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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Watched Matthew Bate pretty closely last week and last few games and I believe he will be a fantastic player for us in the future. He is tall and quick, has a long and accurate kick, is prepared to run all day and while capable of the odd fumble has pretty good hands in the marking area. When our full side is up and going and he is played as a roaming half forward he will become an extremely dangerous player for the opposition to cover. I look forward to him becoming one of our main men in the coming years.
  2. Spot on. More so than in other years, I feel that trade week will be a big factor in who is delisted. We may trade a couple of players, thereby opening up positions on the list. If not there will be some unlucky players who are delisted.
  3. Being just a little more optimistic we might even end up with 3 picks inside the top "18" this year.
  4. Back it in, we will use pick 1 in the PSD if we have it.
  5. The Parma in Kings Way is apparently the best parma in Melbourne.
  6. Not sure how that works but surely you would gain another rookie spot.
  7. I have spoken to Junior's brother Anthony several times and have found him to be a knowledgeable, articulate and impressive person and I am sure Junior would seek his counsel before making any decision on retiring. That said however, it still may require the decision of the football department rather than the player. Many players would see themselves as offering value for another year to their club whereas the club may see it differently. Anyway I am sure the best result will be achieved for all parties. Whenever Junior retires he can look back at his footy career knowing he gave it his all.
  8. More importantly could use the spot on the list to draft a young player. Junior has been a great servant of the MFC and has given his all, but if as hoped we draft you know who and his S.A. mate then there really is no place for Junior. I think he is or will be 33 and while he is still getting possessions he is not the future of the MFC. He has had a great career and should take the opportunity of retiring on a high while he is still playing reasonable footy. I would much rather see him retire than delist a youngster who still may make it if given another season.
  9. I wish all of the boys leaving thanks and good luck for the future. As far as Robbo is concerned, if he has in fact been told that another club will take him, he needs to give that a lot of thought.He will have an income for one year at most and a chance to play some more games and maybe some finals. Against that is the fact that as a short key forward with no pace and few defensive skills at an age of 32 he will be the first to be dropped if his form is not great. He will no longer be a one team player and may go out on a real low struggling in the VFL. When Doug Hawkins played for the Lions for one year I think he harmed his reputation as a Bulldog no end. The same can be said for Brereton and others. His appeal to the media would be more as a retired Demon now than a retired second club player of a few games mid season.
  10. If true I wish Paul all the best in his life after footy and thank him for his contribution to the MFC. To those on this site happy to trash any MFC player who was not as good as Robbie Flower, shame on you. Not everyone can be a champion and to those who don't realize that, have a look in the mirror and see if you see a champion looking back. The boys on our list do their best and if they are not good enough they will be moved on, they don't deserve to be trashed. I look forward to the time when we can all just say thank you for the effort and good luck in the future.
  11. The game where I lost respect for Michael Long as a footballer.
  12. I note the Players association also see it as heavy handed. Every other footballer found guilty had part of their penalty suspended and it usually involved greater amounts of betting. I also note that this is the same amount players are fined if they drink and drive and assault people. I would have thought these matters are far more serious than a small bet and especially when the player volunteered the offence as well.
  13. Maybe I am missing something but if he placed a bet for someone else and was to be repaid for the bet then all he has done is allow his account to be used. He would not have been betting, he was the agent of another. Given that and volunteering the information, the fine was pretty severe in my opinion.
  14. If as someone posted earlier Hale is contracted, then my post on taking him in the PSD is incorrect, he would gave to be traded. If he could be traded for reasonable consideration then you would consider it.
  15. If we finish bottom as seems likely we get first pick in the PSD. Given that I wouldn't be using pick 18 on Hale who can't get into the North side. If interested we should be able to offer a lower pick and a player under the threat of taking him for nothing if he is uncontracted and willing to cross to us.
  16. At the risk of getting howled down I am concerned at Dangerfield's body shape. He looks heavy and dumpy and could struggle for pace in a few years. I also am not convinced he will be a better player than say Trengove.
  17. Unless one of PJ and Robbo were injured today it sounds like one late withdrawal tomorrow and one of them in and the other emergency. I don't think Hughes is qualified to play unless he is capable of being uplifted to the senior list. McKenzie was uplifted a couple of weeks ago.
  18. Yes, after living and breathing the MFC all of my life and waiting 45 years to see a Dees premiership, I can see myself at a Grand Final in the future watching the Dees playing their guts out for that flag, thinking oh a flag won't mean anything to me or my family, because we might have tanked a couple of games back in 09. Then I will notice a few pigs flying across the MCG.
  19. You are clearly correct that player 2-6 could be better than Scully, if he is 1, as it is with every draft. You are also correct that two of the top 6 players is better than just pick 1. However at the moment those of us that are not as familiar with the players available are being led to believe that Scully could be the next Judd and therefore we are all salivating at the prospect of getting him and another possible future star to add to our young and exciting list.
  20. I find it interesting in this talk of tanking which clearly is the flavour of the moment, that we have not discussed what Caroline Wilson said on footy classified this week about Hawthorn. She said they should declare their finals chances over and prepare for next year by resting players and having operations now and trying out new players. They should not go all out to win. Am I missing something. Isn't she advocating tanking? Or is it only tanking when it is done by a side that is at the bottom of the ladder which has won 11 games in 3 years and needs help which is clearly provided for in the rules of the competition? I would respectfully suggest that the media may be seen as more honest if they attacked the inequity of the draw which is cheating of the highest level or are they too scared of the AFL to deal honestly with that topic. PS. Mick and Eddie can also tell us how disadvantaged the Pies are playing 18 games each year in Victoria and not having to go and lose every year at Skilled stadium. Give me a break !!!!!!!!!!
  21. Well written Oracle. You should be in the mainstream print media as your articles are better than most in there.
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