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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. He walked around in a tracksuit on to the ground at quarter time, smiling and talking with people. Seemed perfectly fine and even if he had passed the concussion test they probably would have been taking a very conservative approach to him returning to the field given what is at stake here.
  2. Like the Essendon supporters who I saw whilst waiting in the car park after the game, shoving their flags inside MFC supporters cars. Nice work.
  3. If Garlett is fit he will start ahead of the rest. I watched Hunt at Casey last Saturday and he certainly showed a real turn of speed but I am still concerned with his disposal. He is so quick that he looked faster than Kent prior to his injury last year. It is his decision making after he has the ball but given that I also believe that having a solid stable forward line will provide for him more options going forward. (Loved his conversation with his Mum to let her know he had been picked.) Last Saturday at Casey I also noticed Petracca (wrong topic I know) when on the sideline didn't actually sit down but was very loudly yelling encouragement to players. He will not only be a huge presence on field but also off-field. Kennedy I think was described by one of the players "as an angry little man". If he is anything like that other angry little man in brown expect him to fire up against his former team mates. As to HL , he now has the confidence in both ankles after last week and I expect another running performance from him.
  4. To me, it is not how many marks Dawes takes it is the other things he offers the team that haven't been acknowledged by most MFC supporters. Hogan needs Dawes out there to play his role which includes taking marks but acting as a decoy, playing with the passion that we have seen in the past but I think more importantly giving leadership to JH at a time when he needs on field direction - whether this is advising on leading options or just a pat on the backside. To me Watts doesn't command this respect from JH (Jack is liked by everyone but liking and respecting are so different) whereas Dawsey's on field presence would immediately impact on JH state of mind. Dawes is not only academically intelligent but he also has the football and people smarts that good football leaders need. JH will be a far better forward with Dawes back on field.
  5. Of course they are as well as the rest of the team. Typical Lloyd self important bluster.
  6. Liked Gaetano Prestia's comment "Melbourne set to .... clean up the bombers". Any relation to you know who.
  7. Casey Scorpions twitter (on mfcwebsite) said H "pushed off and escape through traffic. Terrific stuff. He's been good so far"
  8. I like PJ's continual alignment with the City of Melbourne. The ad is contemporary and should appeal to younger supporters with whom our future lies. I love the larger than life screen shots on iconic Melbourne buildings. The heart beats in the final seconds gives it substance and carries on the theme from 2015. I would have preferred a better defined MCG - recognition of our relationship and our spiritual home but overall my score 9.5.
  9. Who would have believed in October 2014 that we would have a player the likes of AVDB. What a scoop by our Recruiters. His hardness at the ball (and man) and goal kicking skills gives confidence to his team mates. He hasn't the silky skills of Angus Brayshaw but to my mind he plays an equally important role.
  10. Any MCC/MFC Premium member who may not have a junior to take up their free junior membership should advise the Club as they in the past have donated these memberships to those juniors who may not have the means to follow their Club. The free membership is added to the total membership tally so it is a good thing to have this junior membership taken up.
  11. DD I presume you weren't at the game as the wind early in the game was a 2-3 game advantage. We did miss some early shots as well and if they were kicked we would have gone into the second quarter even with the Dogs.
  12. Absolutely true. The players still talk of the roar of the Melbourne supporters at the Essendon game last year. It really does makes a difference. Essendon supporters will be there in their droves so everyone has to put aside their conflicted emotions and support their team. This is a really important game for our development and direction as a Club. We are feeling it and I am sure the players will be the same.
  13. No one here seems to acknowledge the increased level of belief this young team will have. We can all just say it was only a NAB game but after a long preseason training with a new game plan this win will now confirm that not only does it does work but they are capable of carrying it out. There is nothing like playing against a real opposition and the hard hits on Brayshaw and Tyson show that Port were more than playing a practice match. There were important player improvements but it is a team game and to my eye it was the team as a whole that have reached another level. There was a sense of the team playing for each other - we have seen that over the past seasons with our defenders gelling - now there is a new feeling in the Club. Roos and Goodwin have the Players confidence in their training methods and game play. It is wins like these (albeit a NAB game) which will instil a new belief in their own abilities. This win has confirmed for me that we will go to the next level and lose the "easybeat" tag but 2017 will be our year. Allow some of our younger brigade get to the 50 game maturity level and with a little bit luck we will all be scrambling for finals tickets.
  14. round 2 will be even more interesting
  15. Apparently from this mornings "Age" the AFL have asked the Clubs (apart from Essendon) their opinion on whether St. Kilda and Port should be allowed to contract top up players. The Clubs "have privately argued that in the case of Ryder, Jake Carlisle and Crameri it was a case of buyer beware and they knew the risk of suspension when they recruited the players". No mention was made of MFC. Why did the AFL's sudden penchant to consult not apply to making new rules to apply to Essendon. Those new rules affect the other Clubs so surely they should have been consulted. Sounds like the new rules are being made under the cover of Workcover Rules so a bit like "we cant comment whilst under investigation". The VFL- AFL was set up to protect the interests of all Clubs. It would seem to me that the AFL makes very selective decisions.
  16. Thanks to all those who made it down to Gosch's under extreme conditions. It was a great day for the supporters and the Club. Great to see so many kids there despite the heat. Just a note - one of the last to leave the ground after being mobbed was "Grumpy Boots" himself - Jesse Hogan. He looked more than pleased with the attention he was receiving and was very generous with his time. All of the players were great with the kids and supporters especially after a gruelling session. A very nice gesture by our fearless leader to come over to the BBQ and thank those Volunteers and Demon Army members for operating the BBQ. He declined our offer of a sausage though!
  17. WJ Happy Holidays. We will all be thinking of you and what you are missing. For all the others coming down to training on Friday don't forget the sunscreen. It's going to be hot
  18. I know this sounds really logical but have you rung the Club to make sure it actually has gone to right address
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