worst team I have ever seen.... This is hard to watch..... How could professional footy players, who train and practice week in week out...... Be this bad at footy...... There are kids that are better than this.... It's just terrible....
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