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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. I'm trying to find the bio stats for the 2008 Hawthorn premiership team. Could be an interesting comparison to us now. Remember, Hawthorn were not expected to win that one and most of the experts believed at the time, they were still at least a couple of years away. BELIEF is the key
  2. Interesting Davis and Hogan both get votes; albeit with Davis getting a higher rating.
  3. Before I comment, I freely admit that I am no AFL playing expert. However, 2 things struck me early in the game on Saturday. JH was double teamed mostly and mauled by the opposition. Davis was into him even before the first bounce - fair enough. But, in the first quarter alone he deserved at least 2 frees in the forward 50. Nope, Sweeney Todd (Razor Ray and his cohorts) would have none of it. Second, it amazed me that there were no crumbers at his feet. Contrast that with the Geelong 'smalls' hovering around Hawkins and Dixon yesterday. To me what mattered most, was when the coach asked for a greater effort in the last quarter, it was Jesse who was one of the ones who put his hand up. That shows something about the "kid".
  4. Showing your age Fence, but I used to love this band. In their heyday they were world class. Used to see them at Ormond Hall opposite Wesley many moons ago. Tim Gaze a very underrated guitar player. The late Harvey James did a fair job in that regard as well. Memories!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Great vision to see Roosy tell the kid he's in. Warms the cockles.
  6. Titus does it again. This bit about Chris Dawes is a p155er
  7. The other thing about Heppell's blaming of the club is that, to all intents and purposes, the EFC would be expecting him to be fully committed, once the suspension is served, for the 2017 season. Just how deep does the resentment go, against the EFC, with currently suspended players of the ilk of Heppell? When you think about it, this is an astonishing admission to be made by such a player, in the public media. If even half the current list of suspended players feel in any way similar to what Heppell stated publicly last night, there is one hell of a black hole confronting the EFC for at least the foreseeable future. It will be a hell of a long way back. ............. if they ever get back.
  8. Even if true and JH has invested in real estate in WA, this really means little. I have an investment property on the Gold Coast, but I aint moving there. No doubt, Jesse will go home at some point and it would be nice if he had a home to move into ............ wouldn't it?
  9. Interesting interview on SEN yesterday afternoon on the Run Home, with sports Lawyer Justin Quill. Quill is of the belief that most players affected by this saga have a very valid negligence claim against Essendon. He went on to say that if he were in Essendon's shoes, he could be going to their insurer to find out the best way to settle. Whether anybody believes these guys are cheats or not, the potential litigation fall out from this is massive. What is not often canvassed throughout this saga - but Quill did yesterday - is the AFL is bending over backwards to help Essendon survive and according to Quill, the AFL are also leaving themselves legally vulnerable. Unfortunately, there is a long way to go, before this sorry mess is over.
  10. Win more games against quality opposition, grow membership and sponsor $ and PJ's business plan will change course relatively quickly. He is simply waiting to get more aces up his sleeve before he goes back to Gil's crowd to negotiate better deals for the MFC. Frankly, at this stage of our evolution I don't care how or where we win, as long as we win more often.
  11. Stuie As the time honoured saying goes, please take a Bex and have good lie down. Seriously, life's too short for this palaver
  12. I think JH is, for obvious reasons, getting more media attention anyway. But I get the sense Ox knew exactly what he was doing, when he made the comments he did. His comments came, knowing that soon after, SEN were going to have a MFC membership day.
  13. Perhaps this is what is known as managing the media. The old axiom of any publicity is good publicity is apt in this case
  14. I think Ox was trying a bit of reverse psychology really. Ox loves JH and only wants the best for him, but Ox, like all of us, wants him to remain at Melbourne.
  15. Loved the Ox. In my mind something of a paradox. While he bled red and blue, he did not quite meet the MFC stereotype. He had a bit of mongrel in him as well. To me, he was the only one to truly fly the flag for the Dees, when that coward's act was perpetrated on Snake Simmonds in the 2000 GF. Loved the way he body slammed Hird.
  16. On top of a win the week before against Port, over in SA. I don't care how we win, just win. Going forward, a win for confidence, it cannot be disputed, is better than any loss.
  17. In the context of a NAB Challenge game and what was clearly not at stake, you as are others, are over egging the omelette.
  18. In the context of a NAB Challenge game and what was clearly not last stake, you as are others, are over egging the omelette.
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