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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. You're such a drama Queen. Neeld is working with the worst midfield in the league, a relatively new list of players and one of the youngest squads in the comp. Cut the crap about "losing" the players. Players play for themselves and their mates streets ahead of the coach. Anyone who has played football at any decent level will tell you this. If there are players who are dropping their heads because of the coach they should go the way of our long list of mediocre talent which I have gladly seen moved on by Neeld and Bailey. The team has a solid spine in the making and some more than useful talent. It needs Viney and Toumpas to develop and the inclusion of some A grade mids in this years draft. Stop running around waving your hands in the air yelling abuse and look at the processes being put in place. Proper training facilities Good development coaches with more room for improvement Well funded FD Quality senior guide in Neil Craig A couple more quality draft picks coming up hopefully used correctly. It's not the coach.
  2. To not pick Hogan because of our lack of mids would of been a terrible terrible mistake. We will go after miids this year and thinks will hopefully start to look up.
  3. Had an interesting conversation with a coterie member last night. According to him Neeld has the backing, support and friendship of the players. However he is quite dictatorial and is steadfast in implementing a gameplan he believes will succeed in the long term. The players are struggling with this at times and seem to get caught flat footed during games as they work out where they should be on the ground, in relation to the ball, their man, their teammates and the opposition as a whole. He says the crap about "lost the players" is simply that, crap. Neeld argued with several of the old brigade including a stoush with Davey. All normal stuff when a new coach arrives.He's content in sitting tight as like me believes our total lack of quality midfielders is the main impediment to our success. Maybe like him we should back our coach for a little longer By the way, this guy is a friend of a friend who I met for the first time last night. Seemed a have genuine love of the club and I've no reason to doubt what he said.
  4. Once we arrive as a permanent team it's North's and the Hawks who's sponsorship will dry up. They will leave when we arrive. It'll be part of the deal.
  5. Magner. Why hasn't it already been done? Seems like a total no brainer. I'll be shocked if he is not playing this weekend.
  6. Whats your point? By the way I love the format of your post
  7. WE could become the Hobart Van Demons, keep our playing strip but adjust the red to a map of Tassie, get draft concessions, cash, maybe even a couple of decent midfielders. 12 games at the MCG, 12 in Tasmania. I say go for it. I mean does anyone seriously think that the current incarnation of the club is ever going to win a Premiership. If you do you're seriously dreaming.
  8. If we played 12 games at the MCG and 12 games elsewhere Tasmania would be fine by me. As long as we get the same benefits as the 2 new clubs
  9. One thing I think we're all forgetting is that he's a new coach and will also need to learn the caper. He'll either get better or fall on his sword.
  10. 2 class 22 year old mids 1 crumbing forward 1 elite half back flanker Same coach (because he managed to turn things around this season)
  11. Pity, I was hoping to see how he performed with Dawes in the forward line
  12. I'm not backing Neeld. I'm simply saying Ron Barassi at his best couldn't get our midfield to perform. You may be correct that he has lost the players. I'm going to give him a little longer to show something.I know several Ocean Grove players who hold him in the highest respect and think he was a great coach. That may meen something or nothing. I've jumped the gun on several issues regarding this club over the last few years so i've decided to give Neeld some extra time. Who coaches us if we sack Neeld? Who pays him out? I think the club has to play this very carefully.
  13. We lost by 96 points. The Hawks ran in waves of 3 and 4. We were roundly flogged that day.
  14. There's every chance he'll be gone when Carlton beat us by 150 points at our ground.
  15. Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not Lets all say it together Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not Hinkley as an A grade midfield at his disposal. Neeld does not
  16. You buy a cord. I bought one today. I'm writing this on the TV screen. I'm watching downloaded Game Of Thrones tonight
  17. Moloney is Moloney and not perfect, but as a big bodied clearance player, he is exactly what we need. Simply we are smashed in the centre square. He woudl be our second best mid-fielder. It is rubbish to suggest we are not worse off without him (DOWNHILL SKIER BUT PROBABLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT-CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST TYPED THAT) Pettard: lost his spirit under Neeld.Lost his confidence and ability. Now playing excellent football for Richmond.(BIG CALL) Martin: had a famous blowup with Neeld mid season. He never player seniors again. He is a far better prospect than Pederson, Seller, or Gillies. (AGREED) Rivers: A terrible loss, no one can argue. If he though we were on track he would have stayed. )AGREED) Green: Better than Roden. Why dump Green and then recruit a senior player like Roden. (AGREED) Simply this is part of the reason why we have gone backwards. Out of all of traded recruits only Brynes deserves praise. The rest have given us nothing and far less than the list of Dees that Neeld delt out.
  18. I jokingly derided those for training reports and clearly stated that I read them as well. But you agree with the rest of what I wrote so that's great
  19. We can't sack him now, who will coach us? From all the training reports everything was going well. Hell one Ben Hur was getting very excited. Then reality strikes. It's not Neeld who blew all those top 20 picks, it's not Neeld that has picked the worst midfield in the comp. You do realise that without a functioning midfield a club has little hope in seeing any improvement. Our backs have gone backwards because the opposition waltz the ball past our midfield with so much ease its ridiculous. Lost the playing group? Where did they go? This is the remains of an ordinary group with a core of about 9 quality players, he'll at least get them fit and make them realise its not easy to be the best.
  20. Our midfield would not be helped having Moloney in it. We need some out and out class. Jones and Viney make Moloney useless. Toumpas must become the player we recruited and we need 2 more this draft. I'd say we also need a new coach buit am holding judgement for a little longer. I'm not sure any coach could work with our midfield. Why this hasn't been rectified with our 12 top 20 picks is simply staggering. Ineptitude of magnificent proportions. Cook, Gysberts, Strauss, Maric, Scully, Trengove, Watts. Holy hell
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