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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. There's no way on earth Sheeds is ever going to leave his little fort up around Chirnside anytime soon. Whatever he does will be Melb based for a few years yet. he will be the "ambassador" he will be the AFL's face of the celebrations. ffs its not a full time job !! lol its more fluff and bubbles than substance. Sheedy has committments outside and within footy even at present. Not much would change. :-)
  2. If gone about the right way we ( MFC ) can turn 2008 into a Demons-fest !! we can go front and centre.
  3. Sheedy ought / ought not be appointed primaily on what he can do for the team. i.e coaching. However unlike many others vying for the position he brings a lot more, in fact he is the ONLY one that can/will do this. This I see as a bonus, not the motive for wanting him.
  4. what better way to do it ( its not a full time thing anyway ) than when representing THE club celebrating 150 years ??
  5. none.. buts the point is lost on the powers that be in the "box"
  6. At the risk of sounding like a me too .. this is exactly the point that seems lost on the current coaching staff. The outcome really isnt the point now ( nor was it mnay months back really, some argued oterwise *sigh* ). Its time to throw caution to the wind.. roll a few dice..and roll them again. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Arent we ever going to learn at Melbourne ??
  7. Yes the review of the game was encapsulated with the coverage of the coin toss..we lost it there. All else that followed was time-padding !! lol
  8. We here in AFL land are simply unused to the notion of 'knowing ' ones destiny before sesons end. This happens all over the world in different codes, let alone life.. So really, why do we take a step back in mock surprise in knoweldge that a contract may be signed and delivered before the ahllowed season's end . Whomever gets the nod.. it will be all systems same til end of the playing year. I would howver expect the incumbent to be making a stockpile of Melb game tapes to be reviewed once he took up the job proper. We'll know soon enough.. a month sayeth Harris
  9. He might want to stay in Zebbyland and experience a winning culture for a bit longer !!!
  10. maybe he ( Riley ) is worried the kids might actually put in an effort and upset that plan !!
  11. depends what he puts out !! You simply dont want him at any cost. Its your prerogative to hold that stance. Its the CEO's job to build an environement ..Yep. he does that by attracting and appointing those best able to serve the greater purpose. Many here happen to feel that Sheeds will bring far more to the club than simply coaching proess. We'll just have to agree to have differing views.
  12. Publicity directly doesnt win anything. what it might do is build a corprorate environment and fincial standing that allows the kind of facilities to enhance the playing assetts we have and help attract those we dont. Past flags indicate an ability. No guarantee granted of future success. But someone who has coached to a premiership is more likely to repeat it that someone who hasnt . Last time I looked essendon were still above us. Theyve also had their poblems. Point taken. You know for a fact somehow that Sheedy is in no one else's sights ??
  13. what sandy does is totally up to sandy:-) we're affiliated only.
  14. We certainly have a strange mentality towards these things at Melbourne. Im really starting to wonder a little if there's anyone left in the football dept with a clue !! Why not play Warnock for Wheats ? as if any outcome really matters. Bring Dunn in for Neeta..is this all just a bit too logical?
  15. We're sort of entirely in the reactive seat !! Dependent to a large degree on the success or otherwise of carlton. I rate them a chance ( normally ) against esendon and if that transpired we could have a reasonable game come rnd 22 if we both go in winless ( relatively ) ....well get the VCR's and personal recorders tuned...coz its going to be...well.. DIFFERENT !! lol no Martha...teams dont tank... what ?? why did Brendon come off near the end? oh he had an important call to take !!
  16. quite ok...:-) It is a dilemma ... it's not even a case of foregoing pick 2 for 3 either as we need Carlton to lose their priority pick too. Only a simpleton really is going to trot out the tired ol' " oh no ..we dont tank...we always play to win " line. This is an abject example of when a stategic retreat was preferrred as ever.. Just need to do it without looking like it. Actually after the appointment of the coach this is the next most serious thing for the remainder of the year in my view. It has great raminifications. Depending on what picks we get for the draft it will influence the whole structure of our trades etc...WELL IT OUGHT TO !! That in turn may colour the nature of who stays and who goes. A lot pivots on that game.
  17. I was simply replying to a part of another post! sheesh!
  18. It still begs a question ...well for me...if unfit...why play ?? Nearly every other player in the team that has serious injury worries...or a niggly that wouldnt go away wihtout longer rest ; has been mothballed to some degree or other. So why hasnt Neeta ??
  19. Heres a very simple question then If not fit why play and perpetuate your injury? you wouldnt would you.. unless...you had serious reservations about playing beyond the year.
  20. please keep in mind these are two quite different methods of play. As a forward. YOU are making the run.. You are initiating, YOU decide when and where to run. As the CHB you are REACTING to anothers positional play and lead. Youre doing this whilst reading the play and flight to estimate best defence. I dont think Neeta is anywhere near quick enough now to do this.. If he plays another year it wil have to be in some sort of forward role
  21. We won't get the spoon ... even if we don't win another game. Couldn't care if we did or didn't. It's all rather moot.
  22. I hate to be the bearer of bad news...aka Reality check. On more than a coule occasions yesterday Neeta gave NO second effort,(sometimes not much of a first!! ) in fact just stood there lamely, not attacking or harrassing the opponent. Now I cant imagine him having no spirit to do so... so I can only deduce he's not 100%. I think we may all need to prepare for an unpalatable announcement come the last game. He will get his 300 ( deservedly ) will become an instant legend ( even more than current ) and what will he have to play on for ? A cup ? not in the next few years , highly unlikely.
  23. the Bluebaggers have Port, Ess the Roos and Us to finish off the year.. They might even beat the Bummers ( again ).Theyd certainly beat us on form at the moment. If they beat say Essendon they may as well beat us. Ratten is doing a reasonable jo with them and I think he would rather win than tank....we dont even have that luxury,we simply couldnt win if we tried at the moment..lol
  24. quite frankly I think he'd be mauled at CHB. Time is marching on...just a reality.
  25. pretty well sums it up. And should some sort of heads of agreement be reached at some point. Why are they going to rush to press. We are only the public. We arent on THE need to know list. As members we would think to be informed at the earliest available and approporiate time and I expect we will. I would like to think all parties are pragmatic.....truly.......Pragmatic !!
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