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Everything posted by praha

  1. The efficiency was down across the board because of superb pressure from both sides. The fact we kept Sydney from scoring for a whole minute in that last stanza was quite impressive -- they had about 4 or 5 chances for a snap, and one of our players was right there to stop it. Absolutely spewing they got a kick off. But the pressure was amazing all-round. I think it's a little hasty to get on the back of a player who read the play so well and contributed where need. He might not have hit a target effectively, but most players at the jitters today.
  2. Point taken on both points. That said, you're speaking like as if he has had years to prove himself as a kicker. There are much worse kicks in the league than Grimes, and much worse that get all kinds of accolades. His "poor" kicking is not the end of the world. I'm sure he will improve. How old is he ffs? Same goes for Watts. Now, if we're talking about a player like Jamar, or Green, or Davey, or Sylvia, I could understand, but this thread is really just a vent for people that want the absolute world, and more, from a bunch of young adults that are already trying their guts out to be the best. Considering everything else he does on the field and the way in which he contributes to the team's progression and success, I'm sure we can bypass his in-progress kicking quality, as bad as it may be. My OP stands.
  3. It was great pressure on both team's behalf. I don't think that cost us the win. Sydney's pressure did. And vice-versa. Was great game all round imo.
  4. Sydney was not a better team than us today. Consider they kicked 3-4 goals that were instigated by free-kicks 1-2 possessions ahead of the kick at goal. We made a lot of immature, silly mistakes, most of which were punished with free-kicks against, particularly in the first half. We got to the ball more than Sydney, and we were a lot harder at it and better in the air. We just didn't capitalise. There was nothing wrong with our structure today, and everything wrong with our maturity as a team. That will come.
  5. Welcome to Demonland - Home of the perfectionist
  6. Not only that, but it was an insipid kick from someone that was clearly afraid of being tackled - he crapped himself, hence the horrendous kick that was 200 meters in the air. Cost us a goal.
  7. You're thinking too much. Of course it's spin. Look at the NFL website. Hell, the NBA site is major spin. It's part of the game. It's great for the casual supporter.
  8. I stopped reading at "The Cameron Bruce Debacle"
  9. The second match was much better imo. Both of these matches showcased a team that wanted to win more than its opposition, but it just didn't know how to get across the line. These two games also defined Collingwood in 2010: good teams don't lose close matches, especially against bottom-8 teams.
  10. I mean, yeah, it's a blow, but I don't think he was 100% fit anyway...
  11. Totally agree about Eddie. He undermines other clubs all the time. I don't mind the bloke and admire what he has done for the Pies, but I think it was inappropriate for him to speak like that. I don't think he has any grounds at all. Just trying to stir it up, take attention off his own club.
  12. Trenners and Presser? What is this, bush week?
  13. As I said on BigFooty, the AFL needs to pull its head out of its arse and realise (for once) that it's not always about money. From a fan perspective, the official website has been and still is BigPond-heavy, and that's it's biggest downfall; the agenda of the website is more in part to promote BigPond's online media than it is football content. It's a terrible website and I NEVER visit it. I use FoxSports and a few smaller sites for live scores and opinion pieces and updates. Also, when are we getting live domestic games online? Does the AFL think it's 2003 still? Check out NBA.com to see how a website should be done. Accessible, easy on the eyes, and takes full advantage of social networks and editorial content.
  14. Really guys? One of the most important part of branding is consistency. They ditched that logo last year. The opinion some of you seem to have is the very mentality that has held this club back for a while (no offense). I'd be vigilant if I had the power, and I'd demand that the logo be changed to the up-to-date one ASAP.
  15. http://www.foxsports.com.au/afl Scroll down to the "AFL Round 1" box and you'll see that the old MFC logo is still being used. Did the club send out a press release to all media outlets informing them of the new logo and re-branding? This is not good for branding. I have also seen the old "Melbournefc" logo used on Sports Tonight quite often, as early as a few days ago. I just Tweeted to Cameron Schwab about this also. It's not very good on the club's behalf. I'd be all over that if I was part of the marketing/branding department.
  16. Well written, but as a man that works within media circles, I can tell you that Sheahan won't have any sympathy or regret. His job is to report unbiasedly and to provide entertaining opinionated articles. He wants to get hits and people reading his articles, and in order to do that, especially on the internet, you need to write hyperbole, you need to pump and hype things up. If I was in his position, I'd probably be writing a similar article, whether I was critical of Melbourne fans in the past or not. He was writing that article as a football commentator, not a Melbourne supporter. He has fulfilled his obligation as an unbiased commentator.
  17. At the end of the day, Casey is looking purely for a cash grab. They are going to cash it on this, big time.
  18. Saw this yesterday in the city on the corner of Lonsdale and Swanston Streets, just outside QV about 5pm. It's Frawley. Looked great!
  19. IT'S. THE. PRE-SEASON. Get the sand out of your [censored] and move on. The season starts in a few weeks. God. And Carlton won the pre-season in two wooden-spoon years.
  20. To be quite honest, I think part of this has been the workings of people within Melbourne, generating interest and discussion around the club. All part of building a brand. Once we sign him (and we will), we will look like a club that was more appealing than any amount of money.
  21. I find it hilarious that the pre-season is suddenly so relevant. Am I the only one not concerned about that loss?
  22. the team didn't care. Essendon is high on Hird. This equates to an Essendon win. It's the pre-season. Move on guys. The practice matches are more enjoyable. Closer to the action. Good opportunity to see the team during competitive training.
  23. Hmm, why would you say that though? Why couldn't he be?
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