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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. WHilst i hope like hell he'll sign on, i doubt we would have put a legitimate offer to him, out of respect for him wanting to talk contracts after the 2011 season.
  2. What i also find perplexing, is that people always say that it takes a good 3 years (minimum) for a naturally raw and talented KPP to find his feet in the AFL system. Don't worry about the ready-made one's, i'm talking about the skinny fellas. It has always been said that it takes a good 3 years (does this not also apply to Watts - being a #1 draft pick has nothing to do with it). Factor in that Watts was extremely young when drafted (a year in age behind some in the same draft) that makes it 4 years minimum. So with that in mind, i really don't expect him to start truly hitting his straps until next year. Sure i would like him to do some nice things this year, like some consistency and maybe dominating 1 or 2 games. He will become a very good player for us, maybe even great, but we can only speculate. Brilliance cannot be rushed, most of us MFC supporters understand this, everyone outside the club lay into him because they know he will become a good player and they don't have him. Riewoldt didn't have his break-out year until 2004, his 4th year and was 21 and 5 months old. If Jack was to follow the same age timeline it means he would hit his straps in August 2012!!! A whole 1.5 years still to go. Think what Jack Watts will be like with another 1.5 years of development in him!
  3. I wouldn't worry too much about Watts' kicking distance atm. When the club finally decides to put him on a very intensive weights program (when he has fully stopped growing) he should start to do very heavy squats (proper form of course). This compound exercise releases huge amounts of growth hormones for building muscle and builds serious strength and size in the legs. When this comes, the power behind his kicks will be much greater. Look at Luke Tapscott for instance, sure some people can naturally kick longer than others, but all the big kicks in the league have rather big legs. Rich, Tapscott, Sav Rocca, Ben Graham, etc. With size comes extra distance and the power to penetrate (which will help stop him 'slicing' the ball).
  4. In another thread discussing last night's future fund event, it states that Don McLardy told the audience that we (the MFC) have spoken directly to Scully and his management etc, and we respect Scully's decision to wait until post-season (or until he is ready). This is the best way to go about it IMO, as it let's the player know that the club respects him and his decision and that we trust him. This greatly enhances our chances of retaining him as we don't place any further pressure on him. There's a right way and a wrong way to go about things and i feel we are doing all we can to keep him and the rest of our players coming out of contract, but we're going about it the right way.
  5. Control of the Sun. And even then we'd be getting ripped off.
  6. I'd say he'd have you covered there. The fat [censored] would think the 2x4 would be similar to a 4'n'20 and try to eat it.
  7. Bite your tongue, i know it's in jest, but this is something not to joke about. I will share in the laugh if and when he signs the melbourne dotted line, but only after he does.
  8. Someone over on Bigfooty (therefore take it with a grain of salt) pretty much said the same thing. EVen though it is on bigfooty, the post from 'Trentfrompunchy' makes me feel a little better. Big Footy
  9. Almost, but not quite. I think another guy by the name of Liam Jurrah would give opposition coaches more headaches than Davey. Not discounting Flash in any way, moreso stating the brilliance of LJ.
  10. What i find funny is that we have been yearning for a decent CHF ever since the Ox retired. After his 3 knee-reco's , he was anything but quick. The one thing more important than 'quickness' is presence. Ox demanded the ball to be kicked to him, or he would go and get it himself. Until Watts can develop that part of his game (this will come as he grows more confident in his body and game, as well as putting on some more bulk) he will be better suited playing a more flank-type role, although the more experience playing FF/CHF will only help fast-track his game.
  11. I think you'll find that almost everyone is half the size of Moloney
  12. Here Here. Try watching a replay of say a 1-0 game. For 10 seconds you might see some brilliance, other than that, it sends you straight to sleep. Hell if want to watch zone football, i'll stick to AFL. Sure soccer might be the 'world game', but AFL just blows it out of the water in terms of spectacle, plus it's a much more exciting game to watch for neutral fans. The round ball will never ever get anywhere within kooee of AFL in this country, those who think otherwise are clearly smoking some really good stuff.
  13. I know that Hawthorn's member scarfs have their logo on one end and the amount of years as a member on the other. I really like that idea, although i do like the scarfs being different each year like they are with ours. Not so sure about the horns though, but the scarf is a great one. What they should bring back is the head bandanas.
  14. Bingo. Lifestyles between Gold Coast and Western Sydney are world's apart. GC would be a great lifestyle for someone between 20-30, WS not so much. The allure of WS would be nothing to that of the GC, the only thing that WS can offer is a heap of cash. Sure money talks, but it sounds better when it is coming from your yacht/apartment in Surfer's rather than the rugby league heartland of Blacktown.
  15. Dion Prestia is only 175cm and he got drafted at #9 a week ago. If you are good enough, you will make it. Look at Boomer Harvey from the Roos, he seems to cut us up every time he plays us.
  16. One must also realise that because it will take time for their 'culture' to grow, not all of their kids will stay at the club. It takes strong culture to convince an interstate kid to stay at a club, culture that will take GC years to develop. Of those kids that do stay, not all of them will make it, some will turn out to be great, some good and others ok.
  17. I've been wondering the same thing. I reckon it's out of North and Geelong leaning towards Geelong. Who have they got in the forward line that's considered 'tall' minus Hawkins and Stevie J?????? Cam Mooney and J-Pod are getting on a bit.
  18. There's video up on the MFC website of Barry Prendergast going through each of the kids we picked up with Matt Burgan. Good viewing (1.20-1.30 in particular).
  19. I reckon Cook would have been available at pick 33. Regardless, if we were to have taken Atley @ 12 and Cook @ 33, everyone on these boards would be celebrating another BP drafting coup. The fact that we took Cook at 12 when we had the chance to take Atley instead says something. It's funny, coz back in '06 when we drafted Frawley at 12 and then Petterd at 30ish it had a similar feel to now. There's a reason why we took Cook at 12, and it will come out in due course. It would of been nice if the Atley@12 and Cook@33 came to fruition though. Sure i'm a little underwhelmed, but what's not to say that can't Cook become our star KPF (excluding Jurrah of course).
  20. Well when you have picks 1,17,19,1,2,11&18, it's pretty hard to go wrong. With our selections made tonight, we will really get to see if BP is any good at his job.
  21. Well one would have to say that we @ the MFC have to be happy, as BP seems to have gotten who he wanted. It's quite clear we went on 'needs' rather than 'best available'. Cook would have been there at pick 33, Howe seems an interesting one though (more excited about him than Lucas Cook).
  22. One can only hope!!! Here's mine: 12- Atley 33- Mitchell 50- Sinclair 53- NFI???
  23. No. It was well documented at the time that BP didn't think Tapscott would be there at pick 18. But because he was, it pushed Gawn and Fitzpatrick back in the picks. We were willing to take Gawn at 18 and Fitzpatrick at 34 (Have to question Fitzpatrick at 34 call).But as it turned out, we got both at picks 34 and 50 along with Tapscott. Those who were at the Melbourne function on draft night said that Chris Connolly was getting very pumped with the way the draft was working out for us.
  24. I know that one Jack Watts has been working on his rucking game at training. What's he now 196 cm??? His versatility will make him an even more dangerous weapon with these new rules coming in.
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