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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. Good call i reckon Striker475. Beg, borrow, steal - whatever it takes to get Jr back. Might need to get rid of Connolly first?
  2. Tricky


    Agree with all of this
  3. It sure looks like chaos. Removing the idea of an overly complex "game plan" from the equation for a minute, I am bewildered as to why the really obvious things don't get adjusted during a game. (EG Man up, Tell Jamar to adjust his trajectory after the umteenth smashing etc etc). Are the directives coming from the coaches? Is it a communication problem? Are the players rebelling? FFS WTF is going on?
  4. I hope they go on a week long bender. Let's face it, they would play far better [censored].
  5. Poor analogy - not nearly the same thing. I count more than 2 games for starters... I don't blame Neeld for being in the position he is in but it is what it is.
  6. I defended Neeld in the early stages last year but he has lost me. I think he's been proven out of his depth and the only questions left are who will replace him and when. What a mess.
  7. I am close to someone who has been championing this for a long time also. Kudos to those that called it, and Neeld for having the initiative to try it. From Emma Quale's article in the age: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/desperate-dees-find-will-to-win-20120602-1zpew.html I'm actually surprised it fell into place that way, and would have expected it to have been dismissed earlier through the "too valuable down back" argument.
  8. F'n cold here. C'mon Dee's keep me here till final siren.
  9. Hey Mac7, Clark has no "e". Spread it around.
  10. Calm down Rusty.......we get it, you just posted the stats - no need for knickers & knots. I stand by my comment regarding the stats, however that doesn't make you responsible for the original # of games comparison - happy with that clarification? I'm sure those who were paying attention didn't think any less of you
  11. Well said. Comparing number of games is a frivolous exercise - it's the quality of the experienced players that counts. This season is proving to be a genuine reality check for the MFC.
  12. Petterd may well be too - we have sure seen some potential. I was hoping this would be a "break out season" for RP but I think you make a good point re: JH. I'm happy the bar has been raised.
  13. I don't think it's relevant. According to Neeld's presser today Jurrah didn't feel fit enough (Edit: this week) - was buggered after each of his 2 "light" sessions. Neeld wanted him to play Casey but LJ didn't feel up to it. As others have said, the up coming court date is simply where he pleads "not guilty" (presumably he's sticking with that) - so things are then deferred. I can't wait to see him fit and back in the side.
  14. Not much in it, just good hard footy and some bad luck.
  15. What Jones lacks in natural ability, he makes up for with courage, work ethic and leadership. Of all the things we need from the group right now I would choose those particular traits - so identifying Jones as a problem of any significance currently is way off the mark.
  16. For me Aaron is "icing". Of little value to our half-baked cake. (probably an understatement) I'd love to see him re-invent himself but I can't see it happening.
  17. A bit simplistic. This is the same club that gave us 186, 6 rounds ago. We were already insipid.
  18. I can think of an F word to fit in there.
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