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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Where does Galileo fit into all this? Also did he invent the telescope?
  2. I was really just talking about the rule itself not the decision. Having said that though I think they made the right call, from all the angles we had available anyway..
  3. layzie


    One of the best rosters around and bam two QBs down. Happy to go with Purdy this week but not sure if it will last the season. Looking at who is available: Cam Newton, Baker Mayfield, maybe 40 y.o Ryan Fitzpatrick if you can pry him away from Amazon. Not real convinced any of them will fit the system.
  4. layzie


    Whenever l'm about to interject and stake my claim for these things I read till the end and you have me covered!
  5. I'll get some handrails put in.
  6. Whenever I get a new smartphone, without fail the screen gets scratched inside the first year of having it. It might be the light in this waiting room but I can clearly see it while trying to read this thread. If anyone has any fixes PM me. It's not a deep scratch but is noticeable.
  7. Haha love it. Fresh air galore!
  8. I think the issue most people had with the social media stuff was when she did it and maybe should have waited for the trade to be completed. Personally I couldn't give a rip about it anymore, at least he's got a nice mum.
  9. Anyone know what his defensive pressure is like?
  10. Bit of a simple one but can be re-worded and molded differently: At this point our list's cycle and with the picks we had would you generally look to draft for specific needs or draft what you believe is the best available player when it is time on the clock?
  11. I wonder if he had the choice to put the foot down and still go to schoolies? I'm just going to pretend he made the decision to miss it and show commitment to us!
  12. Very few players I genuinely wish the best for in other colours but he is one of them. Go Oskar!
  13. If Daisy can get one then I think we all have permission now. They look great, Tayla as well!
  14. Somehow these teams have become my favourite part of the day, as much as I'd hate to admit it. Let's be honest though, that's a team that no team wants to face. Very few holes and a coach you can back to make the right moves when needed. Will they win it again? Maybe. Will they not? Maybe.
  15. Look forward to seeing them take it step by step.
  16. A big thankyou right back Andy and to all the hands that make things happen at Demonland. Make sure you rest up over the Xmas period and be raring to go in 2023 the year of the Dee!
  17. The one thing I really don't want to do when it comes to Clayton Oliver is take his career and his agility for granted. I echo all the sentiments here about him now being one of our very best and want to make sure I appreciated every minute of this greatness. I'm actually thinking every one of us who renews our memberships each year should have to do a test on Oliver's brilliance and quiz us on his stats. We should also have to watch at least 10 mins of constant highlights (The process would be much like getting a learner's driving license) in order to renew our memberships.
  18. The dark side, the filth, the princes of darkness, the beasts from the inner east.
  19. This could genuinely be one of the worst fixtures of all time.
  20. If you think this Bombers list can win the flag, then please send $35 to my bank account..
  21. Great write up @DeeSpencer. There are some big looking units
  22. Thanks so much for your work Gibbo, you came at a time when this area needed a lift and less BS needed to be asked in interviews with our players. All the best with your next step.
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