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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. as to topic of thread... i thought the idea was were were looking to have possibly Dunn at CHF and Juice eventually at FF.. they arent competing..
  2. kicked a goal...almost more.. spotted up others more than once...hassled the defenders...lots of 2nd and third efforts. I think he might be ok this lad :-)))
  3. Brown knew he screwed up the sec he draged it in and did nothing.. that was always going to be a free unfortunately.
  4. 25 bucks well spent !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  5. somewhat ironic in a way that one of his favourite pets cost Neale the game..
  6. you have to sometimes burn a forrest to generate new growth..tonight The Rev was burned...bit of a shame he deserved that win. Life goes on..
  7. I dont normally like to look at the maggots for a raz...but !!.. either a trip is a trip...or its just [censored] !! also ...why wasnt Hird given a second 50 as he continued to hassle after the first one.. that was as blatant as anythingIever seen !! But golden boy gets a way with it.. should have been a shot almost in the sqaure !!!
  8. as Ive said elsewhere HE COST US THE GAME .. and he bloody well knew it.. never to play in firsts again !!!
  9. Brown - cost the game !! Carroll - well beaten Bizzell - more good than bad Ward - well played son Bell - bugger bugger bugger Green - less good than bad Johnstone - he was there ?? Bate - played it tough Bruce - not best thinker McDonald - onya Junior, thankyou Davey - Davey on Davey, Davey won..lol Robertson - limited brilliant glimpses Neitz - commendable walking wounded Johnson - some good stuff Wheatley - must take kickins Jones - hard at it White - lowered to laycock McLean - not his month Sylvia - much better game Godfrey - great 100th game Petterd - continues to shine Newton - not bad Juice :-)))))))
  10. not that I particularly would wont pagan...but as to cost... do you think Danners was on peanuts ?? Gardner will get the best coach we can... money wont be so much the object ( a partial contributary factor for sure ) ...just suitability
  11. pointless to consider really as Thomas obviosly has some major beef with Gardner....... lucky us !! :-)
  12. hmmm.... the thick plottens !!! yet again. Whilst seemingly on th esurface to be reasonable changes there is an odour of collusion. Would Neeta have played tonight had not the weeks events unravelled as they have ? No I doubt it. Can I blame him or anyone f selecton inthis Neales last game ? NO !! Juice is in almost as some perverted recognition I feel of the angst felt by the suppporter fraternity. The whole thing smacks more of a "show" than any normal game selection. Well let it be such then. Its not like our season s going anywhere fast.
  13. Yes, was thinking the same...littlel matter of a contract...lol. Seems the Toiges are continuing in their bumbling ways !!..
  14. They havent gotten us a flag yet.. I actually have more faith in those comin up and consolidating than many of those here and present ...my opinion of course all the more goes to speak of Mathews ability...not bad for an untried coach ?
  15. simple... name those that dont !!
  16. food for thought.. invariably in situations like this had there been even the slightest scent of nastiness and / o r underhandedness th emedia would have been all over it like flies to [censored].. They would have blown it up and gone to town with it. Anybody read anything ? Doubt it . No..the focus is on the search for a new coach, not any disharmony, split or disintegration of Melbourne I'd say MFC has shown its quite capable, its resourceful and purposeful; hardly the floundering leaking sieve some would have it. Given the propensity for situations like this to turn into an absolute bun fight, this has been handled extremely well.
  17. Also how exactly dont we have 5 years ?/ is the world abou t to end ? Ive waited 43 years to date... 5 more wouldnt kill me. Id hardly describe Matthews coaching record...as lucky !!...and if it was simply that.. lets get someone with similar luck !! :-)
  18. 5 years for a flag.. Deal !!!! where do we sign !!
  19. you seriously saying recruiting a near 31 yo old is the way of our future ??..
  20. I dont think a rebuid is necessary.. certainly a revamp!!
  21. mate, to some this seems a good idea, but we've really done it to death here. It aint gunna happen.
  22. Im trying to keep this talk to who ought to be nervous given the changing of the guard. And am tryig to stay clear of trade talk here. carrroll is good...he's not brilliant and gets beaten by the better Forwards..that just is.. yes. He;s the best for a long while, but who knows what may come along in trade etc.. I have taken him off the dead list :-) I also am inclined to possibly keep Gods.. with the rest ( those not tradeable ) probably looking for a future beyond MFC.
  23. Big sigh of relief here too.... :-)) Struck me as quite bizarre his comments towards gardner.. love to know the back story there..lol
  24. well... Im not totally convinced that Riewoldt is the super duper player he''s made out to be.. but he's obviously good. I am defintely sure that Thomas is not the great coach he seems to think he is !! :-)) id take Nick...Id pass on that over bloke :-))
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