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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. sitting on your hands while playing angry birds would be a amazing talent.....
  2. This site should be called dreamland not demonland..... The AFL have targeted us through the media (there will be more)..... Our club has just about plummeted to rock bottom....... We are the only club punished for tanking/not tanking? And probably will be punished for involvement with Dank (Bombers will be clear) no one will even look at Gold Coast and Geelong.... Now we have the first step of the AFL infiltration.... The AFL have plans to move more here.... Peter Jackson will recommend relocation as the best option to fix this club..... The AFL don't care about the MFC... They care about money.... They have been planing this for years.... Bulldog, Dees, Kangas....it's all the same to them..... There not here to help us.... The real questions we should start to think about is..... where do you won't to be relocated too? Can we keep our colours? What concessions do we get for relocating? Can we keep our theme song? How much money will the AFL give us to relocate? All valid questions i think..... I'm sure there are more....
  3. Players I'd like to approach are..... Richard Douglas, Luke Shuey, Clinton Jones, James Kelly and many more...... Not much chance though...... But they're the players I'd like to see in the red and blue.... Brian Royal replaced by Cameron Ling..... Keep Jack Watts..... Also I'd like to see the back of Peter Jackson.... IMO he is apart of AFL infiltration into our club..... Which is only going to end in relocation....
  4. we are the decoy.... It's plan to see that the AFL want us gone.... They have targeted us since 2008, through the media..... It looks like their plan might be working now.... The damage that the club has taken in bad press, may never be over come..... This isn't the end.... But we're close....
  5. It maybe impossible..... But the player I'd target would be Douglas from Adelaide..... He has a Hugh desire for the contest..... Douglas has really impress me, the more I see him play the better he gets..... I urge MFC to consider getting Douglas across from the crows..... He is an unsung hero.... Another player with a similar style is Clinton Jones from the saints......
  6. maybe high altitude training should be band as well....
  7. he might have a sneaky sing in the shower at home....lol....
  8. yeah.... Would be a bit over the top.....lol.... Just glad to get a win! I'm a step closer to getting my skip back.....lol....
  9. they should have pulled all us supporters onto the ground for a big rendition of the grand old flag.... Might have shown the boys what this club means to us.....
  10. I highly doubt that.... If we were to disclose our link.... We'd still be the highlight.... Regardless of whether we did anything wrong here.... The AFL and media can smell blood.... They don't want our club at the "g" anymore.... The constant media push to destabilise our club will only stop when the AFL take over our club.... and in the end relocated us..... Believe what you want.... our club will be based in Darwin or tassie within three years of the AFL take over.... And then it will be all sunshine and roses from the media.... The AFL have the media in there pocket and their plan is to destabilies and disenfranchise our club, to alienate everything that we are.... Til they have no choice but to relocate this so called rabble of a club.... It's a push the AFL have been working on for years.... They just didn't know there victim.... We have fallen over at the wrong time..... We are the next south melbourne/ Fitzroy.... We can try and fight.... Some will.... But they have got us and they won't let this go....
  11. its been obvious to me that this is what the AFL have wanted to do for a while.... The bombers are charge with the same issue, yet the media have seemed to have forgotten all about them.... Why is it ok for the media to name our player but not bomber player? Gold Coast and Geelong have both had involvement with Dank.... Why are we the ones plastered across the media? There is a media/AFL push to tarnish our name, so it is more execeptable when they do take over the club and eventually relocate us.... P.S can we please take our two year band now.....
  12. So if MFC players are taking illegal substances.... What the [censored] are the good teams taking? Far out.... You got to be joking me..... [censored] this game! That's it.... My kids can go for whoever they want now! [censored] it!
  13. we'd better not.... We might get accused of throwing games....
  14. I agree..... But losing felt better when I thought it was intentional..... Can't we just pretend we're tanking? I'd hate to think we are actually this bad....P.s who do we blame... For the lack of shepparding and blocking? If our players did this we'd be a ten goal better side..... Watching the hawks and magpies on the weekend highlighted this for me..... Half there game is blocking, shepparding and creating space for the ball carrier.... Why don't we do this?
  15. There are a lot of "if's" floating around in this thread.... Frawley is one of the few valuable players on our list...... He could walk into any team in the country..... It's a shame we don't have more players like this..... Nothing we do this year is going to change the out come of this season..... (It's time to tank)..... IF he wants, I will beg him to stay.... IF he go's, I don't blame him.....
  16. Lucky he's at Casey.... Doubt he'd get the same amount of chances at goal, playing full forward for the dees.... By the good press this kid gets.... If he is no good by the age of 21, then we know its us.....
  17. Why do our players look like stick figures and all players from other clubs look massive? Something really wrong here (suss)... This has to be the worst we've ever been.... I can't see any positives.... We are not even a shadow of the old MFC...... There's no way back..... We are finished....
  18. who's got $400,000 to place on a sure thing?
  19. that is just rude.... Take easy you jerk!!
  20. I like the idea of a woman for CEO.... Does the CEO have to be an MFC identity? As long as they do their job who cares..... I think your on to something here.... There's no reason why a woman couldn't become the best CEO in the business.....
  21. I'd add sheppards and blocks to that comp.... I can't remember the last time I thought...... WOW that was a good Shepard.... Or WOW that was a good block.... Team work is non existence in our club.... We have the skill.... We really need our players to release some pressure from the ball carrier, by blocking and shepparding...
  22. Hehehehe.... That's it I'm not shaving until we win a game of footy.....lol.....c'mon.... Show your support and grow a beard.... If you can't grow one, then make someone grow one for you......
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