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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. first gamer on Judd, sure, simple order, go out and make sure he doesn't get the ball. Don't worry about getting it yourself. Its a team game and a role would be great and it's one job so for a first gamer easy to follow. Would most likely give away a few free kicks but at least judd will never be alone and will to contest. Then again we need someone of murphy and gibbs as well.
  2. On the AFL website: http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/114771/default.aspx Not knowing much,but the article indicates on paper we'll have a $6m asset to build on and that the debt will be serviced by the club on current turnover. Until some changes in 2012. Looks a good long term investment.
  3. Eagles are like Dee's of 98, lot of young blokes but the old hands having a good year. We went from wooden spoon to Prelim... Remember WC still have a bunch of premiership players running around.
  4. bumper week, ranked #365 in this weeks DT round (13k odd overall).. wont last though everything went perfect except for cpt Swan...
  5. Looking at those stats, eh would have been a dreamteam star!! Yeah, not the biggest ruckman in his day, remember his contest with "harry" madden. But his value around the ground changed the nature of ruckmen and their role.
  6. At this point in time its a legal product and provide revenue for the club. Personally I barely notice it and I don't gamble, have a hard time spending $2 on the 20c pokies here at the burswood casino. But the amount of gambling advertising is now mad and having it at the footy game should be banned (on scoreboard). If you want to bet go to a tab or log online etc. Even when we are one of the big clubs in Melbourne again, we'll still need the revenue stream IMHO.
  7. RIP Bobby A man for all the people.
  8. Nothing in that article, the journo obviously needed to meet a deadline for weekend money so printed a nothing article. Jimmy is honest and from the article was simply answering a question along the line of "what did you say to scully" and jimmy obviously replied. "just be honest" and that is Jimmy's way, no playing games. Be honest up front and then he know where he stands and know what he has to work with. If scully told him on confidence he was thinking or leaving etc, jimmy would have accepted the answer but also start working to retain him. Since that hasn't happened I believe scully has not a decision to leave and simply doing what he said he was going to do at the start of the season.
  9. maybe trained with the "right" attitude
  10. Yes physical benefits but I think the main benefit is the bonding through trying physical conditions and pushing each other. Basically developing a culture where in the last qtr when exhausted they can push each other to the finish line. Sure similar things can be done at sea level, but thin air has very different effects on people and needs leads to more, effort, concentration and a will to push on. All great attributes.
  11. You were right "the demonwithin" well done on your info, hopefully next time its a good news story. Now hopefully Grimes recovers quickly and to 100% .
  12. No just an interesting observation. If you make such a claim you should be able to back it up with evidence. We'll hear from the club soon.
  13. I always find it interesting that the worst news from an unknown source, comes from members with a low number of posts
  14. this is a nothing thread...
  15. Hey DaveyJones'sLocker In my opinion last night Watts was the best overall player for us for the game. No he didn't get the ball the most etc etc, but when he had opportunity he went and got it. Also as most people are aware the Tv cuts out most of what happens on the ground, and he worked hard to try and give options to other players. Lots of great heads of kicks that went out of bounds or to a beagle player instead of to him as intended etc etc
  16. I have no illusions that they must be shattered, but after a game its too late. As I said...its how the clubs responds, and i don't mean sack the coach, but use the embarrassment as a drive. Maybe the whole team that played should front up to a media conference and explain their shocking effort. The same way Beamer had to about drinking. Take responsibility in a public forum.
  17. Well what can I say...I normally write a nice report on the dinner (didn't make it this year) and be positive. (I apologise now for all typos) I did go to the training run Wednesday night at subi, we looked much better without an opposition. Boys in very positive spirits, night ended with a goal kicking comp. BUT NOT TONIGHT First up i will single out one player that played tonight,,,Jack Watts was our best player tonight and the best I've seen him with his attack on the ball, skills, contested marking, hard running when without the ball to give an option. Which you don't see on TV. As I only see games over here at Subi, i can't comment on games in Vic, but tonight he showed what he will become for us. Can't say much for a lot of his teammates. The Game -- below is from an awful memory so some may be slightly incorrect or blinkered. First up for those that watched it on tv you would not have seen the full horror unfolding before us. The first quarter was something I never seen from an AFL club, it was atrocious, beyond words. Complete lack of skills, my the third side amateur team I coach on the weekend, has better level of skills and decision making than shown in that first quarter I have been a supporter of Bailey, but tonight showed either a total lack of preparation or a team that doesn't play for him, or there is something seriously wrong with the pre-game routine. Honestly if he doesn't fix these problems bloody quick, he will be gone, i haven't seen any post game comments from him at all at this time. I didn't see his qtr time address but I hope he ripped the team a new one, they deserved it, i know on modern performance coaching is be positive, but sometimes a mans ego needs to be checked and insulted and told to pull his finger out. What was missing: Skills - no existent, god knows how may times we kicked directly to a beagle player or out of bounds on the full (a new record I'm guessing) Marking - easily out marked all night Intent - we didn't want the footy Decision making/ball movement/game plan - - one point coming out of defence from a mark, player looks up, 4 dee's sitting loose across half back all alone, not one of them demanding it, the player kicking can't see them, the entire dee support groups can see them, kick up the line to a contest , turnover... - Is it our game plan to handball to the player under pressure, or about to get hammered, don't our players look at the player and think sh&t there is an oppos 5 feet away coming hard...next option. nope,,,and bang, turnover. - why handball to a guy two feet away in a pack..old school kick it clear and reset. (see next point), our guys panic hand ball too much, i know the new rules a 40mtr kick is better than a 5mtr handball, at least its fruther from their goal. Malcolm blight said something once...if you have no one to kick tom kick it as high as you can and byt he time it comes down, a teammate will be there to contest. - we all scream kick-it...for a good reason, quick clearing kick, up to maybe a 1-1 contest, 50-50 chance of success, back your teammate to beat their oppo etc. Today we have no one to receive a kick, so we go in circles, then turnover Even the eagles tonight kept at least 1 player int he attacking half to receive a kick and it showed, an option up the ground. - Maning up, sitting at the ground, there were so many free beagle players, i said to my mate, even before the stoppage cleared, the beagles will go there, there and there then into 50...and they did every time. How can an oppo have three free players constantly available for an easy switch and the run and carry. They are either lazy or its part of the game plan not to match up. When we try to clear, all our players are covered! - Player laziness, easy from the stands, you can see where the ball will go and when I play in my local comp, i can see where the ball will go before it moves, simply by seeing the oppo players move and the movement of the ball around a pack, its not hard and I play for fun not lots of $$$!! But the problem is our players don't push hard to cover men or just ignore them, when they do more, usually once the ball is travelling there, they run half hearted and concede the possession. Even our quick players you know would catch them pull up short and jog while the oppo player still has possession near them runs away and delivers with no pressure. - so it looking at what was happening tonight, why didn't we just go man on man to settle down the first quarter, as we couldn't get the ball so let the beagles take us to the ball and get control back...but we just let them run free. - players don't block for each other to create space around contests including marking, how many times did an beagle player come across in front and take the ball. - Our players should be taught to lead at the player kicking to them and not away..This is a bailey mistake of having no one in the forward half, guys are alway have to run with the flight of the ball to get space, bloody hard to mark that way. -Ruck - smashed all night from where I was sitting. clearance needs a lot of work. IN summing up...for the love of god, footy is a simple game, 18 blokes each on the field, beat your man and give it to a team mate to his advantage. To beat your man you need to be on him, not 30/40m away chasing an easy kick. Coaches make games look hard trying to get an edge, its not hard, beat one man at a time. I'm sure everyone can add to the list. Coaching: While I won't throw my membership away, pointless, however i'm very interested in how our club is going to respond. I think Bailey does not have the assistants he needs, and wellman was a huge loss to us this year, the club should have made him honour his contract. I think Royal is a hack and should have stayed away a return to a failed past. All good coaches put an element of themselves into the teams they coach...none of the coaches have done that and none i believe have that hard grunt we need except for Viney from their playing days. Even West while a great player was a polished player, not a fighting type of player... interesting enough most successful coaches come form the backl ine of teams in their playing days. A very different attitude is developed in that part of the field over a career as you cope it when the rest of the side plays poor.
  18. After today's result, going back on how we only won by 90 points. The Sun's are improving each week as they should. But unlike Port today, when the suns came at us, we held and powered away...a week later they overrun Port at home at a ground we rarely win at. I thank Port for two things instead of one: 1) Being the first side to lose to Sun, imagine if it had been us? 2) to erasing our record for the GF losing margin.
  19. you'll need the saints to play some attractive footy first Blockbusters are made, ANZAC is a perfect example, mainly due to marketing and amazing results in the early games which grabbed peoples attentions. They also need to be between clubs that draw a good crowd. Once on sing I believe we draw a good crowd, so we just need an opponent. North's problem is they won't draw a crowd and you'll have an empty stadium. As for Good Friday, I personally prefer it the way it is now.
  20. To stop the curse from spreading I nominate myself as the future captain for life. So any future captains mentioned here must nominate me, that should solve any problems.... But seriously, many player have great leadership in different forms, the skill is taking on that weight and still play good footy. As Green on the TV at half time, is impression on how a captain should be on the field is/was affecting his game play. There is the real skill in it.
  21. All the best for Mr Ward...its great to see he was a good support network around him.
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