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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. A plan is better than no plan...its something that the players can obviously execute as planned repeately so once the coaching staff add a few more set plays for kickins, our success rate to take it end to end will all increase.
  2. Butcher today vs dogs.. 6 kicks, 5 marks for 6 goals.. now thats efficiency
  3. The problem is they can't say what was said. So other players have no idea under the rules what you can and can't say. SO how do they know where the line was. on the radio here in Perth, it was reported by Petterd to the umpire? The ruling they talked about is very broad so almost anything can be included under it.
  4. Had an interesting chat with an ex-bomber player. And we talked about Sheedy. He explained sheedy in one perfect example, a pre-game address. The first 10 minutes was amazing, he said he would have charged a machine gun for Sheedy if asked at that point. He then said the remaining part of the pre-game speech was pure drivel to the point that the player next to him asked, what the hell is Sheedy talking about!! Thats the enigma of Sheedy brillant and inept within a short space of time. But also it was his greatest coaching strength at his peak (long time ago now). Pretty sums it up. As for what he said, I don't care, but I agree it does look like we are going in circle on the footy field at the moment.
  5. yeah 1 read the 3 years as well for Royal. BUt the new coach will have the final say and I would clan the place out if I was him. The only assistant that really impressed me was Wellman and he got pinch!
  6. Spot on..similar to Barrasi when he returned to Melbourne. Not a great record during his tenure but laid the platform for success. WHile we'll never know if Bails had the stuff to go on the way. I agree with Schwarz and others, we need an experienced coach with mongrel to change the culture of the club. Also a clean slate puts a line from the losses we suffered just after daniher.
  7. While Bailey always put the club before himself, he had to go. Best of luck for his future.
  8. I'm a Bailey Support, but today will be the end of him. Yes he doesn't take the field but he preps the players and develops the culture. It will be an interesting week. As for Viney taking over, only if he wants too. It might be smart for him to sit out if he wants the top job, as it could go either way.... But we need a coach to develop some Mongrel..
  9. While Dawes is still developing, the current pies side makes him look better than he is.
  10. No as the main job, but as an assistant or a role developing processes within the club he would be invaluable. Excellent right hand man type of role.
  11. If there is any argument for not going, this article sums it up. Send it to TS http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/sydney-crowds-are-a-giant-problem/story-fn7si05c-1226095541377 Just look at the photo.
  12. what site did you find it on, I have an older version of it.
  13. Never having meet joy, my condolences to all her knew her. Sad for someone to die so young.
  14. I think Gieschen only talked about it because a jorno asked his specially about it after last night, basically Gieschen gave the party line. Looked fine, free kick award anything else is dealt with by the MRP. Nothing article.
  15. Been out of the lop all week, very sad to hear of Sean's passing. He must have been very sick once the media heard to go already...sad time for his family and the MFC.
  16. With the recent offer from the club for a friend child membership, does this count towards our total. If so I'll nominate every kid in my class Though they'll be in WA
  17. Might be handy to provide the context or question for your assignment as each area will have a different angle and I'll be happy to put my two cents in.
  18. Its the public v inside club face. Without being inside the club you don't really know what is going on. When in Public Bailey is all straight bat.
  19. Great news, a bronze statue is going to be erected honouring Norm Smith among others. Long overdue. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/melbourne-premiership-coach-norm-smith-to-be-honoured-with-a-statue-at-the-mcg/story-e6frf9jf-1226071350868
  20. Thanks, didn't know the difference (Don't really care) But the following places have a Hypobaric chamber: Institutions with hypobaric chambers from wikipedia... U.S. Army Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA, University of North Dakota's John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences, Aviation Training Naval Operational Medicine Institute provides operational medical and survival training and consultative services to military forces worldwide. Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus Aircrew training, research, and other uses. Available to the public by appointment. Royal New Zealand Air Force Aviation Medicine Unit Hyperbaric chamber, in contrast to hypobaric chambers, these place subjects under increased atmospheric pressure. I'm sure NZ could do with some money from the pies Anyway who just play whoever they put on the field, it doesn't really matter if the boys play to their potential as a team.
  21. I don't see way they would go all the way to the US for the benefits of altitude when they can sit in a pressure chamber here and get the same benefit? As I don't think they are going for endurance but healing.? Besides he'll have to sit for 15 odd hours in a place each way. Unless there is something in the supposed trip I'm missing.
  22. The question should be, why are you following them around on twitter they are footballers...not the messiah. Maybe Scully dones't like twitter etc and told the boys not to mention him as he likes his privacy. Just cause some people like to share crao about their lives, not everyone does!
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