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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. too tru ..too true... :-) but they wouldnt have been in my pick...thats all :-)
  2. exactly WW..exactly. put it in context superbly.
  3. my pix would be Buckley Dunn, Jonhson ( c) and Frawley. I know what Miller Holland and Picket can do...i want to see more of the top 4
  4. well we do have the jump....so we can only watch and see :-) its going to be very interesting who actually gets/makes the shortlist, but who can jump the hoops !!
  5. Riewoldt, Dal Santo and Clarke are alll but awaitng the rubber stamping of new contracts. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...5-11088,00.html Oh well... we'll have to look elsewhere :-)
  6. im sure there are many ways to 'read' into the the article about Byron, and there may indeed be more than one issue here. There is a very simple one too. Riley is going to trial the kids. Byron aint no kid !!! So Im sure if Byron earns his spot then Bomber will possibly play him. I just see it as a priority thing, not necessarily a personal one.
  7. I must admit after reading this I did see it possibly differnt to most. In that Riley is simply short of bums on seats and needed a hand and thee guys were available. I do rate Rivers but i cant quite see him being that good yet he is in a possition to offer too much , more the point he is still learning and being taught. Again i just see it as the walking wounded helping out whilst Riley's hands are full.. I dont read too much into it. Just pragmatism. Nothing wrong with that !!
  8. Currently coaching in the SANFL Jarman wants a crack !! http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/com...5E20322,00.html Will this be the first of quite a few Coaches/ Assistants staking a position in the queue ? I hope so. The more the merrier and likely we are to get the right one ( whomever that is !! )
  9. Certainly an interesting insight especially considerig those who were empowered to be this leadership group and how many of them essentially failed in the primary function of this group.. i.e to lead !!
  10. Im going out on a limb here...lol.. But id suggest our CEO and board are a little more level headed that that at St Kilda!!
  11. might be your settings...all i can figure.. works fine for me. if doesnt work .,,,try just going to heralds front page and sourcing own link.
  12. http://publish.vx.roo.com/heraldsun/videop...&format=wmp try that
  13. lol..there must be a group of vids on that link then.. sorry.. look for the Riley one..it'll be there... woof !!
  14. more here http://melbournefc.com.au/Season2007/News/...px?newsId=46546 Jared Rivers, Clint Bartram and Matthew Whelan to take no furhter part this year allowing them to recover prorperly.
  15. http://publish.vx.roo.com/heraldsun/videop...&format=wmp Just a little snippet from Riley. Must admit I like his approach. Is going to be interesting to see how he goes. ( and the team of course ) Go Dees
  16. Much of the interest in players like Kruzer I feel can be traced to the absolute dearth of Ruckmen in th eAFL stocks. i.e theres more than one club lookig to top up or indeed fill this position. So as a result anyone looking halfway likely is in demand.
  17. hang on....where are your goalposts now.. ?? you want it viewed in light of a different set of rules ? that in itself is a different thing. But there are rules in place. There is a requirement to play with in them or be dealt a penalty. Llyod stepped over the line, he wil be dealt with.
  18. its irrelevant whterh he was to be hurt or not. that is NOT the criteria of any ajudication of that action. Proper criteria pertain to,was it within acceptable distance to the ball ..and was it in play ? ( no it wasnt, quarter was OVER ) Does it breech any law of the game ? see. previous . just little things like those !!! and as an adjunct to your blinded view on this... had Lloydy not collected Carroll high enough , had Carroll just moved forward enough (After all Carroll was unawre of anyone about to hit him, since the quarter WAS over) then lloydy could have hit in the area of the kidneys.. that might do some harm dont you think ?? Just accept it was a foolish and cowardly act unbecoming of a captain let alone another player. He got knicked !!
  19. just to get clear on this Ash...youre an advocate for cheap shots ?? thats Ok is it? just asking
  20. dont sweat some of the 'ideas' 3001 ....welcome to MFC !! Hey they are trying ideas, thats good. Hope they try more. Shows some lateralness down at the club, thats also good !! Many of us simply consider the membership as a donation at the best of times !!! lol :-)))
  21. I hope the Bomber s do contest it... hell if Rocca can and get his punishment upped...maybe Lloydy can too !! :-)) yep...ess, 3 games for wins totaling 4 points!! still ...credit to them...they won them and didnt lose them by 4 points !! In light of a little chane in heart by tribunal , I look forward to their deliberations .
  22. someone else who saw it for what it was. Good(e) explanations re the vaguerities of the Tribunal as well. spot on Queen
  23. what?? Ash... Llyoyd came in at Carol way after that play had finished... how can it even be looked upon as argy bargy...it was thuggery.....and he was caught out...simple as that !!.. I have no problem with tough footy.. in context.. that had NONE !!
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