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The Lobster Effect

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Everything posted by The Lobster Effect

  1. You are a brave man watching the replay!
  2. Yeah I was wondering this myself. I've avoided Demonland until now as I was too annoyed about the loss so others may have already raised this but why the hell wasn't Schache subbed in for Tmac? If not at 3 quarter time then halfway through the last quarter? I get that Schache isn't the world's greatest player and is not a runner but surely his fresh legs would have been an improvement on Tmac (6 possies for the game) ??!!
  3. We gave up pick 27 for him last year. Unfortunately after a bit of haggling I think we'll only get Pick 40 back from Sydney. He's a year older.
  4. Don't forget Brodie 'working on his forward craft' Grundy
  5. Schache is no chance for JvR yeah?
  6. Good replacement for Melksham
  7. I disagree re inconsistency as he played 40 games in his last 2 years with us. But I do agree re less games if he stayed - he would have lost games this year to McVee.
  8. Yeah it will be on a TV screen or two. There's also the WiFi option if you have kayo although don't know how strong the signal will be!
  9. Fingers crossed
  10. Seems like we're not the only club with recent long-term injuries, it's just part of footy: Pies - Daicos Dees - Petty Lions - Ashcroft Cats - Henry, Blicavs
  11. Sorry going off track for this thread but to answer this Finey wanted a change of scenery post COVID and is now running a deli called Lenny's in Caulfield, slight change of scenery from talking AFL!
  12. What about Melksham? Seems too small anyway.
  13. Would have been hillarious if the Bombers lost but a better result for the Dees draft picks with them winning (in case Freo hit form).
  14. Done some good things, pretty athletic, good reach for spoils, bit inconsistent and needs more kgs. Should become a good player but question mark still over whether he's worthy of a top 5 pick. Doubt he'll come to the Dees, he extended his contract earlier in the year. I'm more interested in his brother if he's any good (but not so good that he's top 40)
  15. Apparently he had offers from Gold Coast and the Dees.. looks like he made the wrong choice. Mind you he would have been behind Miller, Rowell and Anderson and any young players they wanted to develop
  16. Crows dropping Lachlan Murphy seems a big statement for them, he's had a good year.
  17. Bounce that Pill!!
  18. Yeah not official, just flouted in an opinion piece on AFL.com. "One option floated for Tasmania has been to copy the assistance package delivered to North Melbourne last season, attaching picks to its finishing position that must be traded for established – and potentially contracted – talent." "There is also a thought that Tasmania could get priority access to land established talent already from the state as part of a 'get them home' push." Anyway I doubt that hypothetical would put off our recruiters.
  19. Looks good... but he might be off to Tassie when they start (the proposed AFL rule is that one Tassie player on each club's list can break their contract and go play for Tassie when they start up). Mind you 5 years away is a long time and who knows.
  20. This non-paywall link should work.
  21. We could break the record re long sleeve jumpers if it's going to be max 10 degrees and a minimum of 2...
  22. Bailey (plus Collingwood bogans) Dragonball character
  23. Because they place too much emphasis on potential to cause injury. Which seems overly conservative/misleading. I agree he recovered fine.
  24. Hopefully he plays well but not too well :) (We don't want him going in the top 40)
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