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Everything posted by jnrmac

  1. We handball more than any other team in the comp. It was Ratten's plan to pressure our young players and they would cough it up. His plan worked a treat. Carrazzo hounded Davey all day and he played his worst game for a while.
  2. What the Hell was Watts wearing on his feet????? He fell over dozens of times today. How hard is it to wear screw in stops on a rainy day FCS?!?!?!?!??!
  3. Thanks guys - we love this stuff. Very much appreciated.
  4. I love posts like this - Yeah, he's just given up. Get a clue.
  5. Total unsubstantiated bulltish. Do you always make stuff up??
  6. bummers plenty of the ball but seem to be wasting the breeze Casey 8.9 57 Bummers 5.3 33
  7. Jordie McKenzie has a corky. Heavily strapped but is going back on the ground... well that's what the commentators suggested from the strapping
  8. Goal to Casey (McReady?) Casey 8.8 56 Bombers 2.1 13
  9. Maybe more astute player and game management??? We didn't kill our percentage because we played a loose man in defence most of the day. With possible winnable games coming up that's a smart move.
  10. The most frustrating part for me. Continually outnumbered in the fwd line. Seems to me like they were playing a man behind the ball as they didn't wasn't too much damage to our percentage - I guess I can understand that.
  11. I say out Demon Jack 16. So you looked at the stats column and determined Jones had a bad game?? That is ignorance at it's best. Did you actually watch the game? Did you notice that Jones was playing a tagging role and did exceptionally well on Pearce? Oh that's right. The game was on a bit late. Past your bedtime...
  12. Welcome to the Demonland forums troll Confused.
  13. And Maric an emergency.... DB keeping him motivated which is great.
  14. Ricky Bobby is a fantastic contested mark
  15. On a slightly different not, did anyone else have their heart in their mouth when Joel juggled the mark in the last 2 mins of the Port match?? He looks so lacksadaisical and didn't have his eyes on the ball. I was sure he was going to drop it........but then he held it.
  16. Wasn't that Daniher's plan? A lone ruckman. That's why Jolly left and why we got rid of SImmonds.....and why Jamar took so long to develop!!!
  17. The reality is it could happen to any one of our clubs. I see the headline "AFL sex scandal" and hope that when I turn the page its not Melbourne. No gloating around this one, please.
  18. If you think Bartram is holding the team back you have very little knowledge of footy. He is up there with the highest disposal efficiency in our team, plays a tagging role every week and has re-captured his stellar first year form. And if you need to get real if you think that all teams have 22 a grade players every week. Bartram is a good honest trier that does a good job each week. Dunn is the same. Stiff to be dropped IMO. (and BTW you could learn how to spell his name correctly if you really think of yourself as a supporter who knows a bit about his team) Does a good tagging job most weeks and can be quite an offensive player at times. Probably doesn't justify his high ranking but is solid nonetheless.
  19. It's actually pretty good. Agree its the first time Telstra has it right. Also good to select the frees or goals. You can watch them without all the pay in between. Watching the frees in particular gives am interesting perspective.
  20. All good thx for the replies.
  21. Do we get a return out of that?? Don't know what we would have got from in Melbourne but the capacity of TIO stadium is apparently around 14,000. And yes we got plenty of community goodwill but I'm wondering if anyone knows whether we made a profit or loss?
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