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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Smashing it Macca. The streams are good, video quality exceptional. If I can just make one suggestion they need a timeline bar option during live games so you can scrub back a few minutes if you want to see a great goal again but I'm not going to complain too much about a free service! Socceroos brought the fight early but a few defensive errors really cost us. Have to feel for Atkinson going up against the quality of Mbappe for as long as he did. Questionable coaching from Arnold, we let them play with it in our half too much and made the subs far too late.
  2. After 2021 in the men's, this game could be on the moon for all I care. As long as we bring the cup home!
  3. layzie


    Still no idea how the Eagles got it done, Chargers had a decent chance too.
  4. Seems like a bridge slightly too far, would need to be at least top 3. Plenty of twists and turns to go though.
  5. My effort in the 2023 young guns is proof that even the best fail occasionally..
  6. Without peaking I'd have said Bowey.
  7. Not really a fan of giving up 2023 first rounders. Can George realistically fall that low as well?
  8. layzie


    Really not in a work mood this morning, would love to be watching this game today.
  9. The slightest bit more sun makes the bananas that bit more sweeter.
  10. The criticism of Fritta reached fever pitch in the media and I think a few of those experts needed to pull their head in, it was relentless and childish some of the comments being made. However the internal criticism at the time was not totally unfair. That patch through the middle of the season he wasn't seeing anyone in that forward 50. Yes his job is to kick goals, be goal hungry and confident, sometimes at the expense of a slightly better option, but not when a teammate is in literal acres of space in a better position. There's been comments in here that his teammates need to do the team things and shepherd for him etc. Well they were doing the team things by leading into space and creating options. It is still a team sport at the end of the day and our team won a flag playing team first football, if Fritta is given the license to shoot at every opportunity would you as a teammate keep running to space to make options if you knew the ball was never coming your way? Fritta needs to play on instinct and in a 50-50 situation just shoot for goal but if there is a wide open option available he's gotta take it.
  11. Also the Golden crumb award from Schnitz.
  12. I've felt it's a bit unfair to label Trac a garbage kick for goal, his technique isn't the best but more often that not he'll kick a big time goal from a set shot when it's needed.
  13. There's people I know getting excited and wanting to go and I'm really struggling to see the appeal. If you wouldn't normally go to see MFC play interstate, what does another 16 teams in the same city do to boost the appeal? Unless you want to watch 3 live matches in a weekend which you can do easily in Melb anyway. It's a dumb idea and I hope it gets barred to be honest.
  14. There once was a man named Luke Whose departure made us all want to puke The rumours were a distraction He was missing in action If only he was more like Touk.
  15. layzie


    Eagles, Chiefs, Niners
  16. layzie


    Be all that as it may Macca the Pack really has the 'Boys number!
  17. layzie


    This tipping comp is becoming a professional bed sh****ng contest!
  18. Real sad, would have been great if he could have seen one more flag.
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