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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. Cor it would be a bit nippy down the beach. We may be meeting at ten paces in the mounting yard! I think though we may have found our secret weapon = bananas. For me not him - this horse racing caper is a bit hard on the nervous system.
  2. Today on SEN during KB's session, it was confirmed that Mitch could have played at the end of the year but with the amount of time he needed to get fit after his lay off, it would have meant that he may play one or two games. So the Club decided to not take any risks and get him ready with a full preseason for 2014. It was also mentioned that Melbournes forward line with Mitch, Dawes, Hogan and Howe will be a power forward line. I think we can expect some huge media coverage of this fact next year.
  3. I hope not at Flemington. Today was a little better than what we hoped for - a bog 9!
  4. Caro is just a mouthpiece for RFC and the stories that they want to get out. This is so obviously a piece to hopefully give Martin a nudge to sign up before finals. Wouldn't want trouble over the finals.
  5. At last someone who actually does know what they are talking about.
  6. My nomination is choc éclair with fresh cream - none of that sugary pretend stuff. Mr Leg if you are interested being up in the Sunshine State, we have a nice heavy 10 track at Sandown on Wednesday - perfect for wunderhorse Briefed.
  7. Mr Leg you know you never see a vanilla slice in the healthfood shop. What is always there under the little glass dome - yes banana cake - health food of a nation. That will be two "extra" laps around the tan for you!
  8. Awful news for Casey Tutungi and his family. Is Casey planning anything to assist the family.
  9. What about Jack Grimes - isn't he due back in. Also would drop Brynes and have either Magner or Tappy back in.
  10. Club meetings/lunches now held in NY, CBD? I am sure you could find something slightly better to do in NY than reading Demonland.
  11. Matt does a great job. He is there to maintain the faith amongst the supporter base. We get enough of the other "stuff" from other media outlets.
  12. You are right Pitmaster, it was all supposedly to do with the placement of the Hankook signage on the jumper.
  13. Absolutely believe he could be our man. Have seen first hand his relationship with the players. One of the main absolutes of being a good coach is the ability of having the players want to play and win for the coach. I see this in Neil. I just hope he wants it as bad as we may want him.
  14. Absolutely. Could have said I will leave it to my Manager. Meaning absolutely nothing. It shows intent - better than Buddy's silence.
  15. I'm just posting about nothing because this topic needs to be on page one.
  16. Loved his run and the one kick he had was OK. He certainly is better than he was two years ago when he couldn't even drop the ball properly on to his foot.
  17. I hope someone brings this to the attention of the Umpires. I don't care if there is a code that you don't dob but that dog act was AWAP.
  18. Brutal honesty. That is what the boys need and we as supporters need. I would be happy for Craig to stay in some capacity and if the results are on the board then happy either for him to stay as Coach with maybe a Scott West as his Assistant with a definite time period for a handover. Hopefully it would be handled a bit better than the filth. I hope the Club does give some consideration to him staying. The players absolutely respect him.
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