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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Could you be a little more succint next time.
  2. Fantastic. I loved it . He is my favourite Demon. Finally someone to get really excited about in the red and blue again.
  3. Redleg


    The club is a strong and powerful club, the current premier, but it had a horrible weekend. I am sure that those rational members of the club would be ashamed of last weekend and accept that it has tarnished Hawthorn in the eyes of the football world. I would imagine that a few members of their Board would be taking steps to ensure no repeat performance. PS. I would cop their membership numbers, financial position and recent premiership.
  4. Redleg


    Must say I started to feel sad as I left the game thinking no more Wheels, Robbo and Wheats. They have been part of our lives for quite a while. They were not only good footballers but nice guys as well and only too happy to have a chat. It is a lesson to all footballers, that your time in the game is short and to give it everything and treat every game as your last, because it could be.
  5. Dons not challenging penalties.
  6. I was saying what they would probably want.
  7. They would probably want either Grimes or Morton and pick 18. There was some talk they were interested in Miller and Valenti. I am not advocating trading Jones, but Jones, Miller and Valenti and maybe a swap of late picks could get the deal done. I personally think Jones has improved a lot this year and is a much better player than previously. He is getting his disposal off and kicking the occasional goal. If you did the deal you would want to be sure that the player you drafted was better than Jones.
  8. He is now a valuable member of the team and on his day can be a matchwinner. Enough said.
  9. "Winning again in 2010". Or a cheeky one "trying again in 2010". Finals heaven in 2011.
  10. Wow, 86 replies and over 2000 views in less than 24 hours, that tells you how popular this bloke is with Melbourne fans. On a side issue it gives the lie to chasing overseas players when there are so many more to find in Oz. I wonder how many AFL quality players are running around in country and metropolitan leagues who never nominated for the draft but are still young enough to have careers in the AFL.
  11. As with a few others, he will keep getting better when surrounded by better players.
  12. Spoke to a bloke at a function tonight and he said that the Pies and us were the leading contenders for Sandilands. He also said that Melbourne would not give up pick 2 for him. This bloke has managed players in the past. Not sure if I would have a 27 year old ruckman as a priority for our list given where it is at.
  13. Perhaps you would be so kind as to pass on to Liam how much the Melbourne supporters care for him and that we are truly excited he is one of us. We look forward to sharing his football success with the Dees.
  14. I hate when people label players but I can't help it, I think this kid is going to be very special. I love watching him play. He is going to bring people to the game to see him play and hopefully draw more members for us. He will fill the highlights videos and bring real excitement back to the game. I can't wait to see him let loose in the forward line for a whole game with other good players around him. Scully to Jurrah, goal. We are in for exciting times.
  15. Thanks Lions for your win. No home final for you know who. Will be barracking for the Lions next week.
  16. Interesting comment made by Cambell Brown on MMM after the game. Called Lloyd a sniper and a dog.
  17. That's the thing I noticed when seeing him play live. He always seems to get the ball off and in that respect only, reminds me of Diesel Williams.
  18. Good post Pringle. However, even with all of the money that Collingwood has, it still gets down to luck with many of our injured players. Breaking your leg in the schoolyard like Blease or breaking bones in games can't be helped by the money, it is just plain bad luck. Hopefully in the future ours will get better.
  19. Don't want to ruin your colorful post with the facts but Dipper bumped Flower in the shoulder with his shoulder and Robbie's popped. Robbie and everyone who saw it will tell you it was absolutely legal. Robbie will also tell you that in his prime he would have avoided the bump and that he felt it was a sign to him that his best was over and he retired after that game.
  20. All the very best. You are a brave boy to share this and I hope things improve for you and that the Dees have success that you can share in soon. I hope you keep your spirits up and know that many of us here will be thinking of you and hoping that there is always hope for these types of things and that cures and new treatments are being found.
  21. Trengove is looking more and more like an elite midfielder of the future and with Scully could form the basis of a potent midfield. I can't see us passing this up as elite midfielders are the engine room of a successful team. Key forwards can be found later in the draft as they often take some time to develop and are not always the ones firing at TAC cup level. I think pick 18 will give us a shot at a fair chance for a key forward. Also the PSD pick may provide one either by trading or getting one to stand out from another club.
  22. Forget all of the legalities and technicalities, it is a joke.
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