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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Mr Smithee. Please avail all of us of your priveledged insight to the process. What are we, as the great unwashed, ignorant and incapable of intelligible discernations missing ? What is wrong with the process teh MFC has in place ( keeping in mind none of us will be privvy to the exact proccess) and how would you do it ? seriously...what would you do, how would you go about it ? look forward to the input
  2. its a play on words..Garland/ Flower !! lol.. certainly got a few of you !! lol
  3. And of course you WERE there !! you knew everything that happened....of course you dont... you kknow only what you have been shown...and that wil lnot be the entirity of th enight. But please feel free to be judge and jury onthe basis of limited info. None of it looks particularly pretty...but you arent privvy to all the provocations etc. How very clever of you to summise on the basis of so little.
  4. All any of any of us have seen is some disjointed video. We have no sound ,who knows whats being said ..to whom...and when. Quite frankly unless you were there you have no hope of an accurate picture or context of events.
  5. not a troublemaker...just an 'idiot' on the night... hopefully he's learnt !!!
  6. yep...here we go yet again.... Neeta will captain next year. His successor will be all apparent by his attitude and play on the field next year, to some minor degree this year but am prepared to see the effect of the new coach. As the wise ones say....all shall be revealed in the fullness of time. Dont sweat it people. The future is bright and it will happen just not overnight. Be patient. I would have thought Brocky was a monty...but lets see if he truly rises to the job. ( i have confidence )
  7. doomsayers ?...no....just some overdue pragmatism. we all seem to live in cloud cuckoo land here at Deeland at times. Sometimes ..youknow...what walks like, soundslike and fles like a duck ...is a duck !!. The realities of football ( as much of life ) arent always palatble. butyou can either face them , deal with thtemand move on makingthe bestof it...or continue to to take the little green and pink happy pills !! Again I would certainly prefer to see a fit ( not fitter...but FIT !!! ) Beamer take his position on the grass, but if that doesnt happen we all need to move on.
  8. there's two games a year we will now win !! :D
  9. http://realfooty.com.au/news/news/surgery-...3833529891.html get better Ricky. We'll keep your seat warm for 2008 :-)
  10. now the bung has just worked its way north to his head !!!
  11. agree.. would rather he came good :-)).. his penetratig kicks out of the middle , marked by a leading Newton....ah...we can dream :-).. thats a seriously lethal combination.. pin point kicking to a fella with glue dukes !! :-)
  12. yep watched the video.....he's passed the interview...start him monday!!
  13. whilst a coach may assemble a ...well... less able team in order to let some points slide. I dont think once the game is under way that any player is going to stop and let another team go past.
  14. I hear the sentiments..and I certainly hope he's on the mend. Otherwise really he's not adding to the equation, like it or not. If he doesnt play this year he will definitely be put under the microscope. This will sound harsh but there can be no rrom for pasengers in the team going forward, even if its a 1st class ticket !! Hypothetical, he's traded at yeas end ...how is irrelevent , but he affords some value posibly to another team prepared to take a punt, or.....his injuries force him to call it a day. No return. Its just a scenario....a plausible one even if not maybe probable. remember...its about the team
  15. it wouldnt be a matter of choosing to let him go erally, it may simply come down to a reliabilty/value for money / he's using a player's spot etc etc. some decisions are unplatable...but necessary. At full tilt Beamer is a gun, 1/3 fit and its the knackery!! thats life
  16. not being pessimistic... just a reality chill pill all around.. Brocky has a few bad 'uns and he's off the boil.Suddenly he is no longer the second coming !!. At same tme the gas is turned up on Col and he's the beez kneez. I fervently hope Sylvias fitess is bettering and his current enthusiasm continues. The thought of him still to get better nad more consistent is salivating. Brocky is experiencing for mine a learning curve....the lesson he had to have so to speak. That is the better you get the more attenion you'll have. Let him study the way of the "hird" and he'll find his mojo again.
  17. yes ...surely Neeta is a longer term probability..at least 3-4 ; absolutely no sense rushing back..might only harm the preseason and hence nest year. Ive been wonderig about Beamer for some time. Some hard and uneviable decision may be made by this club as certain realities may overtake hopes and aspirations. Carroll will be watched this week, but yod think hes better than evens to play.
  18. Buckley was more than fair to good... he was OK..not brilliant like Ricky Was..but ok. he got lost in the pace on occasions, but that will come good as he is more exposed... he seems to think a bit !!
  19. nearly got very inappropriately excite !!! lol there were a couple of passages.. quite liked the White thump forward.. resulting in a quick passage leading to goal. was like turning back the clock...or was it turning it forward perhaps ???
  20. I mentioned way back in some other thread that CAC was probably the particular one of the curent crop of the MFC football dept that i would want to keep above the others. But no one is totally irresplacable. If he goes he goes, would prefre he stays as he's been quite the deliverer ( when no meddling ) . Am very intereted to see who he homes in on in both trade week and the draft. Given the new boorm coming through he ought to have a bit of a shopping list :-))))
  21. At the risk of sounding like ...just anothr bagging of Frosty I'll explain my frustration. There were some good passages of play by Miller, yes folks..actually some quite good ones.. ( count limited to fingers on one hand )... there were more than a few workmanlike efforts. ( about two hands worth !! lol )..and now the frustration, his disposal. On more than 5 occasionns his disposal , or poor thinking of choice either resulted in a grubbed pass to a Melbourne player, a kick so poor directed its hard to guess who it was to, a kick to an unecessary contest ( i.e a better choice was a kick to another player, or handball) ..or on more than a couple of occasions a direct turnover by placing it at easy reach of a carlton player. Now in fairness he wasnt totally alone. But he did take the guernsey for it today. I find it annoying. He may or may not get the rest of the season to develop some backman acumen, however i doubt it he seems alllost at sea down there. Its just a reality!!
  22. Brown - good in spurts Carroll - shortcomings exposed - brave Bizzell - steady and handy Ward - some poor finishes Miller - he cant kick Petterd - bugger bugger bugger Wheatley - can he kick :-))))))) Dunn - not best game McDonald - on ya Junior !!! Bate - really very good :-)) Newton - has found home :-)) Jones - we need him Sylvia - finding some polish C. Johnson - good.........and bad P. Johnson - becoming more accomplished White - good "followers' game McLean - use the force !!! Robertson - robbo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Davey - was he playing ( f**king amazing goal ) ...hell..a dollar each way !! :-)) Frawley - getting better :-))) Godfrey - give another year :-) Buckley - not too shabby
  23. im thinking the powers that be will trial either Frosty OR Dunny..but not both at moment.. Dunny is still emerging whilst Miller ( like it or not ) must be on last legs re chances.
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