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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Haha, how often do the Dogs throw it? The answer is regularly.
  2. And this is why you need a gun KPF. Bulldogs won't be able to keep bombing it in to contests. They don't have good enough KPFs.
  3. Saw Snowden last night. It was awesome. Followed it up by watching what I'd been meaning to watch for some time: Citizenfour. Both are must sees.
  4. Does signing him to what would be effectively a 3 year deal alleviate much of this chatter? And does it provide the club much more stability. I'd say a modicum.
  5. Did many people really rate that lot? I certainly never particularly rated Sylvia, McLean, Tapscott or Strauss...
  6. Not sure how I missed Parker, but you're spot on.
  7. Besides Jesse, Salem and Weideman are the guys that I want signed up ASAP. No fear that Stretch or Vince will leave and I'm sure Frost will re-sign as well. Mahoney and co have done a good job.
  8. I would agree with that. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Roos had modelled our midfield on Sydney's. Tyson (Kennedy), Viney (K Jack), Jones (Hannebery) and sounds like we were/are into Mitchell as well. Petracca gives us something a little different from the Sydney midfield. That bit of x-factor. And then obviously there's Brayshaw, Salem and possibly the best of them all, Oliver. That's an exciting midfield. I think we should be going after top mids in that 23-27 age bracket for the next 5-6 years, but we should also continue to build through the draft. If we can nail picks in the second and third rounds of the draft like Sydney have (Hannebery pick 30, Kennedy traded for late picks and Jack taken in the Rookie Draft), that's how we'll have sustained success. But the most important thing for us to do is to continue to re-sign all our young talent. And this signature from Dom is another show of faith in the direction of the club. Such signatures in the coming few years will eventually snowball into the MFC becoming a desirable destination for prospective players.
  9. Another one Chook has come through with. Announced a few hours before the club website.
  10. Treloar is ahead in terms of possession gathering and is flashier. I think that's why he gets the accolades in comparison to the slower Tyson. Treloar moves a lot like Judd, but I'd back Tyson to win a contested clearance before Treloar. Tyson's ceiling is higher IMO, but both are very good players.
  11. Well done, Dees and well done Dom.
  12. I loved Dennis as a kid, but since he and Bruce have returned to 7, they're not what they were. He's still the best out there, but that's the problem, isn't it?
  13. If we could get him at the right price, we'd have plenty of room for both. Half forward is one of our most troublesome positions IMO. The evidence is the yoyoing of Kennedy, Harmes and evem Gartlett in and out of the senior side. Kent is also not a consistent footballer, but seems to be a favourite of the FD and did kick his PB this year. I'm a yes on Motlop, but have no idea what we'd trade to get him.
  14. Because it means if we get burnt by offering someone a contract they're not interested in and letting the initial interest leak out, it means any external appeal is tarnished. And given what Mahoney and co pulled off last year during trade week, I'm expecting some out of the box thinking to improve our list. That's exciting.
  15. I know it might be frustrating to some, but I love how our FD rarely/if ever leaks info on who we're chasing. It means trade week is all that more interesting.
  16. Interesting to see Matt Jones go. I'd have kept him before Michie or Newton. Still, I'm sure their names are coming too. Goodwin putting his first major stamp on his side.
  17. Wow. Unfortunately, that was me in Year 8 Science. And then I was hauled over the hot coals for it.
  18. Definitely an online thing. With the advent of MSN messenger, people needed to write things, but there was never any grammar checking. This lack of regard for grammar has flowed into the new social medias such as FB, Twitter etc. In fact, I'd argue Twitter encourages poor grammar with its character limit.
  19. A turn of phrase that should have been changed when I added "IMO".
  20. Unfortunately, Jack won't make it as a player, so the decision to re-sign him is without doubt political and cultural IMO. Normally I'd be against signing someone of his output, but given what he's been through and the resilience he's shown, these are unusual circumstances worthy of recognition.
  21. I think I'm with you here, CB. I think had Trengove not been a co-captain and come back from such an injury, he would have been gone too. JKH is probably near that list too. However, I don't think we'll get rid of that many, simply because it means we have to replace them and it's not like we're flush for picks. Dawes, Lumumba, Garland and Dunn are all pretty experienced players too, which would mean replacing them with experience.
  22. I think our game plan is far more high risk than the Bulldogs one. They might turn it over via hand occasionally, but usually their numbers around the ball will prevent a goal scoring opportunity off the back of these errors. Our game plan currently is all based around pressing and fast waves attacking forward, but on the counter at Etihad we get murdered every time, but we don't have any other gears. And here's one of my pet hates for 2016. For the life of me, I cannot understand why our coaches have failed to work out how to safeguard balls going over the back of contests at half back. When we kick long to a contest at half back or the opposition does, we consistently have either too many players up at the contest or too many flatfooted. While conversely, the opposition hit these contests at speed. We never have one or two anchors out the back of the contest either. The anchor(s) would prevent the opposition from getting it over the back and out into space. What's more mindboggling about this oversight is that we made a very similar tweak to our wider defensive 50 system in the second half of this season. We now play an anchor, either Frost or Hunt and occasionally one of the McDonald's at the back of a triangle-like defensive set up. It's the same idea. It means we have extra back up in case the ball gets out the back. You'll note we use our two quickest defenders to ensure we can lock it down quickly. But why have we not addressed this problem in contests at half back? I hope we'll see more of these tweaks applied as our younger guys develop, but it's been glaring all season at AFL level and Casey were caught out in an identical manner a number of times today. And frustratingly, you can see it coming from a mile away. It's poor coaching, IMO.
  23. Kennedy won't be gone, but Grimes, Garland and Dunn should be. Trengove's finished as well. I think this says a little bit about the Bulldogs game plan and ours. We're going to need quite a few more gears. It's like watching Melbourne being opened up.
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