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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Why in the hell would you want Stanton? I understand he's had a good season, but that's all. We're only six games in too.
  2. No one in this thread, but back when it happened people did.
  3. I enjoyed his commentary. He certainly was insightful, but I'm also weary of the fact he was quite pro-MFC, hence perhaps a little biased our way.
  4. I voted "Move them both on. I've seen enough to know they're not going to get any better. We need to rebuild our midfield and should trade them out now while both have currency." This is on the proviso that we can actually get something for them, otherwise just play them off the bench until contract's are up.
  5. You totally missed the point of my last post. The point I was making was there was no need to get personal with each other, just because you disagree with another's viewpoint. We all support the same team. Difference of opinion is fine. If we all agreed on everything, it'd make for a pretty dull messageboard. There's nothing 'over the top' about my bagging. It's simply my opinion. He doesn't stand up when we really need him and never has. Apparently opinions aren't fine unless they align with your own views.
  6. Thanks a lot. If you don't know by now that the modern game is hugely reliant on midfield pressure, then you haven't been watching very closely or lack the mental capacity to do so. It's Time to open your eyes. And do you really need to [censored]-can fellow MFC supporters for stating their opinion? Good on ya mate. The embodiment of troll becomes you.
  7. Before last year he showed next to nothing IMO. First year he didn't look as slow. First year he started to kick to the advantage of his team mates, rather than his signature up and unders, which he'd made a facet of his game since moving from Geelong. I've never rated him. Last year he [censored] me off, performing against weaker sides and not giving a yelp against ANY decent opposition. He is indicative of where we are at. The fact that some supporters are wraps for him is more to do with our dearth of midfield guns over the years. Just as it was with McLean. So glad we got rid of him, yet still people were whinging about that trade. Can't get a game for the Bullants now. Moloney is a B grader at best, with no defensive side to his game whatsoever.
  8. If you're insinuating he was matched up on Johnson, he had a couple of opponents. One of them Johnson, yes. But Johnson kicked the majority of his goals from midfield. Pretty much all of them in fact. Garland was good. Affected a couple of good spoils and gave us much needed run off half back. He's not the problem.
  9. Wouldn't have thought Sellar was a lovely kick of the football at all. Has missed two very simple set shots this season. With limited opportunities, he must take those.
  10. I think it's mentality more than anything. Moloney is lazy and as a result unaccountable. He along with others are systematic or our laziness and every week it puts our defence under unwarranted pressure, because opposition midfielders are running freely.
  11. Agreed. It's not a knee jerk reaction for me. It's a case of watching these two consistently serve up predictable seasons for too long. Trade Moloney while he has any currency, otherwise he'll be another Brock McLean. Good example actually. MFC supporters seemed to love him for some bizarre reason. Slow, ordinary disposal and when the chips were down rarely had the ability or desire to impact the contest.
  12. He blew all the interstate teams away in Melbourne. That's why he polled so highly. He got three votes in pretty much all of those games. We didn't hear a peep out of him against decent opposition though.
  13. Name one game that Moloney has dominated for the MFC against good opposition. I go every week and cannot think of a single occasion. It's always against weaker sides or interstate sides in Melbourne. As people are rightly noting in this thread - when the chips are down, he goes missing and even when playing his best footy, doesn't run the other way.
  14. All the information I have is what we all see. It's whether we join the dots. Every time he makes an error or doesn't chase enough, Moloney is pointing at everyone else and yelling at them. That to me says that he cannot handle responsibility for his own errors. He's never in the wrong. Some would classify that as an egomanic response. Meanwhile, it's clear Sylvia has the talent, but doesn't have the brain for it. For Sylvia it's more about himself than the team.
  15. Garland was one of our best against Geelong and has been building a solid string of games. Cannot agree with that assessment at all.
  16. Normally agree with a lot of what you say rpfc, but not sure I agree with this. Yes, at time his link work against the Saints was good and he hit the scoreboard, but his decision making and skill level hurt him and the team in that match. In my mind he's had a very poor start to the season. That said, once he gains a greater understanding of the game plan, he'll grow in confidence. From there, it's important that the coaching staff remind him that he's one of the few running players we have. He has the ability to be a vital link up player. He has the tank, he's just missing the knowhow at the moment.
  17. I can see the thinking, but he doesn't know when to stay down. He's always up and you can't have a player like that doing it up the ground. It leaves you right open.
  18. Agreed, although most of our team needs to be smarter when tackling. Moloney gives away free kicks every week for clumsy, dumb tackles. Garland has been a big offender too. Someone needs to get down there and get in their ear about it. The ability to give the quick throw/handball in some situations (Sam Mitchell does this every week, as does Gary Ablett) is something we've never been smart enough to accomplish. Maybe it's confidence, maybe it's clumsiness or both. It's these little things that if we eradicate will bring us one little step closer to become a smarter more competitive football side.
  19. He hit the scoreboard against the Saints, but still had a relatively ordinary game. I'm a fan though. That said, he should go back to the 2s with Moloney and Sylvia for a week.
  20. Riewoldt is not a skinny key forward. He's just as strong as Chip (but not as quick). He's deceptively strong. Watts has the body to be incredibly strong. I'm 24, six foot six, have done weights since year 11 and only just now am I beginning to bulk up. It takes time for these guys to grow into their bodies. With professional personal training and weight resumes, Watts might be able to get there a little earlier. 24 or 25 is when I expect him to be able to dominate his opponent physically. Watts has a crack, but we need to see it more often. It'll come. Just like it is slowly with Morton.
  21. Whilst I agree that "success in modern football lies in innovation, not in copying others", one thing that will rarely get old in football is the ability to win contested possession. That's Neeld's blueprint.
  22. Tapscott? Had a shaky start, but warmed into it eventually. His kicking off half back was invaluable on a couple of occasions. My feeling is Neeld's not a fan of letting Jamar ruck the entire game solo. So we'll need another big man to ruck. In: Watts, Martin, Couch, Blease Out: Sylvia, Sellar, Moloney, Bail
  23. What's our salary cap situation at the end of this year? Davey's big contract will have a year to run. Clark is on a biggie. Would we have enough space to offer him big money and not jeopardise any other important contracts in the next few years?
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