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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. What they are doing this week, by resting Fyfe, Ballantyne, Mundy, Daweson, Johnstone, and Suprr, is player management against a what should be an easy win. BUT, Freo deliberately lost a game to gain an advantage (secure a home final in 2010). That is tanking, regardless of picks.
  2. "Last day of a dismal demon era"... It's not over till the fat lady sings and ASADA is yet to interview Dank.
  3. They withdrew 12 of their best players for no reason and got thumped by 119 points, but magically they could all play the next week and beat Carlton and also play against Hawks in an elimination a couple of weeks later and only lose by a quarter of the original margin. They benefited from deliberately losing a game. In my mind that's tanking.
  4. Carlton's lack of a defence in 2007 against us in the Kreuzer Cup or even when Freo withdrew more than half of their best 22 in 2010 against the Hawks but all magically recovered to smash Carlton the next week when all they had to do was beat either one to get a home final was more blatant.
  5. I've always believed Misson has had one of the most unenviable jobs in sport, behind coaching the dees and the marketing people who have to make cricket look interesting in ads. He said 3 years, its been 2 so I'd like to see his plan play out. Going to be a big preseason for all areas of the club. As rfpc said Misson does have an impressive history.
  6. Listened to Burnside this morning in the car on MMM and felt sick. That sickness quickly turned to extreme anger when Eddie said we "[The MFC] Got off lightly for tanking compared to the Bombers $2.5 million".
  7. They haven't been pulled out of the competition, nor have they had all their points stripped - they have just been stripped of playing finals, meaning they will finish 9th. What a croc.
  8. Accommodation prices drops but food and living costs are still too expensive
  9. I get what you mean about heights but when it comes down to cost, with the price of a Hotham dollar it would be better to go to the States. Plus when it comes to altitude the extra 20% (minimum) and facilitieis makes a difference
  10. I didnt know Keith Richards lived in Australia. Learn something new every day!
  11. The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) was from what I can gather the first on the case. They probably had a number of flags but all you would have to do is just follow the Dank trail from NSW. He is the Dr Ferrari of the NRL/AFL world.
  12. Bit hypocritical coming from a Kate Upton fanboy
  13. "I signed that consent form. My understanding after it being given through Bruce Reid and the club that I was receiving AOD. (I believed) that it was legal at the time and that's what I was told I was being given." Jobe Watson Still find it amazing that one player has admitted to having taken a banned substance yet only the club and the amigos have been charged. Maybe I'm being too impatient... but I've still got the feeling the players are going to get let off. The Storm played a the remainder of their season for no points after their salary cap breach, the AFL should take a page out of the NRL's book and make the EFC play for no points next year than suspending the players - and whilst they're at it, Watson should take a page out of Michael Johnson's and give back his Brownlow. It's a tough stance but at the end of the day he won it during a year where, even he has admitted, he had taken a banned substance.
  14. Wait we play netball? Looks more like who can imitate a training cone half the time :/
  15. How about looking at it from a more holistic approach: A number of players signed consent forms to participate, and did participate, in a performance program where a significant amount of players were given varying banned substances where neither the players nor the administrators of the program can differentiate who where given what banned substances. It's a players responsibility to control what enters their body (something which ASADA expresses in person to every club, and all players, before every season) On that basis if the players who participated in this illegal program cannot verify what entered into their bodies then they have failed at their main responsibility, should be assumed to have to have taken a banned substance and held accountable.
  16. Do you think Brown's time is up? Should he retire?
  17. They are out of control if that is true. What a toxic, self centred, narrow-minded, work place. They have categorically failed at their most important responsibility - employee welfare... and Hird is worried crying that he isn't getting a fair go. Disgusting.
  18. Noticed that aswell this season, but generally no one seems to comment until the line up has been posted because there is nothing really to talk about which the DL post hasnt covered.
  19. Spot on. If they were staring at an alleged $2.5m fine, 12 month suspensions for the Amigos, and loss of draft picks for 2 years god only knows what they will face if they lose their case or decide on a last minute settlement. Big roll of the dice.
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