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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. You are just full of it. I knew if people gave you enough rope you would hang yourself. Welsh coached us last year. 2 years ago it was Brett Lovett. Like you I remember someone making a post last year on this topic. Unlike you, I am not taking a memory of someone else and acting like it was mine....
  2. Roo, not the most impartial commentator - "nothing to look at in that" or words to that effect
  3. If he gets much for that, the football I knew and loved is dead and buried
  4. I heard many addresses by Welsh at quarter time breaks last year. Not once did I hear him take a pot shot at the demons game plan. Maybe if DD had actually heard such a comment himself, but no, second hand information at best from an anonymous board and uses it to partake in some character assassination. Pathetic is being nice
  5. Gawn trained the whole session and Frawley was working with the forwards
  6. Thanks master, was wondering what was happening in that stoppage
  7. Just what Viscout saw - walking laps. Tapscott did a lot of training but finished early, seemed to be fine, assuming they r just managing his load
  8. Missed the start, saw Spence was there but didn't see him as he was gone before we got there. Lot of kicking practice when I first arrived and they looked great it what was perfect conditions, must have seen 100 running passes but only saw the ball hit the ground 3 or 4 times. The skills exist , just need to learn to execute them under pressure. Next up, the boys moved the ball moved the ball from one end to the other, sprinting hard up the ground with players often receiving a handball from the person that had just marked their kick. Called for hard running this drill, the players all put in. Watching Watts run hard, couldn't help wonder why we don't get that body language and hard running in a game. The kid has all the ability in the world and just needs to back himself. Maybe he should call Brendon Goddard and invite him out for lunch one day. Also did some match simulation work, not tackling hard but closer to the real thing than you often see at training. Here the skills were not as sharp, generally pretty good but the pressure led to some mistakes. The mids, defenders and forwards (Watts in The later group) the split up. The defenders practiced clearing the ball quickly, the mids working on the centre bounce set up and the forwards finding a leading target in congestion, blocking was used to help here though marking was terrible to start with, only Dawes holding them, got better fortunately. Goal kicking practice followed by quite a few. Watts (who I followed closely due to the fact my 4yo daughter loves him and was constantly having to show her where he was) then did a drill involving picking the ball up on the run while getting hit by a couple of trainers with the pads, then a marking drill where he copped a hit just before jumping for the mark. Got some great pics of my daughter with Chunky, then the Russian, Wattsy and then Jack Viney. She was beaming in the photos and if the players happen to read this, thank-you for being great with her.
  9. Was thrilled to see Mitch there, looked well, not that I can tell, but took it as a positive for him that he was dropping in to watch his mates train
  10. Don't worry to much about Eddie, he's just an old c..., I mean an fat old c...., sorry, I mean old campaigner.
  11. At the start of the season the AFL said they were going to have teams of umpires for the first three rounds. This works. Maybe they stopped after the 3 rounds?
  12. As if any of us could ever believe that you could be classy
  13. Can't believe that some poor souls are so offended by opposition supporters sitting in our reserved seats (probably using friends tickets) that they actually complained to security. Seriously, what tossers.
  14. No, we can't confirm it.Though it has been mentioned 173 times on the board.......
  15. The way he is going, you may get a former pick 4 for him, little else.
  16. Wanted Roos to smash that drink bottle Jack was drinking from as Roos spoke out of his hands. That he couldn't even give his coach some intensity but look away and have a drink disgusted me
  17. Must go back to Casey, get some confidence, learn to back himself and enjoy the game and not come back until he finds the intensity that he so desperately needs.
  18. Well Salem showed he is the real deal. Must play a full game next week, nice to see a first round draft pick that shows us straight away why he was drafted where he was.
  19. Just got back, had to leave a bit early unfortunately. Like last weeks main training session, Spencil was a no show. Hogan did some walking, went over to the rooms and then came back over after and watched the end of the session. Kent had a light session, obviously still restricted with the calf soreness. After warm up stretches Georgiou, Toumpas, Tappscott and Mitchie did some laps. God I hope Tappscott can get himself right and have a big second half of the season, he's a big unit and unlike others I think he has what it takes to make it. Early on the boys did a drill moving the ball on quickly while a lot who have been at Casey did a close contested drill moving the ball by hand quickly, surprisingly for me Judy was in this group. After this they did a wrestling/tackling drill, with them on the ground with one trying to dislodge the ball from the others, real show of strength stuff so not surprised Barry made the comment overheard. Next up was a stoppage drill, rucks contesting and from the stoppage moving the ball the length of the field at speed. Also at some stage the rucks did some drills, Jamar, Gawn, King, Fitzpatrick and Pedersen all involved. Next, they had a triangulated drill, using the ball by hand and then foot. More match simulation type work followed. Overall they looked pretty good, though wasn't watching as close as often do, but skill level was pretty good and considering it was a bit blowy at times was happy with it. Have said it before, but will say it again, am impressed with how much more hands on Roos is compared to MN and between each drill he would call the squad in and address them, if only we could hear what was said it would be great but can't...
  20. Sure you aren't mixing up events. Dusty had the suspended license
  21. It's simple really. If Roos thinks that he is ready, he plays. If Roos doesn't think that he is ready, he doesn't
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