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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Fantastic article. Best I've read in a while.
  2. 1. Clarkson 2. Malthouse 3. Worsfold Ultimately, I'd be over the moon if we could land any of these.
  3. Jesus Christ, how about no? An assistant maybe. But senior coach? Cya later.
  4. I guess there is some good news in that, but it's certainly not all good.
  5. It's a fantastic logo...far better than anything we've ever had. Let's leave it there.
  6. Certainly. It's been better, but when push comes to shove?
  7. You're probably right, David Lynch. By all accounts he prepares well for games, but as you say, he shouldn't be in the leadership group.
  8. I do. Swan makes the right decisions and knows his limitations. Jones simply doesn't. I admire his hardness, but leadership, no.
  9. I was down at Geelong and I didn't see him putting in. The ones who certainly did were Jordie Mac, Trenners and Whopper. There were a couple of exceptions, but Jones did bugger all. If I was Jones I'd be worried about my position on the list. His decision making and foot skills often have left a lot to be desired. His kicking for goal this year has been very good, but he still makes the wrong decision too often and goes missing when we need leadership.
  10. Jones won't be here in 2 to 3 years. Why would you give him the captaincy?
  11. Get Jones and Moloney as far away from the leadership group as Brad Green and Jared Rivers. Trenners should be made captain as of '12 with Chip, Jordie Mac, Whopper, Scully and Grimes (if he can stay on the park) in the leadership group.
  12. Fantastic post, Ron. Yes, it's a difficult and irksome situation. I think your final point regarding the track record and competence of this administration is the most important point I have taken from any post on Demonland in the last few days. This administration has helped dig us out of a hole. Therefore, I'm inclined to side with them before an outside journalist.
  13. I certainly haven't seen him play four quarters this year.
  14. I don't want either to leave and I don't believe either will. That said, there is no way Sylvia is in our top 5. He plays one great 10 minute burst every 6 to 7 games. He's been on the list since '04 and still cannot garner consistency. If he could play the level of that Hawthorn game two years ago, he'd be an A-grader for sure, but I don't think it's in his psychological make up. Perhaps a hardarse coach will make him? Who knows?
  15. This seems to match what I've been hearing coming out of the club. The things I've heard from one or two of the younger players is that the supposed tensions between the playing group and the FD are a load of [censored]. It certainly seems conceivable that Green, Rivers and Jones see their time as limited on the list, and thus have taken issue with the "premiership model" devised by Schwab and co. Like so many, however we are only speculating, but I'm not convinced there is a groundswell of angst towards the FD (excluding a few senior players that are worried about their positions on the list going forward).
  16. Mick's only put Neeld's name forward for Adelaide, so he can snatch the Melbourne job himself.
  17. I don't think he necessarily will leave, but I'd still go at him, hammer and tongs.
  18. Take out Eade and replace him with Clarkson at 2.
  19. Still not convinced. If you look at both his teams (Sydney and then the Bulldogs), there is a distinctly Neale Daniher feel to them. Quite a few front runners and when the going gets tough they go missing. We have to aim high otherwise we're merely settling for second best.
  20. He won a premiership, but he also disablised Port. Not confident on him. I don't think we'd get Clarkson, but I still think we should throw everything at him now. He's hard and a modern footy thinker. With our list he'd take us to success.
  21. Thomas regarding Eade is exactly my line of thinking.
  22. Very well spoken, Dean. Say what you like about his coaching ability, but has shown himself to be a man of the utmost integrity.
  23. Yeah, it comes across as pretty unprofessional to me. Rivers and Jones are meant to be leaders too. Do you really need to be in a bar to get a drink? I think not. As a footballer your life is in the public sphere. They might be human, but the way they should conduct themselves in public is different to you or I.
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