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Everything posted by Tatu

  1. What a joke...... Shaving their beards isn't going to fix the problems.... i like the idea of the president, the board and the coach growing one.... Talk about united...... In beards we unite..... C'mon people show your support and grow a beard!
  2. There is no solution to this problem..... I think the whole club should forfeit the rest of the season....
  3. It's to late to trade Jamar..... Should have done this years ago....
  4. Geez.... Where did the off season go..... Was so much better not knowing we'd be terrible again... Hey maybe we could be tanking? Losing was better when I thought that was the intention.....
  5. Hardnut what are the players wrong about? All I know is they are [censored] at footy.... Please enlighten us.....
  6. there were a few, who were shocked that Jamar got three years....including me.... Trading Martin and bringing in pedo was also a big shock move.... That hasnt worked...All your other points have been made by others in great detail..... You claiming them as your own is just silly.... We are a joke..... We are finished as a club.... Our only hope for ultimate success is to merge or relocate..... It's time for the big broom.... That's my statement....
  7. lol yeah... That's all the answers lol..... Trading Jamar would have saved us from 148...
  8. we got a guy named Sylvia who's made a career of it
  9. hehe.... Shhh... I'm still watching if that's any indication.....
  10. Oh look at that.... Looks like I might make through the whole bottle..... Wow...
  11. why not..... Can't be any worst than this....
  12. So what do people think..... Darwin or Tasmania? Hope we get to keep our colours....
  13. next week? I'm pretty sure we can still break that record to night......
  14. Think it's time for the big broom..... Sack them all..... The board.... The coach.... The players..... The whole [censored] lot! They can all [censored] off!!! I want Blood!!
  15. this is one of the worst matches I've seen.... And I've seen a few..... I might join you on the outer too.... I don't buy memberships for this [censored]!
  16. Bet ya Dawes regrets signing now.... Mark Neeld batter tear shreds of them! [censored] kill them Neeldy that's just [censored]
  17. It's a walk in the park.... Now 39 points down.... Half way through the second.... Hang on 45 points down :/
  18. Wow.... How can we be this bad? Really..... Half the VFL sides would smash us.... I can't defend this...... It's just straight out embarrassing..... [censored]!
  19. Well that's just sad.... The bombers players don't even know that the demons are there.... Far out! Get in there face! [censored] smash em! [censored]!
  20. Last weekend was bad, but 186 was far worst.... In my opion... Sacking board members or the coach isn't going to help..... This club is dying..... We are heading in the Fitzroy direction and were moving fast.... Our club is finished! The gap is to vast.... I'm just hopeing that we get to keep our colours when were relocated....
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