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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. Really? You don't reckon it might have to do with Spencer's ankle injury deteriorating. Fact is he shouldn't have been selected that game, he wasn't medically fit and had been unable to train for the previous two weeks
  2. Have thought the same thing this week, noticed him next to Roos in the box and have always been very impressed by how he seems to go about his job as an assistant coach at training - though it must be said that we supporters really know sweet FA about how good any of the assistants are.
  3. So many apologies to moments already mentioned, but what I liked best was the leadership shown by Dawes. He was brilliant. 3 goals straight, good ones too, one of the best tackles you'd see. More so though, it was the strong encouragement he gave Watts after a good tackle on the boundary, the hard running and contesting (or beating 3 opponents) and the great body work, in particular when he got between his man and Jamar and gave Jamar every opportunity to take the mark uncontested. It was leadership, commitment and footy smarts that can't be taught. It was Dawes telling the football world that he is back.
  4. Rather than summarising, as already been done, thought I'd add a few observations. Jamar v Gawn in ruck drills, pretty damn even, Jamar used his experience and strength to win many, but when Gawn held his own, he would win most. I've said it before, but will say it again, one of the biggest differences this year is that the players really seem to enjoy training. I have no doubt they are working harder, but it seems like instead of work, they are enjoying themselves training for a game they love. During the drills, there is a lot more movement. Last year training was quite stop start, waiting to get involved, joining in and waiting again. This year, there always somewhere to look at training, something always happening. One of the drill starts in the back pocket, defender passes and sprints to mate he has passed to, who has turned and passed to someone leading on the wing, who turns and passes or gives a handball to one of two already involved who passes to a forward who marks and gives it off to one of the three or four now charging past and they have a shot (or the forward shoots), all involved then jog around the boundary while a second group go through their paces (and they aren't going at half pace), then into the centre to set up as a third group goes through their paces forwards and back running to position. In this drill 5 out of 6 would be along the right flank with the odd ones up the guts or left flanks. Another difference this year is that the match simulation, while still a long way off from real day pressure, has a hell of a lot more pressure than what I saw last season. A bigger crowd today than recently, sure to show some support to Jack, though nice weather would not have hurt these numbers. Few cameramen and journos but less than I was expecting.
  5. Haha, will do later. Actually said to Saty earlier that the more the better, spent bulk of last 15 years overseas or interstate and used to love the training report so will do
  6. Thanks to those who wrote reports, only just now have some time alone to do one but looks like others have summarised it well
  7. Found guilty on orders from above, dictators who did a Hawthorn in their pants due to the public reaction and gave new orders to the new panel
  8. Walked a lap or two quite gingerly yesterday, will be interested to see how he goes at training tomorrow
  9. People on this thread seem more optimistic than I am about Watts playing
  10. What would you get if you bred Damien Barrett and Susan Boyle? Craig Hutchinson...
  11. Gee the hypocrisy in this post cracks me up. Stick to 3 word posts
  12. A failure to appeal woul hurt membership numbers next year, big time
  13. Out - the bump Fans of footy In - Marshmallows Limp dick corporates
  14. Despite everything that we have gone through over the last decade, I have remained a passionate Demon and footy fan. I will always consider myself a Demon, but if this verdict stands I can't see myself remaining a fan of the football played in the AFL. They can get [censored], will start going to Rebels and Heart games instead.
  15. Players should come out of the race and run around the banner, taking care to pivot off their left foot when they do it
  16. Am happy for people to pass on first hand information. I went to quite a few Casey games last year and heard nothing that sounded even close to your claims, you were asked to back up some claims that are a pretty foul attack on the Casey coach, you fobbed it off about how it was a few years ago. You were challenged to back up your claims but got caught out. If you were there and heard the words, you would know if it was last season or the one before. I am happy for people to tell us about what they witnessed, I can't stand those who use second hand information from confidential sources to assassinate a persons character. If you want to make false claims and get hysterical about them, join your mate on Dawi'ology.
  17. No might have, you definitely got some players mixed up as Pigdog was not with the main group at the start
  18. Yeah, he seemed to be moving freely, that said, was a light session as have already said
  19. Is recovering from a broken jaw so even if ready couldn't see him coming straight into the team. Would have thought Riley a more likely replacement, though I'd be staggered if Viney is not playing next week
  20. Just got back from training and am still thawing out. No sign of big Jake Spencer, ditto Chip and Jack Watts walked one or two slow laps and that was the extent of it. From the get go, they split into 2, those that played in Adelaide plus Mitchie and those that played Sunday for Casey. Those at Casey went onto the storm field did some gentle running and the some kicking and handball drills, a very light session that was more fun than anything else. The seniors also had a very light session, handball and kicking drills, some doing laps, some goal kicking at the end. Not a great deal to pass on to every one except for the one thing we found very interesting and that was Roos going around and pulling aside every player from Saturday and have a good one on one chat with them. Would love to be able to pass on what was said, but unfortunately was too far away. Saty had a chat to some of the players, so he may know more.
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