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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. a New coach means a new game plan.... We haven't got the time for a new game plan.... We need wins now.... The AFL would love to relocate us to Tassie or Darwin or even merge us with another poor team..... Spreading the code... It's all about plastic now.... Gone are the days you could buy a steal car.... Ahh forget it, we're finished....
  2. starting again with a new coach, would mean more poor performances.... And more poor crowds..... Which we can not afford.... The AFL wont us out of the MCG and out of the league.... If they could relocate us tomorrow they would in a heart beat..... The media are circling and can smell blood..... Of the whole club....A new coach now, would mean the end of the MFC....
  3. Wow that would break this clubs back....
  4. Do people really think that changing yet another coach, is going to fix our club? The problems that our club faces Are deeply rooted.... We have a vast history of poor administration decision.... This club has been run behind the rest for along time....
  5. We can forget about sacking the coach or drafting better player.... If we play more matches like that this season, with crowds that low.... We will be lucky if we're in the AFL next year.... We are an embarrassment to our supporters and the AFL.... I will support the club to its dying day..... Sadly I think I might see it..... Soon...
  6. I'd definitely take Jurrah back in a heart beat..... Not sure the club see it this way.... Jurrah left the club to sort out problems in his community..... The club allowed him time away, out of respect for him and his culture..... It's a shame he didn't show the club the same amount of respect....... While away he got drunk.... put in remand...... charged with assault and after all that he went behind the clubs back for a tv interview...... Jurrah is a very talented player.......but His attitude is unprofessional and I doubt the club will give him a second look....
  7. I'd like to see Watts get a bit of a run though the middle...... He's clearly one of our most skilled players, maybe we should use his skill were we need it the most..... Would be good to see ours forwards get some decent delivery.....
  8. That was Difficult to watch....
  9. I'm not excited at all.... If anything I'm losing interest in footy altogether......
  10. nice little slap from Garry there.... Caro won't like it.... Lol
  11. Question..... Is Judd a free agent this year? If so.... Would we be interested..... Seems on the outer in blue country.... Thomas would be a good get..... But I can't see it happening.... Eddie might bomb aami park....lol... Judd would be a good second option.... But at this time of year, they both seem doubtful.....
  12. The point is.... Why does she have to bring MFC name in on this issue at all? Dank has worked with other clubs...Geelong.... Gold Coast.... Why arn't they're name brought in? All this stinks of agenda and wilsons name is all over it....
  13. It's truly amazing how much she hates the MFC.... She seems to try and draw the demons in on every conspiracy..... Wow.... If she has her way, we'll get done for essenbong's crimes and the Richmond players.... Watch this space.... If it catches on.... There will be a bigger blow up over dank applying for a job with us, than actually working for essenbong.....
  14. If someone could pretent they are watching the game.... And make stuff up.... That would be great!
  15. Do we have anybody at the game? Reports would be much appreciated.....
  16. All I'm going to say is there isn't a club in the AFL, that wouldn't love to have him.... We are very lucky to have him.....
  17. For me the glaring difference between the MFC and the top clubs is..... The lack of shepparding after a hand pass or kick.... Players in the top teams go into a Shepard as hard as they would a contested possession or tackle..... Shepparding is by far Our worst skill....
  18. We're back to normal now...... Phew...... Was starting to think the world tip upside down and that we might win a game, against a half decent team..... Should have known they were foxing......
  19. Wow..... They were toying with us the whole time.....
  20. Smh..... Should have stop watching while I had the chance....
  21. Wow..... Great start..... Go Dees!
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