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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. i watched miller lead 4 or 5 times and each time he had mcguire beaten but due to stupid handballing we eventually turned it over and eventually the forwards gave up and can ward ever hit a target, if he plays next week ill be shattered, he is a 100% dud at AFL level
  2. the cr@p i was forced to watch made me and most members around me furious and i must say that i was ready to murder someone, (must have shown too becasue the saints supporters next to us in the afl members never said a word) by the 15 min mark of the 3rd quarter i was ready to go (as i have a very early flight, im waiting for it now) so a nice 4.30 am get up was already on my mind, by the 2oth min mark i left it felt strange and wrong but i could not watch the cr@p that was on offer, i agree with sam newman, 60 possessions per goal is something i dont want to watch i heard on the radio at 3/4 time ND blasted the players and it made me laugh, now why would he do that? it was his brilliant game plan they were executing, instead he should have appoligized to them then walked to every member and apoligized to us as well the worst thing is the saints didnt even play well the best thing is if we never play that style again we may have a chance but something tells me this year wont be an improvement
  3. the game plan we had last night was the same as neil balmes who correct me if im wrong got sacked over the handball cr@p and replaced by one ND well times up 10 years is too long with nothing to show
  4. was neil balme coaching us tonight? worse game ever, i knew we would play like this with the handball crap and we did, we will not do any good this year if we use this over handballing crap
  5. i like it too, now to hope it will come true
  6. i too have been wondering who gets the advantage, i would have said us in the past but now im not so certain
  7. 60-69 for me, with the midfield getting better we will get better delivery into the big man, and the defenders wont be able to use their hands when the body to body stuff happens and not a lot of full backs will match him for strength
  8. yeah watch him kick a few or even have a few shots and then they will have to reshuffle to put some one on him, we must man up goddard cant have him running around loose
  9. the bizz and brown are emergencies as well as P johnson id like to see bizz or brown in for ward but i reckon brown will come in for bartram
  10. i had just copied ti fromt he official site not a bad team, still dont like ward int he side, i love the centre line of TJ, junior and bate miller should be forward and i think will be
  11. ball and del santo will cop them more than hayes tomorrow night
  12. no hammil nor riewoldt, i dont think rivs will play
  13. yeah i say that to my mates, your not a true supporter until you put your hard earned into the club
  14. riv wont play, nor picket they wont risk a hammy in round 1
  15. i hope he does play well but with the way he has gone im not sure he will lets hope though!
  16. im pretty low key, about a 2/10 but i will be pumped by the time the siren goes
  17. best wishes to the family and friends of him and indeed all those involved
  18. i always read yours and enjoy doing so
  19. half the fade outs have been due to a lack of leadership as neitz has been injured late in the year bruce is a great player who does great things for the club but never has come across to me as great captain material, its one thing to have respect from your teammates but another to be able to scream your head off at them in the middle of a game and make them want to lift and not let you down, chooka has that, bruce doesnt in last years game when bruce cpatained the club he didnt look comfortable, if chooka doesnt get the captaincy next year id rather see neitz or green have it
  20. my wifes sister is having her engagement this sat and wwe were meant to fly up on the friday night to which i said well have a nice flight, we are now flying up on the saturday just like we got married 2 weeks ago to make sure it would clash with the season proper
  21. unhappy about the weather, was going to ride the Vespa to the game so i wouldnt have to take the car bring on the game though, its been a long long time for me, last game i saw was the loss to freo in freo during the season
  22. i think bruce is a fantactic player, i even have 32 on my jumper, but i still dont think he would make the best captain for our club
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