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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Certainly. His last two weeks have been fantastic. He still hasn't strung a full four quarter game together, but he's shown glimpses of maturity over the last two weeks.
  2. JT and Garland led the way today for leadership. Moloney is so unaccountable it is disgusting. Obviously, he's not the only culprit but he loves running towards the goal, but rarely runs the other way. Should not be captain.
  3. Rivers was decent in patches today, but he certainly looks the weak link in our defence these days.
  4. Yeah, Tom was great today. Very good debut. Could push for a rising star nom this week.
  5. Blease was fantastic today. As was Col Garland. While JT's endeavour was magnificent.
  6. That was the most hollow win of the year, by a long way.
  7. Not enough to break even I'm afaird. 15,000ish if we're lucky. Probably closer to 12 or 13.
  8. Oh apologises. I misread this thread. I was thinking you meant the Port game. I will certainly be at the Suns game.
  9. It didn't used to be the way. Prior to their premierships, they were just as inconsistent and soft as we are now.
  10. And let's be honest, we struggle to kick big bags of goals consistently. If LJ can kick his two or three, Sylvia & JT chip in with a couple, Whopper kicks a couple and we develop another forward, all of a sudden we look like a good team.
  11. If we could get an A grader for Jones I'd certainly do it. Particularly if they were big bodied. But I wouldn't trade Jones for an injured big man.
  12. We were always going to trade at some stage though. It makes sense after four years of rebuilding that we'd have identified the areas which need to be strengthened. Usually this converts to the trade table.
  13. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=%24100+AU&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1330&bih=689&tbm=isch&tbnid=U1cWPA7x21uRwM:&imgrefurl=http://www.banknotesaussie.com.au/index.php%253Fmain_page%253Dindex%2526cPath%253D3_78&docid=up_iattn5O1mfM&w=640&h=274&ei=GflUTo62F-KdmQXcqI3tDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=137&vpy=109&dur=6682&hovh=147&hovw=343&tx=186&ty=104&page=1&tbnh=76&tbnw=177&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0
  14. The press are the ones who have been continually saying that we are bereft of leaders. They'll continue to write whatever they want to sell papers. All they do is backflips. Make the tough decisions, MFC. Green should not be captain. If we're to be a successful club once more, we must cut out the poisonously weak culture still lingering from the Daniher era.
  15. Craig Kelly, as in the former Collingwood fullback? He has even more reason to get Ross Lyon to us. We then don't go after Mick.
  16. Davey is potent? Could have fooled me for the last two seasons. Oh and that's a no to Gumbleton.
  17. I think there's a pretty obvious difference between continually loosing prelims and getting close in GFs. Common sense really. Wouldn't touch Eade with a ten foot pole.
  18. People selecting Moloney still defies logic. He's a front runner just like the rest of the older players. Hasn't played one of his great games against decent opposition or away from the G this year. JT gets involved and leads wherever we play. Include Frawley, Garland, Watts, McKenzie and Scully in the leadership group.
  19. Sorry to be a downer, but Sylvia does this every time against Richmond. Do it against every team, anywhere. He's been there almost eight years. Time to tear games apart regularly.
  20. I think it was the right decision. They could have spun it differently had they merely not played him. This sends a direct message. I like it. Green is a front-runner and shouldn't be captain.
  21. Adam The God


    If Jones could think quicker, execute by foot and make the correct decisions, he'd be a gun. Unfortunately, he doesn't. He kicked three yesterday but also gave three away. Even for the round, Tiger.
  22. CGS need some guns. They haven't had one for a few seasons.
  23. I'm not sure it's such a bad thing, fitness. It puts Malthouse in the frame as well. We have the cash to spend on a coach and a young, talented list. If Clarkson declines then Mick has his turn.
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