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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. They are both soft but at least Watts has talent. By the way BH is right on Watts. He's a dud pick 1 unless he turns it around massively this year. I still hold out some hope.
  2. The bigger clubs can have the Friday and Saturday night timeslots. Just give Melbourne 6 Saturday afternoon games per year against the big clubs and we'd be totally self sustainable. In fact if we were to become successful over a 15 year period we may even have the opportunity to become a big club again.Its not as hard as the big dicks at the top make out. It suits the powerful's agenda's to have weak clubs. It's what gives them power. Absolutely it can. There's oodles of cash and it's far and away the number 1 game in the country.
  3. It still comes back to the fixture. It's plainly not fair and the smaller clubs are being shafted all the while the bigger clubs are starting to complain about paying us. Worse still they're doing it without us. Football as we love it is fast disappearing into an all too familiar corporate shite hole.
  4. So there they sat, without us and talking about how fed up they are feeding us each year. The fact still remains that if you fixed the fixture, each and every club could turn a profit. For instance, give Melbourne Saturday home games against Hawthorn, Richmond, Essendon, Carlton and Collingwood and shift some of their games away from these slots. The fact remains they have enough supporters to watch them play at whatever time the AFL chooses. If you keep shafting the smaller clubs with these fixtures then be prepared to keep bailing them out. Quite frankly Eddie, you can shove a trident right up your a hole. All the smaller clubs are asking for is a level playing field in terms of the fixture. Fix that and you fix the games number 1 problem." Drop the NAB Cup, lengthen the season to 28 or 30 weeks plus finals and make sure every club gets the draw it needs to make money. Oh, and while you're at it reduce the salary cap by $2 million and tell some of these overpaid bogans to go and get a job to pay for their tattoos.
  5. Big call. We're 3 players short of that in my opinion Quality small forward Quality small back Absolute gun midfielder
  6. If he played this season it would make it easier to pay our fine for not tanking!
  7. Finally we have the player we need
  8. The other player who I was excited about on Friday was Watts. If he can play the sweeping role off half back, drift forward and kick a few goals he will be an excellent addition.
  9. Can someone put some footage of his game on youtube
  10. [/ I'd put our back 6 and front 6 ahead of Richmond and North when up and running.Our midfield falls behind and still needs the talent of Swallow or Cot him. Hopefully Toumpas can be that class Personally I don't think Richmond or MFC will play finals this year.
  11. I'm happy with the players he axed. I'll wait Nd see whether I'm happy with the recruits. I've been excited about recruits before!
  12. By the way try this for a new tag lineWe've siphoned all the money to the top 3% we've pretty much farked nature and completely poisoned the oceans in the process. Not to worry we can keep pretending that business as usual is the way to go You are the [censored] round here. Now head back to training and do me a report bitchh
  13. I was having a bit of fun. You're a tad precious. And yes I do read all the reports and I really enjoy them. You need to relax and stop believing in your own self importance. I actually summed up the reports quite well don't you think?
  14. I didn't go, is this what happened Boys ran around yelling, kicking, hand balling and tackling Some group stuff and some full ground match simulation Viney is a gun Toumpas will be a star Hogan is huge Blease better than last year Couldn't see Neeld, Craig in everything Still need skill improvement Energy good Tapscott in rehab group with Gawn Let me know if I missed something
  15. The corporate mantra is one of winning at all costs. If you don't someone else will. Simply change the corporate creed of profit at all costs to one that encompasses several other reasonable factors and change would be swift. Problem is, greedy shareholders want more!
  16. A small dose of compassion for the plight of Liam Jurrah wouldn't hurt. White man has shat on them for 200 odd years. FFS we still celebrate Australia day with no insight to how that makes our indigenous population feel. Bogans Australia wide have tattooed the Southern Cross to their overweight bodies whilst waving the flag as some show of pride. All the while telling asylum seekers to rack off. If I had a choice the flag would be burnt and replaced with something that represented Australia as a whole, not some white, racist, ignorant minority who now yell louder than the rest of us. For those who seriously think he should of publicly thanked us, get a life. We did nothing more or less than any other club or organisation would of done. Not to mention we milked his story for every penny it was worth.
  17. A bit like guys who spend their time writing training reports
  18. Can we have some observations of where people see Rohan Bail fitting in
  19. I'm 6'2" and way 79kg If Barry weighs 78kg then he's got lead in his pants Lucky if he weighed 70
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