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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Man how good is it to be at finals in the flesh!
  2. Oldest club in the land is back to torment all the Johnny come latelys. Make some noise Dees fans!
  3. Ok DL, note for future dark mode on phone doesn't gain ticket entry.
  4. Alright, I'm here. Thanks for putting up with the rambling.
  5. Ok not long now till frothies and brilliance
  6. So pumped, must get over this bridge.
  7. I'll say. This was such a bad news idea by me taking the bus.
  8. Really need a drink, the bus is agony on a Punt Rd
  9. Yeah I got about 5 fellow Dees on the bus!
  10. Yeah we don't need another calf thread.
  11. I was planning on this as well, I still might during the game but gee I could use a cold one right about now!
  12. Nothing wrong with it at all, just wish I was there already.
  13. At the end of the day Lynch totally bellied the kick.
  14. I'm definitely feeling 80k is happening. It's gonna be great, bring out the Demon in everyone!
  15. That is true. Nothing like a fresh flipper to the face!
  16. It's a good move restricting yourself to the laptop. Lately I've burned through so much battery being on DL when out.
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