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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Think there was always questions over his kicking, which was a contributor to his going so late in the draft. I always thought he and the team played pretty well within his limitations, especially at his best. I think as our team improves, it'll surprise some people how all the poor kicks suddenly don't seem so bad.
  2. I'm not sure if this thread was meant to be serious, I can only assume it was, but what it's evolved to isn't very good. I'm closing.
  3. If he stays, it will be for an amount that would make most of us blush. So long as it doesn't cause a salary cap issue - and it won't - I still can't work out why any fan would give a flying fig about that.
  4. We are a much, much better side than last year. If we finish last, it means other teams have improved more - so be it. We won't finished last though, watched much St Kilda lately? We may not win another game, but nor will they. Edit: And the only game Brisbane have that may be winnable is against us, and their percentage is diabolical. Our game between them will most likely be the battle for 16th position.
  5. I don't think PJ was brought in for his list management expertise.
  6. Of all the things to complain about. Didn't think anyone would trump "gee, Geelong are arrogant", but you managed it.
  7. Glad I popped in to this thread for a bit of good news.
  8. If I was the man with the contracts I'd take it year by year. It's only prudent with a man his age. As a supporter I have the right to get as far ahead of myself as I like. Cross seems the sort to be able to play for quite a while. He's never relied on pace, and the fact that he hasn't had any soft tissue injuries has to be a good sign. It would not surprise me if he made it to a third or fourth season with us.
  9. I'm with the nays, but not because of some of the petulant people above who only seem to not want him because they're still bitter about how he handled us half a lifetime ago. I just simply don't see the point. There's a very big chance you'll get nothing from him. If he had anything left to give, Carlton would keep him.
  10. Not exactly the standard I would ask.
  11. I assume you are only joking, nonetheless I strongly disagree that it's ever appropriate to call umpires that. Especially when at most levels, they're doing it in their own time.
  12. Very rough. He's a not particularly articulate 20 year old footballer just trying to spread a positive message. I know the message is not particularly helpful for those of us who have BTDT, but it's nice to know that some of the young players are optimistic still.
  13. What's he doing playing in the development league?
  14. He's a first year player, for crying out loud. I highly doubt he is "annoyed" at being in the twos, and if he is, he needs a good shot of reality.
  15. Alternatively it could be that Roos is letting him develop at his own pace, as he said he would do from when he walked in the door.
  16. If we nominate him as a promoted rookie, then other clubs can't nab him, and he'll become our 'last' draft pick. Edit: And in response to the original question on this: no, you don't wait until draft day, you tell him your plans for him well in advance, so he is able to nominate for the draft if he doesn't like what you're putting on the table. As far as I know, the promoted rookies don't actually nominate for the draft at all.
  17. Does the question deserve such a condescending reply? He's played a total of 23 games for Port and I expect that many people, like myself, haven't seen a single one of them. I know he's a poor kick because I'm a sad bastard who spends too much time on the internet, but I expect the "Average Melbourne Following Joe" has had next to no exposure to him since he joined the AFL system.
  18. Good luck Tappy. I have low expectations but hope for his sake that he can conjure up a Jetta like reversal.
  19. I don't like it either rjay, but is it better or worse than the Tom "I'm just going to have a look around" Scully situation, or this business with Frawley now where every word and every movement is scrutinized? If Frawley is going, I'd prefer to know now so I can start thinking about life without him rather than waiting, waiting, waiting and being disappointed later.
  20. Evans is contracted and we've got enough uncontracted players to move on as it is. Given that contracted players only get delisted in extreme circumstances and this isn't one of those, I imagine he'll see his contract.
  21. Now you are on to something. And if you still didn't like the goal umpire's decision, you could just give him a little nudge in to the 'post', and he'll never make a wrong call again!
  22. tl;dr version of picket fence's post: only 18 year olds with adult bodies like Wines make it in the AFL.
  23. I'm not sure if you're taking the piss so I'll assume you're not, but those seem like difficult rules to enforce. What's the penalty?
  24. Exactly what I was going to say. I'm all for a progressive, evolving game (to a degree) but I'd be sorry to see any changes the way scoring works.
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