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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Yeah and that's the thing, we're playing a style that really suits the players we have and they've clearly bought into it. I don't mind it either to be honest. I do think it can be hard for a lot of people who were brought up on AFL or 'scoring' sports to change their mindset when it comes to Soccer so I see that side. For me though I love the beautiful twinkling feet of Messi as much as watching the big strapping Centre Forward like Shearer rise up and head it in from a corner 🙂
  2. layzie


    For sure. I just hold our coach and offensive weapons to higher standards!
  3. I'm just impressed that someone on DL watches enough Adelaide games to know their side!
  4. layzie


    Incredible flip really, up until then I would have sworn we were bottom 6 in second half scoring. I also reserve the right to criticise Kyle Shanahan's coaching no matter how well we're doing 😛
  5. You're right Macca, it wouldn't matter who was in charge of this team. Which is why they should all be very proud. My criticism of Arnie is more in general and his coaching over the journey. When I was younger and playing I liked the philosophy of 'pass and move' football I felt that Australia needed to be teaching kids this from the grass roots level, because of this I'm more of an Ange fan and really like his philosophy. Arnie's approach is quite dour with a strong reliance on a strong central midfield and I feel that there's quite a few coaches in this country like that whereas Ange's teams could do that but with a bit more 'tiki-taka'. The beauty of this sport is there are different ways to play it and I certainly don't hate the dour, sit back and try to nick one on the counter style, especially if it's winning us games!
  6. Sestan seems to know where the goals are, apparently kicked 24 in a game.
  7. We can have the Turner brothers!
  8. Argentina look to be hitting their straps. Messi was brilliant, give him the tiniest amount of space and he'll burn you. Di Maria is another one who seems to have a free role out on the right moving in and out, hard to pick up. Our side deserves a lot of credit though. Not the biggest fan of Arnie but one thing he's a big believer in is the mental side and has obviously put a lot of work into this kind of preparation, our side looks fearless.
  9. I'll take 3% at this point! Second time ever in the round of 16, it's a great feeling!
  10. We've done it! These last two games have really typified what this Soccer's team is about, relentless work rate and working to a plan. Matthew Leckie has been a great contributor for so long and his beautiful goal was reward for his work so far in this tournament. Once we scored that and went to 5 at the back you knew they were ready to bite down and put in a good shift for the rest of the game. It's the World Cup people, anything can happen. Dare to dream!
  11. Definitely not Macca! Caught up on a bunch on mini matches last night. Definitely expect this thread to ramp up come the round of 16. Despite the location and other controversies surrounding this WC, the football played so far has been brilliant I reckon.
  12. The only 'magic' thing about magic round is the magic most of us will need to be there in person.
  13. He'll make Gawn's story look like a picture book! 😛
  14. Seeing a few Lever comparisons here, from the looks of it his one one defending is his main strength with an intercepting flavour. Sounds more like May
  15. Beware Count Tracula and Kozzie. In Thickness and in health.
  16. Well we just drafted a guy from WA. Long live threads like these..
  17. So how did Barnett slide so far? Edit: HS made an error and said pick #53.
  18. Ran out of bananas so no breakfast smoothie this morning. Was not happy to say the least..
  19. There's usually a high number of retirees that are moved on my their club and a number who feel they still have it. It wouldn't be a shock if someone in his position nominated would it?
  20. Yeah both good comparisons. Frame wise he looks a bit like Hipwood.
  21. Oh sorry I meant in terms of coin LH. Draft capital wise they got a very very good deal. Happy for him to have some personal success but yeah no flags.
  22. layzie


    Reckon they might shut him down? Surely he gets back? Although with that line there's more chance of that big hit, gotta protect the merchandise.
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