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Everything posted by layzie

  1. So if North don't get a deal done for Logue they are prepared to take him in the pre season draft? The richochet effect means West Coast are next in line and would take Jackson. Not sure how that affects our deal for Jackson but I kind of hope that North's no.1 PSD pick stays open as a threat as long as possible. Every bit counts.
  2. Yeah, have to say it's a strange move from West Coast to begin with.
  3. I do too but gee it would be nice to replace some of the speed lost there.
  4. DId he have another brother Yzier who was a handy forward as well or are they the same person?
  5. I'm not comfortable with the idea of two of our more pacey players walking out the door. I know speed isn't everything but it can't hurt having it.
  6. Who would have thought this would be a messy trade? Forget Jackson not being the the best fit for them in the first place, they have little draft capital to offer, all decent trade bait signed up or going elsewhere and potential cap issues on the horizon. Should have been a sinch 😛
  7. You're right, it is being human and I know I preach club over player all the time but I've never said it's always easy. Some players are the fabric of a football club and their departure but tear that fabric apart. Depsite the football club making ruthless calls at the time that they thought wewre for the benefit of the club, the Shane Woewodin and Junior Mac decisions really haunted me andI felt we lost something that took more time to recover from than other departures. So yeah, it should be club before player but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Character is a big thing at a footy club. 🙁
  8. Sounding like Freo want a second rounder in return along with Jackson which I was hoping to use as part of the Grundy deal. All comes down to how that one works out
  9. That's going to have a ripple effect. Wonder how many clubs will now want to trade up and get their hands on Cadman now.
  10. He'd be the one on-side media guyat Port to leak to for smokescreen prurposes. I buy it
  11. Not going to jump down the guy's throat as I haven't fully read what he said but the 'bump in the road' comment at first glance sits in the same bucket as the 'proud day' comment from Eddie after the Do Better report. This is not a bump, there is full on roadworks on the Westgate bridge and no way round other than diving off into the water and swimming round it. Bumps in the highway are player drink driving incidents or Clarko assaulting a fan. This is not a minor blip in history and hopefully this guy acknowledges it.
  12. Hey hey, whoa whoa, no need for lynching 😛. You're obviously not a fool.
  13. You do have to leave the door open for that stuff I guess. I still get this slight unprofessional feel from him though, it does seem a bit Scully like. Have to feel for North.
  14. That time has screamed by, remember vividly that night. Mark Fine was doing his night show on SEN and was in tears, not even a Melbourne fan. That's the effect that Tulip had on the wider football community.
  15. I call serious BS on the no right of reply thing. That just doesn't wash.
  16. I like Joel Smith but if he's starting in our back 6 we could be in strife
  17. Little bit Hollywood at the moment
  18. But if they are true could you still excuse the behaviour even if it was to win at all costs? There has to be a humanity line somewhere.
  19. Well that's a bit disappointing but that's the nature of the beast.
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