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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. As Sergeant Schultz in Hogan's Heroes would say, " I know nothing". If I did know something confidential, I certainly wouldn't post it. He would be a nice pick up though.
  2. I would be very happy if number 13 walked out on his club and came to us via the PSD or for a reduced trade because of our "hopefully" first pick in the PSD.
  3. Saints have two good forwards and probably no room in the cap. Pies will probably not want anyone who can interfere with club discipline. Dogs would appear to be a nice fit for a year or two.
  4. Congrats and hopefully Phoebe will see them back in the finals before too long.
  5. Not sure how many Wheaters has played since his return from injury but his disposal today was dreadful. He has been a good player for us and hopefully can get back to some good form. If he doesn't you may be right. Bell"s disposal is atrocious. I have given up on him.
  6. Correct. People should not over analyse the statement. What he was presumably simply saying is that he has not seen anything brilliant from Watts "so far" that illustrates his draft position, that is not to say that he doesn't believe in time he will become a good or even better player.
  7. It amazes me that so many can't see the forest for the trees. If we just look at the Hawks and Blues of a few years ago who everybody would thrash and look at them today. It obviously takes time at the bottom with several draft picks to rebuild. We are doing that and will rise again with a strong list. How in hell can you expect a young Watts etc to make the difference in his first year as a skinny kid. I know this is probably wasted on those who just want to win a couple of games now and bugger the future, but be patient the Demons will rise again and hopefully stay up there for a long time.
  8. Or stood on their faces as he did and got half a season.
  9. Ran back under the ball to take a mark and was involved in a heavy collision. This is the same bloke who broke his jaw earlier this year. His courage is sensational and has been for most of his career. There is nothing more inspirational on a footy field than putting your body on the line for the team. He does it often. He is the best player in the side in my opinion and should be the captain.
  10. Unless I have misread something, it is not about trading but rather who they will take. They can take one uncontracted player from each club if that player is willing to go and other than getting the player to sign a new contract there is absolutely nothing the club can do. Compensation will be given to the club losing the player by the AFL under a formula which value the compensation pick in a later draft. Conclusion, sign every player we want to keep and hope GC17 take a player we are happy to lose and then further hope we get a good compensation pick. As far as us trading for one of their early 2010 draft picks well that is another matter.
  11. Discussed this with the Mrs. the last few games. On the ground level in the open in the AFL you can't hear the songs at all. Makes the team entry onto the ground rather flat.
  12. Ignoring the specifics those are the sort of deals that are more likely to occur this year than the last few years. Getting a player and dropping a few spots on the order may be seen as good sense in an ordinary draft year.
  13. You are joking. Just got home from the game. He and Bate stood out for their atrocious games. Maric would be devastated with his performance today. Every one of his few possessions except one went straight to a Cats player. I had him down for 4 Cats goals. Hopefully it was just a bad game for him.
  14. I don't think he got much ground time today as every time they showed our bench he was sitting on it. I was looking forward to seeing him today and it was very disappointing as I know he is a class act. The kid who really made me sit up and take notice was McKenzie. I thought he was great all game and kept driving us forward and creating play. If he keeps playing like that he is a real chance to get uplifted at some stage. I was also very impressed with McNamara and if he is given time he could be another real improver.
  15. I wrote Juice off last week. To my mind he is mentally not up to it. However he played a good game today and if he can string some more together for Casey maybe he can turn the corner. Maybe he is the type of player that if played as the number 3 or 4 key forward he could be ok. He will put on weight as he gets older and with Watts and maybe a player like Butcher in the forward line he could be of value. He will need to improve his accuracy if he is to be an AFL forward.
  16. Agreed. Even more so as it is a club record.
  17. As I posted somewhere I was nearly moved to boo Newton.
  18. Was thinking the same thing on the way home. We were awful for a lot of the game yet but for the miss of two simple close in shots and a couple of others could nearly have won the game. That wouldn't have happened last year. We have now got a good backline. Time to rebuild other areas.
  19. I was nearly moved to boo Juice Newton.
  20. 30000 now a certainty. Well done to all involved. Neil Mitchell rung by Colin Sylvia off air to join membership. Neil said Colin didn't know who he was nor did he know what 3AW was when he told him. They had an interesting chat. Neil said to Colin to tune in next morning and he would hear him interview the Prime Minister. Colin asked how John Howard was and then said oh no its that other guy. My points are that a lot of footballers are not too bright and we should cut them some slack some of the time and that it is good to see the boys helping with membership sales. PS. On a footy show the boys were shown singing the club song after the win and I have never seen our team sing so enthusiastically after a home and away win. If anyone doubts what winning means to players have a look at that vision.
  21. And only one behind those "certain finalists" the Carltankers.
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