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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. That will come when we are financially sound, with a great training base and regularly in the finals.
  2. Disagree if Fev leaves he may still be a chance to scum in PSD for nothing.
  3. That's what I was thinking. You can see it playing out, Fev to Swans, Hall to Dogs, Everitt to scum plus a pick from Swans to scum.
  4. Third bloke to say it in a day, Tom, Flash and Lewis Jetta. Now that is positive publicity. The icing on the cake would be the signing of a player being chased by other clubs.
  5. I would look to return the favour. See if they have anyone we would like who could be available and if unsuccessful drive the price up.
  6. Don't waste your time thinking about it, all new players drafted are on 2 year contracts minimum.
  7. But what would look good is Davey staying for less money with us and stating that he loves the Dees. Then us signing another player being chased by several clubs. That would look good.
  8. If he is on the table then someone will offer him more on the basis that the WB contract is terminated or varied.
  9. Money does talk. His manager is the brother of our Captain. If that is the offer and Flash wants us to match it or he walks, then he is gone. I agree pick 10 and a young player would be required to deal for our B&F winner and a player capable of getting an offer like that. I would also remind Essendon in no uncertain terms if a fair deal was not done that the wheel turns and I would start turning it.
  10. He has probably been offered an assistant job at an AFL club, maybe North.
  11. If it was another club's B&F and they had first pick in the PSD, what sort of deal would they drive? A poster on Ology says Flash is away and an announcement will be made on his return that he is to stay a Demon. We will see. PS. Whatever happens I would try and find a part time role for Wheels at the club as he would be well respected by the indigenous boys on the list and those we are looking at in the future. He would make a fine mentor for them.
  12. I agree, I would love Flash to stay but if he is determined to go I would insist on their first round pick, a swap of later picks and Lovett, who is also an indigenous player and a pacy goalkicker. Flash if he wins the B&F could be argued on that basis to be our best player and heavy compensation will be needed. Lovett would ease any tension from the "boys" and if he puts his head down could be a good player for us. He would know this is his last chance in the AFL. Flash had a good year this year and will win the B&F but his previous two years were not great.
  13. Fevola will still be playing for Carlscum next year as they don't have the guts to act. They will make a big song and dance about how he is under strict probation etc, he will probably agree to abstain for the length of his contract and attend AA meetings but he will still be at Visy park.
  14. Surely Scully can be measured for his MFC jumper somewhere else.
  15. If you are interested in him it might be a good idea to spell his name correctly.
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