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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. Im definately concerned about his motives..... he is on record running down our club and even suggested merger..... But if he genuinely wants to help the club, then we won't get a better candidate...... it comes down to trust.... Im divided.... Should we take the risk? When i first heard of this.... i thought it was a joke.... Now that its real, my immediate thought was no way.... but After digesting it for a day im leaning toward yes! Why? Because its a risk we normally wouldnt take and I've got to say im a little excited by the idea..... A while back.... Someone posted about a Seinfeld episode.... Where George decided to do the opposites to what he'd normally do.... I cant remember who? Im thinking that this decision could be the one where this applies....lol.... You just never know.....
  2. i don't think it matters that he supports the hawks..... Pretty sure most of our players did not support the dees.... I agree he would bring change and success..... Just not sure its the type of change we'd won't..... Success is great... It's what we need.... But would it mean the same if our name was the Darwin Demons or the Melbourne Red Kangaroos?
  3. think you've missed the point here....
  4. Step one.... Replace CEO.... Step two.... Replace president and board Step three.... Convince supporter/members that relocation is best for the club Step four.... Relocate club
  5. would make a great mids coach.... why not both?
  6. would make a great mids coach....
  7. ok... But like I said.... Silly rumour.... And the fact that no one hit means its way of.....Dane Swan
  8. not sure if its true.... If someone else hits the name.... Then ill back it.... Might be just a silly rumour.... I live in hope though....
  9. Heard a rumour today that a premiership player maybe on his way to our club.... Not happy with his current club and wants a challenge.... Not from a rock solid source, but thought I'd float it here to see if any others have heard this?
  10. Not sure what people expected from today's match..... We got beaten by the number 1 contenders...... Is anybody surprised by this? Just because the media want us to sack Neeld.... Doesn't mean we should.... Geez....
  11. yeah it was a nice gesture from Clarkson....
  12. Looks like the hawks have finished with they charity third quarter cruise.....
  13. I agree that the desperation and intensity isn't there..... But for me.... In a professional game played by professionals..... It would be more the responsibility of the player to bring aggression to the game.... Not the coach.... It's a fundamental of the game.... That at AFL level shouldn't have to be taught....The questions are..... If Neeld had Sydney's list.... Would we be complaining about desperation and intensity? Would we be non competitive? I'd say we would be competitive..... I think Neeld game plan would work with a more mature list.... Which we don't have..... He needs to develop a plan for the team as it is now.... That keeps us competitive, while working toward the ultimate plan..... The reality is we aren't the hardest team to play, were the hardest to watch..... That doesn't mean he should be booted.... It just means we have to change something..... Maybe we could all change our culture by looking for a solution instead of looking for a scape goat....
  14. there's no answer to how long..... How long is a piece of string? Who knows......We'll only know when we get to the end.... I agree that what we are producing just isn't good enough.... But again.... I don't think moving Neeld on is going to change this..... It's a thing only time will change..... Clarkson didn't turn the hawks around in 1.5 years..... More like 4 years (which is really fast).... And we all know that west coast where tanking..... It must be super hard to change the culture of a club, without the support of the supporters..... Considering that the supporter are the ones that drive the culture..... We have an overly conservative and analytical supporter base, that are he'll bend on keeping the norm.... If we want change, then we need to change..... It's the only way.... Otherwise we'll continue to just make up the numbers until our dyeing day.... I couldn't care less whether we move Neeld on.... But he has my support until we do.....
  15. regardless of whether we move Neeld on or not.... The supporters of MFC are going to have to wait..... This ship isn't going to turn around just because there's a new coach on board.... It's gonna be a long wait.... Get use to it or don't watch.... It's that simple....
  16. Maybe this poll should have a keep Mark Neeld option?
  17. its not hard to be spot on about melbourne..... Half of demonland predicted our situation..... Pretty sure he could predict that Geelong and hawthorne would make the finals too.... It would be more impressive if he could predict the middle tier of clubs....
  18. My first choice is to keep Mark Neeld to the end of his contract..... I wont miss him if he go's..... its just that this club hasn't got the coin, to just through out contracts..... If he does go.... Then we should target John worsfold.... Or Paul Roos.... I doubt ether will come, but that's the type we need.... Anyone less than them would be just change for the sake of change..... It will release the media pressure, for a little while.... But we'll be back here in a years time..... Sacking the incumbent.... It doesn't matter who coaches this team anyway..... This mess isn't going to turn around fast.....
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