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The Lobster Effect

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Everything posted by The Lobster Effect

  1. Who thinks we should strategically open a Wuhan style wet market in Perth after the prelims?
  2. Coaches award announced tomorrow night. I don't think the brownlow nights been locked in but if we have a bye between the prelims and the granny it'll be that week to maximise attention/ratings.
  3. Even though Brissie are in way better form?
  4. If we end up winning tonight would we rather play the Lions or the out-of-form Bulldogs? I think I've answered my own question. Need a miracle from the Eagles.
  5. Would be frustrating for those regular Casey players to miss out on finals by 0.07%
  6. Captain Obvious. No club wants to relocate.
  7. Covid will give the AFL an excuse to push the can down the road. The sentimental part of me thinks Tassie deserves a team but on the other hand it'll statistically make it harder for the Dees to win a flag (especially since surely they'd introduce a 20th team down the track after Tassie so they can bring in tv dollars from the extra match)
  8. They all would have had to isolate if he returned a positive result. Luckily for him and the bulldogs he didn't. It would have been awesome playing their reserves side!
  9. According to this we have Brisbane's second round pick and Hawthorn's third round pick. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.afl.com.au/news/603145/indicative-draft-order-check-out-your-clubs-picks/amp
  10. Tmac is definitely back! In ripping form. Has he actually got back to his highs of 2018 or does he still have a little bit to go?
  11. I think he can barely make 45 on a set shot so he misses a few going for extra distance...
  12. Cam pederson after we pick him up in the mid season draft
  13. This year's longer quarters match his endurance advantage over most players.
  14. I think we'd find it tough to get over the line to Tiges or Port though. Still, could catch them on a bad day in a final....
  15. He must be happy he's not at Collingwood dealing with their mess.
  16. Not that it's a lot of money but as a matter of principle the $3.15 service fee isn't supposed to be charged (according to the Pies membership department anyway!)
  17. Ok I sent a cranky email (was going to cc Gary Pert guessing at his email address but I resisted) and it worked, as they just emailed me my barcode with an apology. Good stuff. Now just need a good match on Saturday!
  18. Thanks, I've logged into that page but it's just blank in the barcode section and says contact club. The issue is I have MCC as well and so paid the $220 to upgrade to dual Premium MCC/MelbFC membership so this year I can sit with friends who only have MFC membership (other years I could just walk from MCC to sit in general admin with friends but because of COVID you can't do that anymore). I should have just forked out the $239 for the Dees membership. I'll get the barcode eventually but it's just a pain they can't email it to me within 5 days, bit of a joke.
  19. Hi, I signed up last week and was told I'd be emailed by barcode yesterday. I didn't receive an email so called today on the main membership number. I read the horror stories on this page about not getting called back so decided to just stay on hold until I spoke to someone. However after 40 minutes of hearing hold music there was new audio saying please leave a message - but then another message saying you are unable to leave a message as the mailbox is full. Any advice/other numbers I can call? If I don't get the barcode this afternoon I won't be able to sit with my friends who are booking seats later today when they become open.
  20. "Melbourne has two spots open and may add Next Generation Academy prospect Deakyn Smith to its training squad from January." Hard to know if afl.com.au have actually heard anything or they're just speculating...
  21. Maybe after we interviewed Holmes recently he blabbed to his friends and the secret got out. Not necessarily our fault.
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