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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I can see 36 deck chairs set up.. 18 either half.. with every one just watching the First of 4 bounces !! lol
  2. I anticipate the Dees will trial a new away strip for this game. Predominantly the Deep blue with a small red trim to the neck and a new white MFC logo on the chest...ought to be rather fetching ...
  3. how many rule chnages ought we expect as a result of this game ??
  4. This bodes as one of the funniest games ever in AFL history.. everyone playig out of position.. teams playing kick to kick.. Players handballing ( perfectly ) to the opposition. Everyone playing poison ball..lol. Missed shots from point blank. Will be worth the admission for this one..lol
  5. I think common sense ought to prevail with Neeta still captain.. Brock in understudy mode... Sylvia could definitely be in the leadership group Bate will come good...dont sweat it :-) jamar just isnt there is he.. trade him.. give game time to other Brown..Ward to go .. maybe Keep Gods one more year Biz..a conundrum now..certainly been ok...but hardly a big ask in our team of late.. Delist...make room for youth.
  6. well !!!!! If your a coach in waiting....its certainly the year !!!! lol Season aint over yet either..lol.. who's next ??
  7. yep...a hard year at "demonland".. lots of discussion... some vitriol... lots of frustration.. been damn hard.. Oh..the other Demonland !! :-)
  8. Keep in mind also Pagan is playing against a stacked deck in Carlton. Very parochial etc....knives are poised for him have no doubt.
  9. Robbo is fast turning into the MOUTH OF THE IRRELEVENT !! I'd rather he just stuck to footy.. he's good at that !!!
  10. be a bit like the two boxers , both swinging and missing...both taking a dive..lol. They'd play kick to kick.. lol..us to them to us to them to us..to............ lol
  11. I didnt catch all of it...but an interview on ABC at half time with Williams had him quite upbeat and genuinely interested. He is definitely worth a look at. He is after all the most successful person with any affiliation with our club !! lol
  12. If we assume the NEW coach will be a no nonsense type I would be very surprised if he would want to adopt a problem child such as the Wiz. Wiz'z best footy is behind him...our best performances are ahead..It's not a match !!!
  13. Whilst I hear the sentiment. it would be a foolhardy board that ajudicated on the coaching position with any real allowance for the supporter factor. In fact if they did...THEY ought to be sacked. A coach should only be picked on his merits. All other factors.. are just nonsensical in the long run. I'd certainly hate to see some gentlemen take up the baton, but im not going to abandon the Dees if that happens. Strangely enough ive been a Dee longer than any of the coaches !! lol.. so have many here. Its not the issue. When you pick a general, his "popularity " is irrelevant. Its his vision and leadership qaulities that determine his rank. Im getting the inkling it might be the total end of the Sheedy era. Such things do happen. But then windy hill has played lots of silly bugger games over the years, so who knows. The only thing we can be assured of now is its going to be a total free for all now. Last year nothing...this year Flinders St all change !!
  14. Id say the fat lady is definitely warming up to ring in the end of his career. Even if he is filth...its a crappy way to end your playing days.
  15. An aspect not often regarded is that of all the many and varying football people supposedly available for such work as 'consultant' panel member etc. is their impartiality. Or the ability to have it at present. A lot of stuff goes on behind closed doors. Im failry certain Gardner would have made efforts to put together a group who would bring to the table the required outlooks and eperience without necessary having that in any ONE person. Also keep in mind no club has sitting in waiting an "Emergency get a Coach board of Inquisitors" .
  16. lol... i noticed that...was half expecting gaz to needle him on it.. Bucks is not going anywhere.. he wil remain a maggie one way or another .. thankgod
  17. We're not travelling the best which is a very nice way of putting our situation at present. Well we've all known this. Some argue points over here ... some debate over there but when you serve it all up it sorta sounds like this :- DEES MUST FOCUS ON REBUILDING FOR FLAG In many ways there's nothing really new in all of this. It just hangs it out on the wash line for all to see in plain view. Despite what many may or may not think of Garry Lyon, there can never be any misunderstanding that his veins course with blood red and blue. As part of the focus group going forward Im sure he will make it abundantly clear to the incumbants that whilst being careful not to throw any babies out, its time to change the bathwater . Here we go folks ... we're rebuilding again .... who da thunk it !!
  18. re Black.. unless SUSPENDED.. he is still elligible.
  19. This is all truly very interesting. I think money will always be agaisnt us initlally with US draftees. BBall money is just stupid there. I think there is one thign we are totally under-recognising here. The sheer athelticism of the average A grade footy player. Many game players from other climes and backgrounds will find it hard to play the game. e al ljust take it for granted. That near on 2 hours of huff and puff. No other game does that. Todays game doesnt allow for much hands on hips..its go go go !! I also feel that Africa is the great unknown. There are defintely the odd ball offering from teh States ( include Canucksville ). My pick for the land of the great untapped.. CHINA !!
  20. Milller strikes me as the perpetual square peg in a team of round holes. he just doesnt return good value.. FOR US !! for some other team with some other attributes and holes to fill he may be a god send. lets trade on that and get value for him. FCS..if he hasnt struck gold in a team of hapless Dees to date...he never will...ppl just face it !!
  21. I cant for the life of me understand what a tallish forward is doing anywhere near the middle of the ground.. . He's never going to be mid fielder.. he's to sharpen and hone his craft at the pointy end, thats where he'll be; surely !!
  22. so ...you have none. Lots of critique...but nothing to really add.
  23. mate.. whats YOUR solution then ? all i hear is YOUR rhetoric !!
  24. Would it have been to oincreduoulsy naieve to suggest that once the the cast was set and it was all over red rover by quarters end that maybe some lattitude and inventiveness might not have gone unwarranted ? The starting setup was obviously a total failure. yet litel it seemd to this observer was really done to remedy it. Is this indeed a throwback to Robbo's ..""he's ( Riley ) just like Neale"" comment ?? Not trying to bury the bloke at this early juncture but he needed to to reshuffle the deck. It was a lost game. It needed a spark of "direction nouveau". Isnt this a little of what the rest of the season was about. No one expects Bomber to win many, so it doesnt matter. Its how he uses the cattle he has. This wasnt much chop !! ...indeed the only Chop was a lamb to the slaughter!!
  25. At the risk of sounding heretic. The member s have no real place in the selection of a coach. To go down this road is to provoke the popularist theory. We do have input as members. We vote on who is on the board. That is our lot. From then on we have to trust that these people are indeed capable of inofrmed decisions with the most meaningful outcomes for all involved. I would suggest that very few people here, or indeed in the populus general would have the slightest idea about what really makes those, being asked for input, tick. The MFC obviosuly with representaions at the coal face probably do. I think its quite marvellous really that a club would even announce genrally as much as it has. It doesnt have to. It trying to show the members, the footy public and ndeed any intersted party that is a new broom of thinking. A more profesional consultive approach. That its not going for any you beaut , my favourite son , type solution. Its looking forward sufficiently enough to know that Rome isnt built in a day. Its seeking the wisdom and input of people who despite many 's consternation must have some street cred in that industry. It ( the MFC ) isnt seekig any sensationalist solution. Its being methodical. All good and successful BUSINESSES are !! It seems that the MFC is damned if it does and damned if it doesnt. The MFC is quite unashamedly saying maybe as a group of managers we dont necessarily know everything and maybe its an idea to ask others who might. I for one have confidence in this process. Not blindly. One doesnt need any blind appreciation of this as a whole, its all there in front of us. Im reasonably assured of a successful future. The club is going about a process of relocating to better premises and surrounds. its tying in with other similalrly minded sporting and porfessional outfits to feed off synergy. ( Team Melb ) its looking way outside the sqaure regarding future interest in the club ( the China Projest ). And now its looking to put into place a regime of coaching and suplemtary staff to take us forward. Just how is any of this a shambles ?
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