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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. A classic example of why I and my family haven't and won't be renewing our memberships. Complete and utter drivel. Can someone organize a load of cow manure for training this week I'm happy to chip in $20 How bad are Dunn and Watts? Just Wow. Why doesn't the coach make him accountable? I don't understand having a near 200cm, 96 kg bloke running around on the last line by himself. Can someone explain why you would let that go on for 4 full quarters. That's some really bad coaching right there. What about Frawley? My god is he ordinary now. Then there's Sellar, Pedersen, Gillies, Byrnes, Rodan. That's 8 totally ineffective players and they leave Blease on the bench until the 4th quarter is underway. I am missing something or is that just plain poor coaching. We don't run hard enough, we don't back up our teammates and we have poor skills and make bad decisions. Poor Jesse Hogan. A year at Casey and then part of this.
  2. OUT: I'm never going to a game again whilst Dunn is in the side
  3. The list of spuds 1. Lynden Dunn. I've wanted him gone for 3 years now. He is pathetic and a total liability in the back half. 2. Jack Watts. Talk about burning a first pick. 3. The Coach. For allowing Jack Watts to do nothing for an entire game 4. Sellar, Pedersen, Rodan, Byrnes, Will all be shown the door at years end. Upside. 1. Viney 2. Toumpas 3. Hogan 4. New coach next year 5. New CEO next year
  4. Scully and Trengrove: only Melbourne could waste top picks like that
  5. Moloney and Martin Mediocrity in action
  6. Backing up out team mates Hitting targets Mitch Clark Tackling Chasing Leading Working Running Winning
  7. Just get out of my sight cale before I tell you what I really think
  8. Good news Here's hoping Liam can make a life for himself and at least part of his community
  9. Other players out there for us to get
  10. The Round ! 2012 side B: Joel Macdonald, James Frawley, Clint Bartram HB: Rohan Bail, Jared Rivers, Colin Garland C: Jack Watts, Jack Grimes, Nathan Jones HF: Jack Trengove, Brad Green, Jeremy Howe F: Aaron Davey, Mitchell Clark, Stefan Martin Foll: Mark Jamar, Brent Moloney, James Magner I/C: Matthew Bate, Sam Blease, Jordie McKenzie, Josh Tynan Emg: Lynden Dunn, James Sellar, Thomas Couch New: Mitchell Clark (Brisbane Lions), Josh Tynan (Gippsland Power), James Magner (Sandringham) Those who won't play Round 1 2013 and who may replace them Bartram - Dunn Rivers - Tom McDonald/Gillies Bail - Strauss/Kent Green - Rodan/Jones Martin - Dawes/Pedersen/Sellar Davey - Byrnes/Sylvia Moloney - Viney Magner - Toumpas/Jetta Looking at that not only is it a much stronger side, there's also much better depth with a few of those positions able to be filled by 2 or more new players. Hogan and 2 elite midfielders and we're quite possibly a useful side again.
  11. I argued for this once but have since changed my mind. There is no way in hell the AFL will fund a stadium in Casey. Etihad will be bought by the AFL and [censored] games will be played there. We'll play our [censored] games in Darwin.
  12. There's one thing this club has to do for us before it dies. Win a Premiership Flick Davey, possibly lose Sylvia, although I'd like him to stay and get Prestia or one of the other gun mids playing up north
  13. Wave $650,000 under his nose and he may well end up at the MFC
  14. We need Sylvia to play well and remain a Demon. We are thin enough for talent as it is.
  15. It's the sad reality of where we are at as a Club. Who in their right mind would expose their players to 1 let alone 2 trips in the heat and humidity of Darwin. A poor, third string club like us that's who. We are relying on a good outcome at the equalisation talks or we are wasting our time. The worst thing is is if the Afl fixed the draw we would be able to stand alone. Sadly Carlton. Look like taking games at the G off us. FFS just let us play home games against the Victorian clubs at the G and we would be fine.
  16. That's the most ridiculous post I've ever read. The good games I go to the 15,000 demon supporters easily make as much noise and show their passion and footy smarts compared to the 25,000 opposition fans. You should sit near me. We have a great laugh and thoroughly enjoy the good times, few and far between that they are.
  17. I just find your right wing views funny, if not a little disturbing. To say you don't have an agenda is a bit rich. Your agenda is clear. Make yourself seem smart by taking potshots at teenagers on this site. Now go back to counting your money and investing in coal.
  18. In other words you don't work it out for yourself you think what mummy and daddy tell you to think.
  19. Oh Lord!! spare us the neocon dribble that you'll make it a better world by giving all the governments cash to corrupt organisations/. The American experiment is over, the neocons sent it broke. It ain't coming back and hopefully nor are its policies. conservatives are one eyed, it's one of ther reasons we label them conservative you goose
  20. Don't know contract details. I chose Pedersen to stay over Sellar based on nothing more than a Hunch
  21. No you just expect everyone to make nice little lives for themselves In their ticky tacky houses and can't fathom how or why Jurrah left the MFC or why he was involved in the problems he's been involved in. I'll tell you why. It's because every individual is different and is surrounded by different circumstances. You clearly know nothing of the plight of these communities you think should just get on with things like everyone else. I'm generalising when I call you a middle class white boy not being racist. I can generalise because I can tell by the tone of your posts that I'm pretty spot on with my opinion of you. You're not that smart but think you are. You have a simplistic view of the world gained from a high school education and a seat on a comfy but cheap couch with a gameboy.
  22. If the moderators want to ban me for showing you up as an ignorant middle class white boy then so be it a little I don't argue much on this forum except when people bang on about Liam needing the full weight of the law to fall on his head or other beauties such as good riddance to him. It annoys me that such dimwits our on this site. The smart folks are now calling me racist. .I actually find that level of stupidity quite amusing. I wonder if his tattoo has a spelling error and that's why he's annoyed,
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