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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I actually think Rivers is the one that will be phased out, eventually due to the acquisition of Clark. All our other talls are mobile, solid kicks of the football. Rivers is neither and is regularly shown up for pace. Perhaps he could play the Maxwell role as sweeper? But apart from that he's the one that'll get left behind.
  2. Warnock traded to GC for Brisbane's pick 52. Not sure about this one. Was hoping he'd hold slightly more value. Perhaps a player instead. Oh well. Frees up space on the list.
  3. Still wouldn't mind getting Tippet, but we probably need to take two top midfielders next year with our compo picks.
  4. Chatting to a Hawthorn mate today and says he reckons Lisle'd fit nicely into our forwardline. A big boy, young, would take less to get him across than a Clark. Clarkson didn't play him when Roughead was down at the pointy end of the season. He might look fondly upon opportunity elsewhere. Not sure that means much, but goes nicely in the VFL.
  5. Done. Just announced by Adelaide. They're going after Crouch.
  6. He would have been perfect? How many games did he play this season? He never stays on the park. Bad call, IMO.
  7. I'm going to speculate. Misson came across because he thought he was going with Ross Lyon.
  8. Ridiculous post. Smacks of unintelligence. Because you haven't heard of him he's not worth it?
  9. Sorry, can't help but to digress... That second last episode of season 2 is the greatest episode of television I've ever watched. Fullstop. As you say, WYL, the fifth and final season of sixteen eps has been commissioned by AMC. This means they'll properly finish their arcs, which that brilliant drama deserves. As for Harvey...Jesus Christ, didn't see that coming at all.
  10. No, I see that too. I used to compare the two quite regularly. Particularly in '09. He also killed Goodes in Canberra that year. Is a confidence player. Once he's found his niche, he'll be alright. Change of coach will be interesting for him. Glad they've re-signed the rest.
  11. Well said. Right there with you. Except replace Grimes with Garland. Grimes needs to concentrate staying on the park.
  12. It isn't at all surprising that we have the least supporters under 14...
  13. God, as if we want either of them back. Both good players, but so far past it. Neither have the leadership either, despite what some think.
  14. That's a really good point actually. I think I may see the little things you do too.
  15. If we're to improve, he'll be on the pine come this time next year.
  16. Why should a supposed "leader" improve when younger players around them do? Perhaps you are missing the point re: "leadership"? Leading others, particularly youngsters is what makes you a leader. Moloney doesn't do this consistently. He never will. But he will be a better player when the young guns around him improve, because they'll take his slack and the hard tag from him.
  17. Gysberts and McKenzie are ahead of Jones and Davey for mine. While the rest of the interchange (except Bartram) seems fine. Of course, you're missing Martin who should definitely be in there. Naturally, I'd also look to be getting a key position forward and push LJ into the pocket (leaving Aussie out for Howe). I'd also look at getting an experienced, hardened body into our midfield. On Davey's form this year and most of last, he shouldn't be making the team next year (unless he manages to reinvent himself in a new role). If we're to improve, Jones and Bartram should also be struggling to get games. Finals should certainly be the aim next season.
  18. Did anyone notice they implemented a huddle in the centre square at the same moment? Very interesting. It looked fantastic when it worked. Howe crashed the pack and Jetta crumbed front and centre, who then handballed onto a player forward of the contest.
  19. Whopper is actually closer to 95 kg now. But Elton sounds an interesting prospect. We're gonna have a stack load of big blokes in three to five years. Considering the last few drafts (particularly '10) and seemingly this one. I reckon we should be looking for midfielders and trade for a big bodied forward.
  20. Haha. True! Had forgotten about Bleasey. PS. We need some better nicknames.
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